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 May 2017 WordWerks
 May 2017 WordWerks
The moon
is my only company
when I'm walking
down dimly lit streets.

I don't mind
that she knows
how I think.

I can tell she likes
the secrets I keep.
 May 2017 WordWerks
Word Hobo

in naked abstinence

we vowed    all sound away

in inert abeyance

extinguished nil

all frequencies hushed still

in quietude's sea

we lay


in ****** of silence    immersed

skin    listening    exquisitely

to what every touch

has to say

gv mar.2017
 May 2017 WordWerks
JS Clark
I wake up on a cool December morning,
Look at the clock which says five 'til eight.
However, it's still as dark as it was two hours prior--
That's when I knew it was a Sam *****
Kind of day.

Sleepy drizzle cast a steely sheen on
The street; while bustling cars within it played.
I just turned over and went back to sleep,
Perhaps feeling a bit lazier than ol' Mister *****.

A couple of hours later I'm preparing for
A lunch appointment,
Part of social dues I suppose I must pay;
The waitress at the restaurant says she likes
My coat and hat,
Of course, I tell her, well, you know,
It's just a Sam ***** kind of day.

Amidst the heavy mist I go to the store without a list
Only knowing that a Christmas desire must be assuaged.
Chocolate is what's required and to this end I retired;
That and an Americano on this
Sam ***** kind of Day.
 May 2017 WordWerks
Once the moon calls upon the tides
Hailed high by the waves in renown
Then the stars decorate the town
Enlightened every hidden sides

But sky turns fast as tale was told
And the stars shoot into the ground
The blue moon became blood and old
For, town is nowhere to be found

At night the moon can rise the tides
But pass unseen ‘cause of the dawn
Soon the moon fades unknown and hides
Held down to the grave in unknown

As long as a star shimmers by
Conquering the light and held high
Of all that descend shall ascend
Just hang firm my beloved friend
Let us move on Forward Poets!!! We shall revive and restore the dying art, Poetry
 May 2017 WordWerks
I stood watching her from the left of the lights
Tiny arms and legs
She was
My little Swan!
I danced in shadows
As she danced in light
Mother and daughter
She is magnificent!
Her golden curls flying
Tights sparkling
Toes, barely touching the stage

Mother passes the light
To the dancing daughter
And all is as it should be
She caught but a glimpse of me
In my selfish shadows
Dancing in her glory
Our eyes locked for the briefest of seconds
She danced on........
Stella had her spring recital. I couldn't help but try and dance in the shadows behind the curtains. She saw me. I'm so very proud of her.
( Sonnet )*

Under the primrose stars, the lovers
Lie abed, on green, threadbare croft
Of sleeping daisy, clover and moss,
Trails with hushed air, an embroidery
So fine as to stitch blushing heart fall
And wrap the waters full of quietude
In graces, winding, soft, granulating
Time, wings flutter and hum, winsome
Sparks, fire white, flying as little suns
Burst confetti, in sweet encampment,
Of grass and sapling wood, innocents,
Charmed are wholly twining, in moon
Rise a lantern to the winking heavens,
Out of their skins they are climbing.
Re: a poem of mine, finally being chosen as 'The Daily Poem' ( it only took over five years )

First, I'd like to thank all the fine writers and readers on HP for your lovely comments and support.

As an earnest and hopeful poet, who has been here, posting poems nearly since the beginning of 'Hello Poetry'
I'd like to thank the HP - daily poet - algorithm for finally choosing one of the hundreds of poems I've listed here.
Perhaps the ghost in the machine has a heart after all?
the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than

there's no chance
at all:
we are all trapped
by a singular

nobody ever finds
the one.

the city dumps fill
the junkyards fill
the madhouses fill
the hospitals fill
the graveyards fill

nothing else
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