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When I grow silent is when you should worry

My mind is everywhere, so much so,that everything is blurry

even if I wanted to forget....
Not even my mind can I find...

I know there will be better days to distract the emptiness , I dont expect anyone to clean this mess.
My heart will mend and my walls will be strong
To the top I go and feelings be gone.
Jaded; spaded ;minds been recreated

Wishin we were back at square one;
Instead I've  resulted to just gettin faded...

This beens done before;; I'm quite familiar with the feeling;;

You promise me your there..Now why does it feel like my hearts breaking instead of healing;;

Your what I fell in love with;;

But This pretty picture that was painted has turned into nothing but a myth..

This boat can't take any more water..
Socks are *******

It's starting to seem you were too good to be fkn true</3
My mind is abuzz,
Like a hummingbird does.
It can't be still,
And it was my will
To make everything so,
Because how will I know
The outer limits of my essence
Without spiritual lessons?
Self-taught, fear not,
Happiness is sought
Through a curious burn.
The lessons I learn
From engaging my mind,
Is that I am not blind
To tuning into frequencies,
And avoiding delinquencies
With each new experience,
Learning to control delerience.
My inner being thirsts
For a gift labeled a curse.
I want to break these chains,
Be more than insane.
I want to be free
To be the real me.
Every great individual
Has ideas that are sensational.
So say what you will,
I will have these spiritual spills,
That shakes where I dwell,
And brings me out of my shell.
I have the right to engage
With my mind, uncaged.
Hummingbirds die
If they are caged inside.
Much needed writing session at the nature preserve.
Happy, mad, mostly sad

Keep my head up; ignore my dad

One day the day will come

Feeling coming on & it dont feel good

One day he'll realize what hes got

I'll just continue to be a forgotten thought

I live for the days at the beach with no cares

But still I sit here just hoping you'de care

Fk you, fk your soul, its just not fair, but guess what? I DONT CARE.

Edited so I can sing it!
I can feel my barracades starting to collapse...

wish an angel would come sweep me off my feet n swipe my brain clean of this before I relapse...
Confused, hurt, and overwhelmed doesnt seem like a good combination

Tired of keepin it in and just changing the ******* station....
Have never felt this A L O N E ever.
can someone save me? Will they? ...
N E V E R.
**** that I don't want to be saved;; leave me be...heres a letter to my future day it'll be alright just gimme time to find the key
I just wanna block everyone out..
Feel like im on the outside looking in..just cant break out;;

Lemme take a min while I crowd myself with these purple clouds.

— The End —