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Lexie Jan 2022
I can taste your bitterness
You never did cherish me
I was solid in your presence
Now you name me ghost
Hate and regret
Are cold hands to hold
I will warm my skin
With purer fire
Take a step back
Burning out, desire
I am a giver, a doer
Deep waters
Your shallows still and stagnant
With empty promises
I will harbor nothing against you
I am already in the water
I am beyond this
Don't tell me I deserve the best unless you are giving it to me. You just playing a hand you don't have. Bluffing.
Lexie Aug 2020
change is how we survive
Lexie Nov 2019
Pin my body against the earth
Iron blood dripping on my wrists
Skeleton of ivory temptation
Relinquish me of doubt
That you could find love
For another, more ancient than I
Kiss into ashy lips
Promises the stars ache to know
But could never dare to hold
Tell me of when the sky was young
Before I was known
When you were alone
When the dark was nameless, void
The light untouched by sound
When the aching began
For affection
Then I came
With the first sun
And you knew
How dark the dark had been
How there is light
When you have a friend
May you never again learn different
Lexie Feb 2014
And then my soul
Will sing again
I will sing
About love and men
And then my heart
Will remember love
Remember you
And figure out what do
And then my mind
Will be clear
So don't you fear

And then my soul
Will sing again
And then in you
I will have one friend
And then my heart
Will know its place
And remember your face
And then my lungs
Will breathe clean air
When you are there

And then my soul
Will sing again
And dust the ashes
Off of my wings
And then my soul
Will know its place
And it will love
With so much grace
And then my soul
Will sing again
Cause in you
I have a friend
Lexie Mar 2019
There is nothing more beautiful
Than to give of yourself
To someone who has never been shown love before
Lexie Feb 2019
I forgot how sweet your voice is
When even in my trembling
You speak to me with kindness
Even angels, long to look into these things
And yet in our humanity
It seems these days are just for us
Lexie Feb 2014
Its red and its dark
Leaving black and blue marks

Things not meant to fly
Soar through broken skies

Untold numbers of hateful words
Thing spoken that shouldn't be heard

It drips from veins of vile creatures
Brought through the ages by evil teachers

Its red a color so bold
A token of the empty souls

It burns like fire in your blood
Is trapped to earth like filthy mud

Boiling over up to the pain
The light in your eyes says you see this:
is just a game
Lexie Aug 2017
This red torrent
Rains and pours through my head
All the animosity grows
And it rushes like rapids

I gave you the knowledge
I told you everything you needed to know
And yet this is your response
Stupid silence

You said when he crossed the line
That it would be far enough
But you didn't even draw it
So he gets away with it all

His hands on temples
That do not belong to him
Its. Not. Your. Body.
Lexie Jul 2019
I am soft
Anger found me
I let it move on
It is not for me
Beneath me
Hot coals
Under my feet

Anger came again
Liquid in my veins
I let it run
Waterfalls out my eyes
A current away
Not walking with me
Stumbling behind

I found anger
Clenched in my jaw
Settling between knuckles
And metacarpals of my hands
Slammed into the wall
Glass shards on the floor
Let it stay there
Art, reminder

Anger found me
I spoke to her by name
She seduced me
With the lull of her voice
I lay here now
Barren of grace
Swollen with fury
Fire in my eyes
This is the time
I will burn
Burn out
There will be no rekindling
Only ashes on the walls
Lexie Aug 2018
You can be the angel this time
I'm done playing games
Lexie Jan 2021
Endings are as nuetral as change in the weather
Lexie Oct 2018
I wish to rage against all the constructs of this world
Against every little constraint
Yet I find my spirit to gentle
And my voice to soft to carry itself
The sun has not yet died
And my feet still carry themselves on the topside of the earth
The strength in my bones does nothing for the restlessness that I cannot shake
Lexie Jul 2021
Endings are as neutral as change in the weather

