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xavier thomas Jul 2019
I got you as long as you got me....

By this title, it got me trippin
Being around you has got me lifted
I just ran into a lot of wrong women with right intentions.

**** is like therapy: with you listening to me tell my story
Guiding & reminding me that it’ll be okay like it’s your territory
Kinda like love when it don’t change nor never shows it’s boring
Let me speak to the heavens, and tell my favorite glory

Because I

I’m sure you heard some rumors about me, but they ain’t true
You’re living good , yet it gets better whenever I’m with you
Geeked up when you smile, with those dimples, yeah they’re cute
You’re the only one im focused on, just being honest, so please excuse

You got that brown skin, Real hair, mix culture, independence down
How about we get together, travel around and go for rounds
Folks can try and catch our attention, turning it upside-down
Which will never happen, so don’t focus on the background

So when you get this feeling, you know to call me
Anime, childhood, Chemistry, I think we both can agree
You’re the woman that’s my taste, it’s too saucy
And If they ask you “ who you with?” , just know it’s all me
xavier thomas Jan 2019
Surpass limitations of a promised prophet,
No man can ever break your spirit of value.
It is the show and seal of nature's flawless,
My only mother, I will always love you.

I give you a lot of credit when know one else will.
Continue to work on your craft mama it’s an amazing skill.
Mastery of Sacrifices and unselfishness.

When I ask God for guidance,
He tells me to call on you.
Reminiscing faith on reliance
You never want me to quit, just push through.

Nevertheless, you are my greatest hero.
xavier thomas Oct 2018
Throughout my life, I came into contact with different females.
Each one with their own unique experience.
Some shape or form, I love each & every one of them.
But looking back now, I realized they were never “the one” for me...

There were some who I could get along with,
Some I get into it with,
A few with good hearted intentions
& others jealous & insecure affections.
One can be protective.
Another manipulative.
This one time, a woman just needed a man like me for comfort.
Yet, thought about her ex as she wish he would come back & put in more effort.

If there was one thing they all had in common, it was telling me-“ you're simply just different.”
I never understood that phase.
I just live life simple & treated them with respect....
Maybe that’s what separates me from the rest...
I don’t know.

I’m sure they wonder if I think about them.
I wonder if they still think about me.
My love I have for them can’t vanish ever, even if I tried.
It’s “love” not “in love”  however; I could never keep it hidden inside.

Have you ever felt this way?
xavier thomas Aug 2018
Where do I even begin......I can start off with a prayer.
Lord thank you for your mercy, your grace, your love, & each beautiful race.
Thank you for the opportunity and the message
Thank you for the Angels and blessing

“when are we gonna meet,
why did this happen, am I missing what you’re showing me, how can I handle this situation I don’t know nothing about, is this a life lesson, Am I able to make it too heaven , does the Bible answer all my questions, who’s my future fiancé?”

I ask a lot of questions when I don’t understand your work
Don’t take it the wrong way Father, I’m admiring your worth
Constantly stay in prayer for you as the Devil lurks
The temptation is real , one slip up & you’re hurt
Two battles will collide soon , heaven vs hell , Who has the strongest turf?
The rapture is coming, so it’s almost time to Rehearse

Thinking before & after I choose my decisions
Never a broken being in prison, to focus on the mission
Now that I’m older, I’m driven to become a better Christian
Forgive me Father I need you to listen, each day I’m receiving better wisdom

Childhood days: My uncle tried to convince his nephews that We’re better without a woman
Sharing his knowledge due to his mistakes, half of us bought it....
Mom always told us not to pay attention cause he was fallin
Family is a trip, pray to jesus for his soul, that’s my callin....

2016-My last relationship, she wanted to be in love
Seemed very simple & easy + she was my personal angel from above.
Things were going good with very high promise that a man can dream of
Til the baggage & trust issues came out of her, my spirit told me to “Wake up”.
Beginning & ending of Arguments , fights, along with giving up
I continue to live, yet feeling like I’m the one that messed up.
Greed became a major goal of hers vs just us
But She wanted more & more from me cause it wasn’t enough.
Time pass & Two-Separate paths showed after the break up
I left it alone cause it was too much to overcome.
Both Gemini with almost similar personalities, but listen up
Til this day, I sometimes hold her in my heart as my own beloved.

Nowadays, people talk like they know somethin
Think they know their worth, but they don’t know nothin
Calling each other “The God”, and that’s how they feel
Trying to get a piece of shine, social media, that’s not a meal
This generation wanna have fun, that’s a fun fact
Getting turnt up, but never pays attention to the impact
Or how it may affect their lives for the future
This new wave is strong like a Brain tumor

More then ever it’s time to get myself together
Im ready to start a family, yet I know I have a few more “stay single” moments with whomever
Don’t judge me cause I’m living life to my fullest experience this semester
It’s an adventure that we all go through, won’t last forever

So Every morning I beg God for his mercy.
As he challenge my intelligence on this new journey.
Cause my own mind gets me in trouble, try not to worry.
I’m 24 now & before you know it I’ll be 30.
This poem is for everyone & how many questions we ask ourselves + God while growing up. I hope you like this poem. Sorry if it’s long lol
xavier thomas Jul 2018
Standing independently perfect,
Mastery of nature.
Connecting with nature’s health,
No fear in danger.

Keeping the glow from sunshine,
Glimmer in color essence.
Growing into your petals,
Spiritual aura of mystic presence.

Each one begins to open,
Bound to a limitless thrive.
Being the only one of its kind,
Happily fighting to survive.
xavier thomas Jul 2018
They hide in the shadows, constantly racing.

Never to be seen, killed, nor destroyed;
However, only heard of in numerous stories

Blinded by the naked eye,
By the lies of hate,
By the jealousy of want,
By the nonsense of love.

Such wickedness in the depth of dark thoughts.

Madness of harsh words spreads
Like wildfire, firecrackers shooting
High into the stratosphere.

Charging at lightning speed
Only to burst out, creating loud
Roars across the sky.

Whenever paths
Cross, it’s a brutal fight!

They are savages and must be stopped…
Nonsense must end…

The gossipers might win the battle
But the truth-tellers will win the war.

All eyes are on you.
xavier thomas Jul 2018

The obvious was there
Charms in the palm of my hands
All a man could do was just stare
Visualizing a quick glance

Beauty I saw, in the distance
Filled with intense curiosity of how our lives collide
While hiding my feelings about one’s existence
I tend to set aside my love, due to my pride

Secrets after secrets
Not realizing you may like me back
Secrets after secrets
Views of your looks; can’t help myself being side-track

Love rain is what I call it….

Small drizzles of kisses,
Heavy thunderstorm of making love,
Wind blowing sweet smells of rain drops,
Only to look down into the puddle of your reflection

Sense touch from the rain
Texture of sweet taste on my tongue
Soft sound, showers pouring down  
Smelling fresh air
All to be seen through my eye

Her Nature is all around me
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