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Z Atari Apr 2015
I've that pendulum swing in my brain
occasionally it's difficult to ascertain
the here the now the then the there
can't even find the nouns
person place or thing
My tongues the red carpet to the Wonka factory
Words too old to be somersaulting around
Not even walking straight in my own home
Losing a sense of direction in a matter of seconds
How have I ever managed anything
Trying to impress everyone that passes by
Is it affable or is my existence just so laughable?
Z Atari Apr 2015
I've that pendulum swing in my brain
occasionally it's difficult to ascertain
the here the now the then the there
can't even find the nouns
person place or thing
My tongues the red carpet to the Wonka factory
Words too old to be somersaulting around
Not even walking straight in my own home
Losing a sense of direction in a matter of seconds
How have I ever managed anything
Trying to impress everyone that passes by
Is it affable or is my existence just so laughable?
Z Atari Jan 2015
Beauty is power
The words we teach our girls
whipped mousse over the freckles along your temples
will get you respect
the zit under your chin
will make you somebody to avoid for a month
The rouge on your cheeks
will make people think they've made you laugh each time you smile
Taken more seriously under anonymity on cyberspace
than to that same person talking to your face
As the standards grow higher
The modified faces and bodies of revlon and maybeline
become tall tales in every sense
The waistline is taken in to better display the shellac of that manicure
why of course!
as more and more voices go hoarse
from taking out meals before
in fear of a body to abhor
when beauty is power
and its concepts changing
is it only to keep us from misbehaving>
Z Atari Sep 2014
As the summer fades to grey
I want you to love me.
To be the fresh water after you brush your teeth each morning
The doormat to welcome you home
The watering can to help you grow.
Me, say it one time and it is self fulfilling
Say it again and again and the meanings near lost
Add you. You and me. Me and you
Until the day we fray like an old straw hat  
Those words hold hands as I do you.
I was a big tin bowl with a lot to hold waiting for the tink of a penny
one came down as we became friends
And one hundred more as we evolved to lovers.
How I wish I could expand to hold all of the change youve brought into my life.
Maybe I will
One year later
Z Atari Aug 2014
I could melt your frozen freckled cheeks between my warm hands
The streamers of copper hair I find sometimes become tendons to the marionette I still am
Desperately flailing
where all the previous strings have been lay scabs
Z Atari Jul 2014
Down the rabbit hole I go
Trademarked by Acme and the warnerbrothers
I put it there myself to see where it would take me
Thrown down in the middle of dinner parties
Slapped on to a stranger's windshield
Pulling it out it feels rubbery and flimsy
The only way I've ever known my reality to be
Walking on the other side of the sidewalk
In an attempt to avoid the pianos that might fall on my head
****** features exaggerated with expressions of valor or dismay
Hearts surrounding the dogs sniffing each other
Can they see it too?
Sometimes the forget me nots blow kisses as if everyone are their lovers
their little blue pedals waving or curling in and out from the garden
mom's a little clumsy and there's always at least a single star spinning above her head
It's always been this way
A spoonful of sugar was never enough to make the medicine go down
Z Atari Jul 2014
There's nobody anymore
That I can make plans to live with someday
Because we're just so close.
To make that phone light up at the witching hour
just to say hey, i had a good day
how about you
how about me
mascara running down and leaking in through my lips
as I heave
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