Winter always comes around eventually
Lexie Oct 2017
Do you ever stop and realise you don't like the story you are living and think about all the pages you could of filled differently?
Lexie Feb 2014
I have galaxies inside my soul
Lexie Jan 2023
The natives said, the earth is our mother
And if mine is a chasm, open wide
If she is a barren land
She is a Grand Canyon
My mother wound splits me open
Soil cracking from womb to sternum
If she does not know me
How does she wound me so
Lexie Jan 2023
Save yourself.
Lexie Sep 2020
I will never know your thoughts
And I take that as a gift
My thoughts are my own
And that is where I will dwell
Lexie Apr 2020
Who are you
To know my life
Your lips quiver
When you testify
I am a ghost
In my own home now
Yet you are the one
Haunting me
How can we speak
When your language of love
Is syllables
Made of material things
And my only speech touch
Love's evergreen promise
No longer whispers in my ear
Bury peace in me
That the seeds of our forgot me knots
Will one day find fertile soil
Apart from these sands of time
We called love
Lexie Sep 2015
A poet never forgets
The way it felt to feel

They may never remember
The time, date or the place

But they will know the colors
Of the falling leaves

The sound of your breath
In the fall wind

The dreams they lost upon
The desolate shore

They will always know
They could never want more

A poet will always remember
How it felt

To be in the perfect
Complete moment

They will never forget
Who was holding their heart

They will never know
What was going on around

For they saw to clearly
What was happening inside

They will never be able to lose sight
Of how your eyes turned to liquid gold

When they kissed your lips
The words that filled their head

And how every moment is a
Reflection of their love

A poet can never lose
The moments in that light

A poet will never chose a different
Melody than the beating of your heart

It will always be enough for them
To see into your soul

They may never cross an ocean
But they will survive rough waters

They may never learn to fly
But they know the clouds in the sky

They can kindle a fire from words
That have been burning in their hearts

And they will always remember
That they will never forget your heart
Lexie Nov 2019
I knew I had love with you
Because when I spend time with you
It passes as quickly as when I write
Lexie Jun 2018
silence is not a game
and these strings
wound around my heart
you pull them in a direction
where cuts have already been made
this is foolishness
and I have no breath
for foul air
when you refuse to accept such as this
the apology of a dying star
so lay now
just as you are
and I will walk a barren road
with none to comfort me
but time and her cohorts
Why are relationships so hard?
Lexie Jul 2019
Do you eat for yourself
Or do you feast
For the hungry man
In your mouth
Who does not care
If you are well
Lexie Jun 2018
...i must be still now... allow the celestials and heavens to change me to are different now my friend...

   ...and the sky falls out of my eyes...
...I cannot contain...

...such/such is this/such am I/such a time as this... ... s uch..

                  please don't let me go...

...I will not move/help/I wait...

                                     ...please don't let me go
Lexie Mar 2016
It was a good three minutes
I smiled for about half that time
And my pride was overflowing
When I realized
That all that was inside
No matter how awful
Never found its way
To be traced upon my skin
This time.
And that is something
I will be eternally grateful for
Feel free to congratulate me
Because this my friends
Is an achievement
Deserving of a medal
Lexie Dec 2019
A name, a word
Unfamiliar in nature
The dark told you of me
I was afraid before I heard it
Now my hands reach through memories
For an unfamiliar grasp
Tether me to my daughter tongue
Lips unsavory
Chapped and dry
Here you made me
I am born
Here you bade me
I am torn
Hot wax on the edge of knife
We are sealed
As one with our lies
You make a new truth
With the face in the mirror
Stamping into your skin
Fate's seal
Only death can break her
Only life would dare
She has not come yet
We wait, we yearn
Here we are
Across the room
Her eyes are blue
Lexie Jan 2014
The length, the love
The silent beauty
Radiant, covered by duty

The dress and the flowers
All just a show
Dreading the night
And where it will go
Lexie Jan 2019
We went up in smoke
As most young souls do
Lexie Jan 2021
I loved you for you
When you wouldn't
Now I will love me for me
When you won't
Lexie Jun 2019
"You look lovely"

And you, you look like love
Lexie Sep 2018
It's only okay because you can't touch me anymore
Lexie Oct 2021
is anyone more predictable than a poet
Lexie May 2023
Ask me
Where I was before
I do not remember
Do not ask me
What I am afraid of
I do not know
The fear will not tell me
All I know is she is the hunter
And I the prey
And I do pray
But God is not in heaven
He does not hear me
Lexie Mar 2018
This is almost what I wanted
I am so sure
But still uncertain
I want to walk with you
See where the road goes
Hold my hand?
Lexie Jul 2018
I am a foolish one
To chase after things
That I am not even supposed to have
Things I only desire
Because they are withheld from me
Lexie Aug 2016
it's a dark night
I can hear your heart scream

it's the moon, full
shining on your paper thin soul

its the stars now
whispering to the trees

the candles
they ca-all
to me

won't you listen
to the scheme in my throat

won't you wonder
how we will ever survive

won't we die ?
in the dark of the deepest night

with your eyes
is right.

