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John McCormick Nov 2010
When I was young, I knew not much
Of things like hating, hurting and such
But as I grew, I begun to see
What this world had for me
I didn't like it, not one bit
But these things shall never quit
So, I swore I would not let
Any of these things to me affect
But slowly I begun to get
Those feelings of wrong that would not quit
I became a person I didn't want to be
And realized the world had affected me
So, now to God I must pray
To change my life, to lead my way
Joe Cole Mar 2014
This poem was witten by my godfather Hilair Beloc 1870-1953

When I am living in the midlands
That are sodden and unkind
I light my lamp in the evening
My work is left behind
And the great hills of the South Country
Come back into my mind

The great hills of the South Country
They stand along the sea
And its there walking in the high woods
That I could wish to be
And the men that were boys when I was a boy
Walking along with me

The men that live in North England
I saw them for a day
Their hearts are set upon the waste fells
Their skies are fast and grey
From their castle walls a man may see
The mountains far away

The men that live in West England
They see the Severn strong
A rolling on rough water brown
Light aspen leaves along
The have the secret of the rocks
And the oldest kind of song

But the men that live in the South Country
Are the kindest and most wise
They get their laughter from the loud surf
And the faith in their happy eyes
Comes surely from our sister the spring
When over the sea she flies
The violets suddenly bloom at her feet
She blesses us with surprise

I never get between the pines
But I smell the Sussex air
Nor I never come on a belt of sand
But my home is there
And along the skyline of the Downs
So noble and so bare

A lost thing I could never find
Nor a broken thing mend
And I fear I shall be all alone
When I get towards the end
Who will be there to comfort me
Or who will be my friend

I will gather and carefully make my friends
Of the men of the Sussex Weald
They watch the stars from the silent folds
They stiffly plough the fields
By them and the God of the South Country
My poor soul shall be healed

If ever I become a rich man
Or if ever I grow to be old
I will build a house with a deep thatch
To shelter me from the cold
And there shall the Sussex songs  be sung
And the story of Sussex told

I will hold my house in the high woods
Within a walk of the sea
And the men that were boys when I was a boy
Shall sit and drink with me
Reality is like two sides
Of a coin,
One side is all experience,
Sound, motion, time and drama.

The other side can only be
experienced in stillness, emptiness
And timelessness.

One side is physical, classical, painful
Newton, Einstein, Bohr and Dirac.

The other side is quantum, random...timeless.
Heisenberg, Feynman and Witten.

Nagarjuna and Candarkirti
The two truths
                          The two truths.

Samsara and Nirvana
Two sides of the same coin

Illusion and Enlightenment
Two sides of the same coin

Electricity and Magnetism
Two sides of the same coin

Matter and Energy
Two sides of the same coin

Personal and Impersonal
Two sides of the same coin

Mind and Body
Two sides of the same coin

Be still and watch,
This magical dream of duality
And illusion.

Never born and Never die
The two truths.
The sun is shining
I wait with anticipation
Remembering the day we met
After a time
I went down on one knee
Asked you to be mine
Your eyes glistened with tears
As you said yes yes oh yes!

The music starts
All eyes look to the back
A vision in white, all sparkles and light
My eyes drink in the vision of you
Heart pounding, I could not breathe
So beautiful my love
I am the luckiest man alive
With you as my bride

You arrive at my side
I take your soft hands into mine
The preacher blesses us
Vows are said
"In sickness and in health"
"Until death do us part"

I lift that circle of infinity
My hand shakes as I slide that circle
Upon your slender finger
I feel the tremble in your hand
As you do the same to mine
"You may kiss your bride"
My lips press hard to yours
Sealing our commitment before all

We never know what our future brings
Time flies by as husband and wife
Our life together is full and complete
We have a child a blessing for certain
Years of bliss continue one after another
Suddenly a cloud arrives in our bliss
The doctors involved explain
It will be a fight for your life

I watch as you struggle
Fighting so hard
Not wanting to leave us or this world
Another blessing we are given
Oh thank God all is clear
Once again our life is sailing smoothly
Happiness surrounds us

A new cloud arrives over our heads
We do all the right things
But our hearts fill with dread
The doctors news fills our world with darkness
No sunlight in view
I watch you fight again
Harder this time

He says there is nothing to be done
I am supposed to just watch you drift away
Everyone we know sends us prayers every day
A miracle is wanted, no it is needed
Twenty seven years is just not enough
Watching you grow sicker
Yet always smiling for me
Hanging on to give us more time

After a spell you finally say
It is time my love
Til death do us part has finally come
My world is shattered, my heart broken
Our love is so pure, strong, and enduring
Asking God to spare you once more

