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Your limbs are ladder
From sky to sheet,
Night has but one vision,
Two eyes we meet,

In this making bed,
Like rain we shudder
And sun is undead,
Reborn with another,

What vows we take,
Whisper's lip unlocked,
Voyage of sea breaths,
Slip of creation knocked.
The theme of a ladder to heaven is often used by the Early Church. Saint Irenaeus in the 2nd century describes the Christian Church as the "ladder of ascent to God".

In the 3rd century, Origen explains that there are two ladders in the life of a Christian, the ascetic ladder that the soul climbs on the earth, by way of—and resulting in—an increase in virtue, and the soul's travel after death, climbing up the heavens towards the light of God.
Hopeful maiden,
Mistress of cotillions,
Depthless, devoid of culture,
Unquestioning, incurious,
Seeks her warrior-beast-of-burden,
A man's man, a sportsman of sorts,
Yet sensitive and without ego,
A staunch provider,
Seeking beauty for its own sake,
A coy, coltish fawn, un-artful,
Un-fawning, who cannot keep a house,  
Hold her tongue nor navigate
Social gatherings, one whose passion
Is only on offer, never proffered,
She seeks an old fashioned man
Who appreciates her
Mannish manner and business
Acumen— artists, musicians,
And above all penurious poets
Need not apply, I wish
To learn to cook one fashionable
Day, I am working on
Being famous, it is such
A burden being lovely,
Are all the good
Men Married?  Gay?
Professional athletes,
A-list actors, incarcerated
Felons wanted, perfect
Listeners needed,
Kryptonians preferred.
 Apr 2013 WordWerks
Sarah Writes
There's a fight in the kitchen and
It sounds like a good one, an old one
Tried and true
I'm a kid in my room trying to drown in a book
But it's not working 'cause the pages are too quiet and your words are so loud
They make me sick so I
Close my eyes and go down
To the place where the shouts
Are nothing but strings of syllables and sound
Syllables and sound
Roots of words like weeds that hold down the ground
 Mar 2013 WordWerks
are the tattoos I etched
to mark my recovery.

And boy, did it hurt.

The white squiggles at my hips
wink at me every time I look down.
Don't look down!
As if.
I swear, they conspire with each other.

I'll never forget the very first one.
Shiny. Indignant.
I hugged my skeleton and wept.

Now I've grown accustomed
not to the deliberate finality of dropping my gaze
mesmerized by my slow evolution,
but to looking up.

I look at eyes and mouths
instead of the impossible circumferences
above my knees,
the ever shifting law.

Stretch marks
are the tattoos I etched
to mark my recovery.

Do I regret them?
Oh, a little bit always.

But it's sure as hell a story worth remembering.

I take up more colour than I used to,
and these- these are the lines that will never be filled in.

I earned them.
Child picking flowers—
She loves me, she loves me not,
  .  .  .  Wind graffiti.
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