can't you hear me
my hearting beating like feet on the floor

can't you remember
what these lies are good for

can't you taste it
like blood on your tongue

and sweet
for all


I will listen
to your confession
can you not
is already
of their
is already

from the fear
in their eyes
could not
try, to
Lexie May 2019
I was the aching lanterns in the sky
Lexie May 2019
The meadows of my mind are still and quiet
Morning, she has come and gone
Sweet and melancholy in her awakening
The frolicking of my thoughts
Does naught to ease the tempest that brews behind the whites of my eyes
My temperament is made only of sea foam today
Lexie Oct 2021
When I opened my eyes
I saw fire in you
You were made of glass

Have I been sleeping this eternity away
Looking for good in glass people
To know it burns within me

We were nothing before this
Your soul lost in something other than space
Did you know you would have to make purpose here
Find meaning

I do not know of your age
I have been practicing immortality
As long as I have been alive

It's all questions and lies
Pain and goodbye
Bittersweet flavor always stays
In the pockets of my mouth

Do you ever take a break from aging
Letting the child within fill the space
This is their home too
Before you
And whatever you call advanced consciousness

Can you in honesty call it advanced
If joy has not lingered
With the accumulation of wisdom
Perhaps we have learned nothing at all

I feed neither of my wolves
Let them hunt if they hunger
Lexie Sep 2020
When you wake
In the morning
Face the struggle
And the sun of the day
Know when the gray creeps in
That you need only muster
Strength for one day
Lexie Sep 2014
it takes a life time to reach the shores of the isle of the blest
Lexie Nov 2014
how did we end up dreamers on different shores
how did we become islands of androgynous memories
with the sand on our poets toes
and the wind in our flushed confused faces

getting a break from the lines on your face and on the paper
from the noise of the city that lost it's inspiration
we get away from tomorrow's mystery
trying to forget the affair we had with yesterday
only dealing with today's starvation of molecular poems

packing our bags for the chemistry we make for each other
finding we only bond well when we are magnetically near the other
Lexie Sep 2020
My great calamity
Is a solitary wish
To be a gentle person
Lexie Sep 2018
You were the kind to look through the pockets of the dead for loose change
So it was no surprise to me when I felt your hands on my body even as it was still warm
Lexie Jun 2021
What secrets does the carcass of summer divulge
None greater than the barren skeleton of trees can disguise
Lexie Nov 2015

Don't ever tell me to go away

Because I will

And it will hurt like hell

I will miss you ever single **** day

I will want to be right next to you

But I won't be

I can't be

Because you made me think you didn't want me their

Right next to you

Where I belong
Lexie Aug 2017
It is a mystery to me
How you all breathe with such consistency
I cannot hold a breath
I gasp in symphonies
I grasp at air running out my lungs

Your hands
Necklaced around my throat
Are tight. So tight.
The blood rushing in my head cries out my eyes

And your hot breath
Stings my eyes
It bites at my words
As soon as they leap from my tongue

There is patience in every part of me
But no tolerance
Not for fools
Not for you, and the heat of your fire only burns it does not warm

I could dare you all the things
Stick a fork in an electrical outlet
Hold your breath under water
Drink this bleach, bottoms up

But you are only a fool
Not foolish
Like my vain, vain hopes
So fill your glass with all my tears
Breathe me in, with all my fears

And take all the air I have never used
Take it, take it, all away
Lexie Apr 2018
Grasp my jagged edges
Climb into my skin and walk around
I would caution you
Not to get to familiar
There are places even I won't go
Could you please tell me what you find
I have felt empty for ages
Whatever you find is yours
Take a piece if me with you
I will not be far behind
Lexie Feb 2016
your so cute
I can't even take it
get over here
Lexie Nov 2015
the demons
are back
and stronger than ever
they brought their friends
darker and deeper
they command
and again
inside of my brain
and so quickly they control
I think I am insane
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