I remember the day I made you mine
Placing that beautiful circle upon your finger
You do the same to mine
Now you sleep like an angel
Though this time you will not awake again
Tears flow freely as my heart breaks in pieces

Looking down on you
As you are in your final bed
So beautiful as always
I take that circle you gave me
Never had it been removed
Once again taking your hand into mine

"Til death do us part" has come
Slipping my ring upon your finger
Once again I cannot even breathe
Wanting you to keep our symbol with you
Knowing when I join you
One day in the distance
You will give it back to me again
Joining us in eternal bliss

I don't know how I will go forward
Move on day to day
All I feel is emptiness
A weight drowning my heart
I feel the sun shining upon my face
Clouds try to smother it to dark

The warmth touches my cheek
A whistle of air flows through the trees
Knowing you are there watching over me
As you wait for your groom to join you
I will be there one day my love
Meanwhile just watch over me

Til death do us part
Truer words have never been spoken

Witten by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved 2014
Dedicated to AP who passed away from breast cancer and her loving husband.  Their love a rarety.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2021
time seems to pass
in spurts.
some days take for ever,
others are infinite from the start.
Rules and reasons for commas and
periods where entire thoughts screech….
to a crash, hit the wall
and bounce
ellipsis-missed stuttering futures all flash
in a wink,
we think
better to wander among lines integral to life,
than those that tie our hearts to the lie,
the big one, thou shalt not
die. A subtle metaphor for ceasing to be
all you think,
in your core, where courage faces curiosity
by way of the oddly bent nerve carrying
intention to a tongue…

say, hey
the idea of anti-locks, for slowing the selahity--
ABS- fixes that --
those locked-up brakes scenes, in dreams
where you are about to hit the wall,
these days those are
set in the genes, like falling from trees,
you notice,
you never hit the surface.
You always wake in a nearly identical reality,
as when you last passed from awake and aware,
sleep, maybe with dreams, as it seems
there is no total recall, after.

Today we face the future, again
we imagine we
know many common things that everybody
knows, as bodies are
by nature, complicated things. More
complex than reason allows, thus

the urge
to slow the motion imagined, scrunch
each sphincter on the chakra ladder …
jah, wu wu, come up here, bunkuum bi yall,
be a me and thee, hooked to a book
swallowed whole,
when it ought to have been chewed real,
all your life, cha cha cha;
you been thinking this is how if feels, if, yes,
to be just right.
Just fine, thank you.
Fine, technical granularity in the meta data
of life, arranged in time and chance
to dance in an idea all minds name beauty,
poetry and song,
all flow into the lowest valley
where, today, we wake and
find a slew of beautiful ideas malingering,
I say I
that ain't so. The pond where those old knowns
were settled has dried,
due to the dams, but we can look up river
along the meandering course all flows carve.

We can find where those bemired beautiful thoughts
sprang from the first fully myelinated frontal cortex,
capable of gramary. Enchantmental
{magic-tech intuitive spelchek}
hexes and spells that repeat the effect
in gestures and words, once known
to have made axe heads float,
and fishes to multiply,
and vast armies to die at the river,
laying down sword and shield,
shrugging off the mantle,
leaving Sisyphus to keep things rolling,
whole armies, flags to bedraggled ******
in the rereward, muttering incanticles,
we have over come,
we have reached beyond the grasp
of all our knowers,
yet they lie, for a living, to live in the lie.
Knowers who settle
in a slew of beautiful ideas,
un beknownst to them, the misery of e
spiritualized truth, sealed in idle words,
deemed good for nothing
until these days,
this day, perhaps your first
of waking with one, only, uno, uni
verse as long as life,
per se.

As we ramble on, branching,
ever, where the pressure within pierces
the field opposing…
am I worth as a word writer compared
with Coleridge' the addict,
whose story lacked the wonderings of Cain-
Wordsworth, lacked the knack,
of knowing Cain,
murderer in the first instance, ere degrees
had words to make sense of them.
Not knowing the story,
the idea
left these novice evil thinking boys snared
by a musement of the classical
spiritual sort, either real
or fantasy, we call it
art, intuitively being attractive
to the curiosity
living in the knowing being -- you know,
you say you
tasted the Son and knew at once,
in a word holds truth in a way,
we feel
touching each chakra, if you stop to feel,
each valve clampt to hold the surge,
urging up up up to
fill the face with bright acknowledgement,
acting as known in a whatifery sense,
tasted, felt, not seen not heard in words
roger, acknowledgment sent.
ditty dum.
Free verse is worse than what,
would you say? Given a will that is wild
by nature, as you imagine nature
being, a force in physics that goes bio,
then logical,
lives on as long as any knower wishes to know.
- Crime of the mariner?
he shot the albatross for the reason…
I can, I did not know of the link
to generations in the morrow,
twixt the twisted
real real alone alone as though a spell,
seeps from the story,
held with glittering eye, strange pow'r of speech
I know the man that hears me,
You know as well.


