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ae Oct 2013
Im sick of people being narrow-minded
saying bad things about others
while they don't have the idea that their life
is ******* dramatically pathetic and deteriorated
than those who they were talking about

Ordering others
Judging others

no he can't do that!
well who the hell are you to stops me?
yucks she's not beautiful
are you talking to the mirrors?
that guy is weak
judging a book by its cover?
ew her hair is messy
i guess it is not as messy as your ****** life?

Well played, player
but for once
for once
can you please
put your *** down
to the surface area of the chair
and think wisely
life rotates
you talk bad about others
they talk bad about you, too
life is irony, babe.

- a.e
Mykarocknrollin Dec 2020
this year was never
it was all about
your choice
you yielding
towards any
but most importantly
this is all about
so just let's turn everything around
with new hellos
turn those yawns
to happy smiles
paint them yellow
let's yell
our young selves
with yearning

Neville Johnson Jul 2017
I'm lazing with my baby
Rolling down life's road
She let's me do my thing
There's no overload
I'm allowed to snooze
Kick back and seize the day
With cool reads by Elmore Leonard
I get to say "Aw shucks"
Hang by the pool
Watch some good TV
There's a lotta yucks
Hanging out and hanging on
It's a cool, cool breeze
Self-contained on our yacht
In the pod for we two peas

If you ask me what I'm doing
I'd say nothing much
Don't need shiny shoes
I can wear the scuffs
I'm without inhibition
Inhabiting my world
That means kisses from my baby doll
Best sangria be assured

So catch some rays and tap your feet
Jack Johnson sings away
All about the life we lead
Beach music all the way
FunSlower Jul 2022
How can I ever thank you for
All the ways you help me grow?
Putting up with my dorky ways,
Pretending I don’t make your eyes glaze over.
Yours is the only gaze I’ll ever want to explore.

1 year would never be enough to learn all of
Your likes and dislikes. Your yums and yucks.
Even last night as you studied your socks
And told me I was handsome, like Johnny Depp;
Relaying words back to me, ever attracting me.

Kind heart of yours, accept my words today.
Remember, I can never do you any justice. True,
I’d love to be able to, even just once. But
Seventy years wouldn’t be enough for me to find
The words for your place in this heart of mine.
I’d be silly to think I’d make them whole in one.
Now & forever, you’re my only one! ❤️💙💛
It’s easy to see if you close your eyes.
Look for wisdom in the heart of the wise.
Your eyes open up, you begin to forget.
So close them; freeze a moment in time.
Muse with me. We’re saturated in love.

— The End —