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  Sep 2017 wordvango
I think it'd be better that way
Maybe I should just do it this time
The reason?
No matter how hard I try,
I'm still not good enough
Not good enough for my friends
Not good enough for my boyfriend
I'm not even good enough for my own family
Maybe my brother won't resent me when I'm gone
Maybe my sister will understand that I was trying to help her
Maybe my boyfriend will realize that there was someone better.
I should just do it
Because no matter how hard I try
I'll never be good enough
To make the people I care about
I really don't think anyone would stop me if I did it. No one would find out until it was too late.
wordvango Sep 2017
writing whispered softly heartfelt mostly weightless
dreamlike adjectives and suppositions
I calmly fall through the skies into a white
blue pillow
of metaphor
close my eyes at impact
wake up again up
far high
over the clouds
hover near under angels
higher than I fly
wingless only small
energies a
few synapses firing now
my soaring exploding all over
the atmosphere
I get high
I love that
I feel again
I laugh cry
normal like
but I fly
full of all of it
  Sep 2017 wordvango
Irving MacPherson
tall pines
birch trees
lining the trail

high cliffs
running streams

spilling over rock

smashing into
pools below

ears attuned
to forest creatures

fast approaching

a full grown doe

a young buck

I wonder
who it is

that feels
more fear

in that moment
we are one
wordvango Sep 2017
what a mess life
has  become
a bees nest of hyperactive wings
beating all hell furiously out the air

a buzz

thought I stopped
being that quivering mass
shrunken up
into a nest all alone

got a shower moved away from the
got an apt way out
in Bee God's country

caught a new sense of
gravity lost my wings
floated still
above the scene

happiness still had
her way of being coy
hardships came and went
and that queen

always was  on my mind
I heard her attendants
wings beat
a million times a second

in my mind's eye

that taste of honey calling...
wordvango Sep 2017
were I to remember
a stream
it would be a normal one
full of life and flow
sparkling on its mild

were I to remember
a dream
it would  be a normal one
full of life and flow
Sparkling  in my minds

were I to remember a day
I seem
to have so many involved
full of competition
sparkling  for that ultimate

were I to remember a love
I feel
like it will be the next one
full of hope and future
like a swing on the porch
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