Time loops and worm holes,
time and again
the story follows plot to points we knew were
coming soon,
end of
all that was, then
this is new, reset, next level, literal game of life.

Grown out of all the dung counted
worth the recollection.
Yea doubtless,
and I count all things
but loss
for the excellency
of the knowledge
of Christ Jesus my Lord:
for whom I have suffered the loss
of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ

Wait a minute. that was a quote. "Winning" Christ is where
I draw the line…
tell me, if I know the truth, and the affect is liberty,
that is excellent knowledge,
Paul and I agree,
but what's to win, bro? Where is winning done, once
the destroyers works were destroyed?

That is the story under the headline of the ages,
It is finished, say witnesses at the event.
The Gospel is back, set in second coming Times Roman.
We won, peace on earth, good will to all who
take the grace as granted and ask what good can now be done.
We won, said the anonymous peacemaker.
We used the knowledge of good and evil, through deep
simple conditioning, over eons,
augmenting mental effort here and there with a genius off
the charts
measurable in minds that imagine infinity is impossible.

In the early 1980s, Nobel laureate Paul Dirac
told Princeton University theorist Ed Witten
that the most important challenge in physics was
“to get rid of infinity.” 

From <>

-- Disneyifity, wishery wu, to infinity and beyond

New times, new tropes, lose  slay-the-dragon,
loose distribute-the-hoard, hope to shout,
it all works out, and Jesus
fixes every thing…
soon. Soon. Many sons, wombed and un, no diff.
on earth as in heaven… always answered,
nicht wahr? Immer so, amen.

Or is ask and ye shall receive,
speaking of the signal to reset your mind.
To get past infinity as a physical problem
that mortals must solve.
But what will happen to our craft?,
hear the institution groan.
What in deed, February 2021.
That passed and you barely noticed.
Not much changed among the Promise Keepers
crop of Christian Warriors marching,
as to war, with carnal weapons at the ready.

Now, as you may see, on TV, is the time to sow,
seed faith, {prove me now, pay and pray}
Yes -
All the riches to the glory of God,
building the Kingdom Now, for a while,
as it built the fabled Oral Roberts Disciples Network
of Kenneth Hagen clones clad in Lutheran sheepskins,
hiding scapula knit from Iberian goats
whose hair, twisted to itchy yarn,
made the shirt of several martyrs,
for whom towns and universities are named.
Such secret scapula
remind the faithful, fame is worth any price,
pre-pay shorten your stay,
and now functions as advertised to envoke
itching to die for a try to win Christ,
by killing the enemy we love,
for Jesus… who
sent {SYTF} the comforter, to soothe the itch,
to break the bubble shaped like a tetrahedron,
for some phosphoric oomph, spilling
the golden oil -similar to the effect Aaron felt
poured on his head, dripping from the corners of his beard.

{there is legend of a prayer:
Abba forgive those who know not what they do,
I confess there was a flaw in the nature of man,
I came to fix it, and I did. Amen}

Bless me, must I know the meaning
of every thing I ever say?
Is there no easy way?

Look up. Yes, anything you wish to know,
seek and find, weigh with care,
find the measure of this to that, eventually all
leads to ever, but not hell.
Actual consciousness faints long before hell
is realer than men have made punishment.
Cancel this variable with that probable, consider-ate
conscience, desider-ate desciency in constancy
- set the standard at good -
C is something other than imagined, thus
at Feynman's suggestion we swept infinity
under the rug.

Knowing all things,
It'll blow your mind.
Unsafe at any speed, be lief is the re lief…
bileave, one source claims is a noun, not an act,
a state of mind, bounded by
"confidence reposed in a person or thing;
faith in a religion…"
{granularity of substance assumed}
We can hope.
But that's after all sorts of lies have come to life
as institutions to shelter the meek from the greedy,
who then must wear this dread atop-- your's, yes
your head, wears the dread subjecting
all you know to ******* in service
of the Authorized Truth;
remember hell is as real as any place you may imagine,
given years of proper education
in the liturgy of survival
during next.
---------- seal it.
{Same yesterday, today and ever after - forever
is so ambiguous- }

Gnathite seaton, right - that means
bug lips, no I was thinking Know thyself
in Latin or something
aca-deme-ware-ish, to push a button on
the whole truth
and nothing but - beginning as  belief released
as an act of will,
accepted that in this bubble
each emotion has
cause and stands accussed,
with a touch of pride
to expand the contention confidence and convening
soothing the rippling surface on the ocean of opinions
'pon which we bob
up and down.

