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Sleep: A mindless habit.
Rest: A healthy dwelling.
You gently close your eyes,
Let the blackness envelop your sight.
Your body melts into an ocean of fabric,
Your face buries itself into an overstuffed pillow,
Your arms and legs spread out
like an awkward bird in flight.

But then a miracle occurs;
Your hidden mind: The heart of your head
bursts to life in a display of
fireworks, festivities, and friendships,
Creating a paradise in front of your eyes.
Your dreams have awoken, and they call to you.
Only one question remains:
Will you follow them?
*Taking a short break from the series.  Figured I'd try and get some sleep and then this came to me.  Not sleeping yet apparently.

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Darwin
 Apr 2016 Zack Phillips
We are far from death
Until we take our first breath

Born to be alone
You were never made to have a home
Struggling on the streets
It's like your breathing in foam

With a bullet to your mind
You never got the time to cry
I wasn't even there to hear you say goodbye

Blood seeping from your head
My dearest brother its time to go to bed

Close your eyes
I'll see you soon
And when I think of you
I'll know to look at the moon
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips
•i've depleted my font,
my creative well•for each
day passed, with a story to tell
•staining white and barren land-
scapes•by sculpting my words into
myriad shapes•from factory fumes to
a wedding ring•an ominous tombstone
to a flash of lightning•an hourglass to track
elapsing time•the untold story behind a loved

                   nursery rhyme•            |  
                   with this i conc-             |  
                lude my 30 day run          o  
•it's been quite a stretch but
all in good fun•rest assured that
more will come when the time is
right•for now i'll turn off my
bedside lamp and bid
you all a goodnight•

Concrete Poem 30 of 30

Thank you so much for your continued love and support! If you have missed any of the entries, click on the "30daysofconcrete" hashtag below to view them all. Thanks again!!!
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips
*    |                                       |                                              |
    |                                       |                                              |
    |                                       |                                              |
     |                                    •arches                                      |  
   |                                 up top bef-                                   |
   |                               ore tapering                                   |
   |                                   down to                                      |
   |                   ­                    the                                           |
    |                                         ­                                            ooo
       |                   ooo    bottom•a sym-      ooooo         ooo    o
   |              oooo    bol that holds my en-     oooo      ooo
|       oooo        tirety for ransom•a hos-      oooooo  
|   ooo              tage situation that made          ooo    
ooo                   me so willing•truss me                      
  ooo              up, bound...  i am not                      
oo            fighting•call this in-              
          oo            sensibility... name                         
ooo                  this foolery•i am                   
   ... but a branch
dangling off
|                           a  tree•                            |  
|                call                           thus            |  
|           me   an                        i   am           |  
|          idiot... la-                 the doll,          |    
|            bel  me a              from  oth-         |    
|            nitwit•for          ers, set far          |    
|                i only                    apart•           |    
|     have my                             i am the     |    
| strings...                                      marione-    
i am but                                             tte who's
a limp                                                        after
pup-                                              your
    ­ pet•                                         heart•
By far the toughest concrete poem I have ever attempted!

Concrete Poem 29 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips
•a long time
ago in a galaxy far away
•the saga continues with fancy
new droids•characters in outland-
ish costumes put on display•impo-
ssible new crafts that  dart and slice
through vacuumed voids•armed to
■■■■   the teeth with impressive weapons•   ■■■■
■■■■■   spectacular battles between gargan-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   tuan cruisers• never ending fight b-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   etween opposing factions•where d-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   ark and light wield fantastic sabers•   ■■■■■
■■■■■   oh i love it... i love it!  the day draws   ■■■■■
■■■■■   near • where my childhood pangs...   ■■■■■
■■■■■   would begin to smart•in a week, the   ■■■■■
■■■■■   long anticipated day would be here•
■■■■■   where the sith in my veins meets the   ■■■■■
■■■■■                     jedi in my heart•                     ■■■■■
■■■■■                                                      ­                  ■■■■■
■■■■■■                                   ­                                  ■■■■■■
■■■■■■■                                                                   ■■■■■■■
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII             ­                                             IIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Concrete Poem 28 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips
•i found truth
in a saying i read•that we
start dying the day we were born
•not from life inflicted wounds from
which we've bled•not from illness or
disease that would have us torn •we
only live and breathe upon borrowed
sand•because we age; because we are
but mortal•it's only up to ourselves to
be mediocre or grand• what we'll be at
the end is consequential• it'll matter not
if we won popularity polls• or what riches
over which we covet and fuss•when asked, "for
whom does the bell toll?"
•look in the mirror for it tolls

                                          ­    for no one...
                                                          ­            but for us
Concrete Poem 26 of 30

Inspired by Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls".

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips
• p-                                                                
eople do                                                              
not see past                                                               
her   makeover•                                                               
•only  traded snea-                                                               
kers for heels beyond                                                             
her years• starkness of                                                         
change, her  before and                                                   
•••after•only constants                                                 
•••are her darkness and                                             
•••••fears•happily ever                                          
•••      after is a dream so                                     
•••         far•when sickness                                  
•••          consumed her caregi-                           
   •••           vers old•hides these away                    
  •••              as she approaches the stationary      
        •••                  car •  only her stilettos know... of her
         •••                     ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
      •••                       ••••••••••••••••••••••••

*story untold•
Concrete Poem 27 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips
 Dec 2015 Zack Phillips

against the
canvas of night
•your efforts would
reach but it's just too far•you twinkle the hardest...despite•
being crowded by the other stars•at times i see you
faltering dim•you fight to conserve what
fuel you've left to burn•as you
feel the encroaching void from uni-
verse's rim•keep    twinkling for only
time...will                                  tell what's
left t-                                                  o learn•
•                                                         ­               •

You're all stars in my eyes...

Concrete Poem 25 of 30

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