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 Sep 2016 Johan Nel
Emily Galvin
I found you 
Found your arms in the secrecy of an encroaching dusk 
In the shade of trees 
The coveted corners of quiet  
I found the hidden pieces of your soul 
As they sat beside mine 
In the comfort of silence 
Whispering through the air promises of belonging  
Of two broken pieces becoming a whole 
Two unknowns becoming the known 
Two wrongs finally becoming one right 

You found me 
As your delicate fingers ran across my skin 
Laced through the curls of my hair 
Carefully stitching the gaping caverns of suspicion in a doubtful heart 
Placing together shattered confidences with a tender touch 
Holding them firmly with the power of your affection. 
We built each other as reflections of ourselves 
As better forms of the shadows we'd learned to become 

We found each other 
With skin upon skin  
Fingers entwined 
A world away from the troubled minds we used to live in  
We found each other 
We found peace 
We discovered love.
 Aug 2016 Johan Nel
kaylene- mary
You've been known to reside inside the pockets of our local ******,
more often in my mother's bedside draw.
You were my childhood kiss,
a silhouette of senses dancing on the street;
adolescently sweet.
You were his means to an end,
a partial paralysis of collapsed arteries,
swore only to be a friend.

"Step a little closer,
come take a clearer view."

But those to make it out alive are few.
You said you'd take away the pain,
you became the blood inside our veins.
I watched him rot straight down to the bone,
his agony poured out in moans.

"The shakes, the sweats, how can't you see?
They're all gifts from me."

They always warned us of your games,
I should have known it could only end in shame.
But you were here to stay,
and oh,
how we played.
Spin off of a previous poem, "*******".
 Aug 2016 Johan Nel
kaylene- mary
He abandoned you for no-mans-land
For ****** souls and bullet holes
With blood as thick as water
And it wasn't the first time you drowned in shallow seas
Your wounds won't clot unless you touch them
And you won't find plasters between sheets
History repeats itself
And you're becoming your mother
But if you pull apart your skin for long enough
Maybe you'll find solace
Or maybe you'll bleed out
 Aug 2016 Johan Nel
Emily Galvin
We are slaves to time
To the incessant push of the clock
The unstoppable progression of reality
But all I need is the shadow of a second
The fraction of a moment
When I plunge head first
Into the endless wonder behind your eyes 
Those treacherous eddies that pull me closer 
Steal my words and break my calm 
A willing victim to your inescapable currents, 
That sweep me 
In the skip of a heartbeat 
To blankets of stars and open fields 
The kiss of moonlight on wine flushed cheeks 
Bodies warm against the envious frost of the air 
To the salty tang of sea swept lips 
Interlocked fingers and tangled hair 
The surge of the ocean in steady unison
With the beat of two hearts melting into one
To the safety of privacy 
Of black and white idols and flickering screens
Fictional wonders shared under sheets of adoration and mutual understanding 
In comfort and freedom 
To finally be as one

I travel the world with you
In a momentary glance 
In a murmur of breath 
In the single tick of a clock face 
Why be the enemy of time
When in your eyes 
I have forever.
 Aug 2016 Johan Nel
Emily Galvin
I've been here before
Listened to your feet crunch the shards of glass and shattered hearts
Wiping the remnants of liquor and bitterness from liar's lips
As your night of sugarcoated revelry comes to an end 
The facade falls
Echoing with the slam of a shotglass that pulses through ears
And thumps through my brain with your sneer of rejection
Your eyes don't shy from mine
But they are discolored with arrogance
Hardened by vanity
As cold and empty as the bottle that sweats against my palm
If I close my own
I could reach for a memory of the past
For a sunbeam's reflection highlighting the contours of your skin
Or the childish purity in unquestioned belief
But tonight, they will stay locked 
I will watch the candied venom drip from your curling lips, drawing me back under a veil of falsity
And see us for what we really are
I am no longer the same.
I won't be your entertainment
Your distraction
Your pastime or plaything
The show is over.
I've been here before 
But this is the last time I'll come back.
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