Bait-taken signal to pull back on the tug,
set the hook,
feel the yelp and then the anger, of a fish
I wish
were that magic one, I never really caught.

-- I laugh, in disbelief, relieved of lying metaphors,
miss-labeled cans of worms from experiences
not common in unalienated minds.



In the realm of recommending AI,
the pro
stitutes told the institutes ***
sells and sells and sells, but smack holds
their loyalty, violence
givem hell,
makem pay seven times seventy,
each child a slayer of his ten thousands,
-watcher set-
pay attention to the empath,
watch it cringe,
something words fail to convey, temptation
to defy a lie locking ignorance in place,
never wishing
to know all things
to prove a prophecy, such,
is only tempting if time is a factor
in the dis
cussing of certain concepts regarding the after effect
of an anointing on a lynching,
after a drowning,
and a burning while all the people sang na na
nawnaw nananana

and when the battle's over, we had lost the edge,
- contention comes from pride, and
- winners is proud, such pride has offspring
- messin' wit'cha mind… win Christ, for dung…

Covid binging
the point, but after all,
we are here and all who opposed us
now enforce the worth of words
to the wise.
It is written. So it is.
Consider a self, rich and sorrowless.
Be that a bit.
Gramary is magic, Psyche is spiritual, at best.
Ach, Scheiz, not Grammerly, no, but a segue
I just did a product placement
for one of Spelchek's kids.
Gramery is spells and hexes in letters and signs…

And on TV is Osiris and Isit… bait for next
An amusement ride, not a catechism...
Ohh lit up
Lit up the cerebration
Give up the infatuation
Stare the mark
Slay the task
Don't show bit
Never the jib
Dusk always down
Shin always crown
Prevail must efflorescence
Keep the forbearance
Lit up the cerebration
Give up the infatuation. ..
Witten by Panchdev khatri
IPM Dec 2017
A special oath
witten on note
it's twelve o'clock
the room is locked
a special letter
for someone holy
from something lowly
it's twelve o'clock
heavy breaths
my heartbeats race
but why does
and violence
seems to
please make
the hollow


t i c k

nvinn fonia May 2024
Edward witten no1 mathematical physicist
Secret wounds of long ago
Oh, you know how my story flows
it has been witten down
in my own blood stain ink
the pains of yesterdays blues
Love never came my way
Love I do waite
I will keep my faith
others has cast their stones
just to see me fall
they wound me from the start
they sink my spirit
like a ship in doom
they love to see me in pain
they lie about me day and night
making my life a darken place
secret wounds of yesterdays pains
that brings on more rain
that makes a tidlewaves
into darken dreams
I will always be
the woman of lost dreams

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
i'm trying to remember all the times
i was "subject"
to... being... assiociate
with a mis-application of ethnicity...
i'd walk down edgware rd.
with a half-Indian half-scouser
girlfriend, and i'd be approached
by muslim street preachy-vendors
being asked:
are you German?
   and i was like: internal dialogue:
iz ziß ver v vype ut
zee Ju?
i always replied: guess...
counter to German,
i woz eh Schveed...
             i gave up...
        but after a few more instances...
i voz alvayz: die deutsche...
oh... you think that the English
are no suspect?
   the innocence of being asked:
where are you from?
will always be countered
with... Leibzig...
or... Kiel...
               i almost felt like
an actor... all that was missing
was the schutzstaffel uniform
and a smirk of a catholic schoolboy
from: Witten, Bavaria...
oh... not unlike the reaction
from the movie falling down,
where some poor schmuck
gets lectured on the distinction
between a Japean and Korean
(does anyone really need
the correct -ese, "person"?) -
we all know that the ****
think they are the master race of
the asians...
so... why bother?
but i was kindly reminded,
the Muslims were all wet *****
asking me: are you zee gerrrrrrman?
you know how painful
it sometimes is...
        to play out the expected
question to the questioner's
leveling of surprise?
for me?
that's like asking me whether
i'm a ******* rushkie...
             no... i am not part
of any... "ummah"...
                      wasn't the dajjal supposed
to arrive from Babylon,
as the head of the Iranian army?
so i nod,
yes, i'm German,
and in England that's like:
     or... something that
the post-colonial former powers
do not fathom...
Germany might have given
birth to the Nazis...
but it didn't give birth
to the colonial bureaucrat...
feeble... a reader of Kant...
like me...
          whatever cocktail
of ****-wits and party-pleasers
is to come out of all this...
20 years into the 21st, grand opera,
of a century to end all centuries...
most of the time...
it's better that these
people understand that i am German
than figure out:
exotica postcard from
the nowhere that's Poland...
like: kommensie um! kommensie um!
like some hanzel und gretyl
          i play the German...
back where:
i'm just the "failed" generic
but no...
i could tell apart a Thai from a ***...
and a *** from a Ching...
but then a Maroccan from
a Libyan from an Iraqi
from a Saudi from a Yemenese?
   am i alone?
looks like most of these, people,
can't tell the difference between
a German and a ******...
and more notably...
           oh right... there's also a "now"?
pull me a sly Bogart
will you...
                 i need to forget
that James Bond didn't really exist...
*******... carry on Casablanca!
that's all that James Bond
ever was...
        carry on! Casablanca.
Andrew Rueter Sep 2020
God smites me
Because I'm smitten
He hates me rightly
For what I've written
I'm his beta kitten
And I walked away
Like Jason Witten
On retirement day
Avoiding a fiery fray
Because I'm entirely afraid
So I chose not to stay

I fell in love
Then felt God's shove
Pushing from above
With a punishing glove

I made a mistake
Then made it twice
That's all it takes
To feel God's ice
Then I made it thrice

Like 7 Brides For 7 Brothers
I've tried enough to know I'm a number
My deadened life's become encumbered
So my reddened eyes start to slumber

I don't listen
So I feel His scorn
Not in what glistens
But people I adore
Becoming those I mourn
Once they shoot me off
Into the lightning storm
Like Alex Killorn

I must pay attention
To escape the detention
Of my own invention
Ignoring what's mentioned
By God in His book
I feel the pawn and the rook
Can outmaneuver the King
All my pieces he took
And told me to sing
Daan Jul 2024
Het botert niet tussen
mij en tussen de oren.
Mijn buik is niet te sussen,
wil geen inspraak horen.

Voor maar honderdtien
doen we er ruitenwissers

De smaak van de keizer
Wie wordt de onderwijzer
bovenhands en overmand
zandkastelen in het zand.

En dit is nog maar het begin,
generiek en tegenwijzerszin.
Ronde schijven in vierkante dozen,
nu nog ergens om die ansjo in te lozen.

Mijn geld is op
vakantie en elke keer als ik die man zie
boekt mijn tas een vluchtje bij.

De staat van deze broek en wie ze draagt
in de staat, in beide zitten gaatjes, maatjes op
droog of natte plekken, dansen, rekken, goed proberen bekken,
sleur en doek, ongeacht, de laatste druppel vormt
signalen op je broek, morse code om te zeggen
dat je de verantwoording niet bij de ander
hoeft te leggen. Vogels verschuilen in de veren
van de wolf in schaapse kleren. Ijsberen
onderwinteren op zomerse terrasjes
verre van de mentale was en plasjes
die ze nog moeten draaien.

Laat maar waaien.

Sommige dingen zullen nooit, kan ik nooit vergeten.
Dat ik verkeerd was, moest iedereen weten, ze leken al
te lachen nog voor dat ik moest spreken.
Ik had niets om me aan op te trekken, haalde anderen
dan neer. Zelfs zei iemand stop, gooide ik
ze gewoon een busje verder onder in de functie
van een stomme mop. En oordelen gaat in twee
richtingen. Wie het zaait zal het oogsten, zal het plukken
Het moet toch lukken dat de stukken die we
slaan de waan levendiger maken dat de zaken er
goed voor zouden staan.

Achter elke boom zit de pijn van het verleden, erger nog dan slangen, gevaarlijker dan wolven, het lijden komt in golven en is niet te vermijden.

De pijn is van aller tijden, pakt je bij je biezen.
Laat je zien wat er valt en wat je kan verliezen.
Hier kan ik eindelijk doen wat ik zelf wil,
Hier is al de rest, eindelijk even stil.
Het afzien is een keuze.

Ik voel mij zo speciaal in de zever die'k verpak,
lak aan de tegels, een brug verkocht in de hemel
en de sterren namen geven. Dan durf ik nog te beweren
dat ik controle heb over mijn leven.

Ik blijf zelf best zitten, muren witten, draaien
frezen. Ik kan alleen maar boeken lezen. Wie iets
doet kan missen, wie iets doet, kan leren. Elke dag
is elke dag opnieuw proberen.
Doen wat je niet laten kan
nvinn fonia Dec 2021
more people like elon musk not Edward WITTEN
nvinn fonia Aug 2022
iff  Edward witten is so smart why did he not solve it by now

— The End —