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Advocate; self-styled advocate, his real job is insurance agent
Sampaza-changaa drunkard
Teacher-brother to Sampaza, also a changaa taker
Monica-changaa seller
Austeen-a lad, son to Monica
Watchman-changaa drunkard
Rono-friend to watchman
Njeri-friend to Monica, single mother
Atieno-friend to Monica, single mother
Driver- changaa taker and a smoker
Barasa-changaa taker and electrician
Ndhiwa- changaa taker, brother to barasa
Yator-changaa taker brother to barasa
Mavachi-changaa taker, with a fallen out wife
Mandila-relative to mavachi
Agnesi-wife to teacher
*chang’aa is homemade alcoholic spirit consumed by the peasants in east and central Africa.

In a slum area of Eldoret town, very many ramshackle muddy walled houses are seen; the setting takes place in the house of Monica the Changaa seller. There is low tone music humming from the DVD, playing Vincent Ongidi’s ‘mother is better than father.’
Music; Bakeni Nebekhale, bukula indika,
           Bukula indika samwana, Udimake kungeni
          Khusoko busia, bukula indika omusumba,
          Bakhwee nebechile, bukula indika
          Udimake khusoko yaya, bukula indika….
Driver; (dancing with a tumbler of chang’aa in his hand) let me dance! This is my best Sunday, let me dance, I am son of a woman. Sing! Sing! Sing! For us Vincent, you son of Ongidi, (pointing at the DVD).
Advocate; the problem you are only dancing with your class a half empty, moreover, you are not following the rhythm , I thought you dance to this song by shaking your shoulders, but instead you are gyrating your waistline.
Driver; (still dancing) let me dance because when I will go to the grave I will not get another chance to dance.
Advocate; (gulps from his tumbler) will you buy me chang’aa of ten shillings?
Driver; let me finish dancing first, I will see what to do about it.
(Enters Sampaza and teacher, as music goes off)
Sampaza; why are you dudes stopping the music on my entering?
Driver; it is not us who have stopped the music; you go and ask Vincent Ongidi why he did not sing a long song.
Sampaza; (sits at the old couch) where is Monica?
Driver; you burn us a cigarette before you ask for Monica, were you not with Monica upto the mid of last night?
Sampaza; why were you spying on me upto the mid of the night?
Advocate; (to Driver) give Sampaza time to introduce his friend to us
Sampaza; (to teacher) sit on this stool, forget about this drunkards.
Teacher; will this stool not break and sent me down like humpty dumpty? (Shakes the stool and sits on it)
Sampaza; It cannot even Monica herself sits on it and she is more huge than you do
Advocate; (to Sampaza) this is your brother?
Sampaza; now listen all off you
All; Sampaza we are listening to you all of us
Sampaza; had I killed our mother, he could not have born, (pointing to teacher).
Driver; if someone had not told me, there is no way I could know that this man is your brother. You are totally different from one another. Look, he is fat, strong, clean, well shaven and groomed brown and is like he took a bathe in the morning before he came here to chang’aa place, but you Sampaza tell us when you last washed your clothes? Even forget of washing your body.
Sampaza; (to driver) if you want to beg chang’aa from teacher just beg without using your desperate tricks of false praises.
Advocate; but me, I could easily know that teacher is a brother to Sampaza by simply comparing the shape of their heads, they look alike.
Teacher; who is serving chang’aa today?  I want to buy some for you guys.
Driver; it is Austeen, let me call him for you (goes at the door shouting) Austeen! Austeen! Aha! This boy is as earless as a female monitor lizard, (comes back) I have called him for you.
Teacher; thanks, let me believe he won’t take time, I am really thirsty.
Advocate; you can mitigate your thirst with this one of mine (gives teacher a tumbler).
Teacher; (sips) it was not a bad stuff (passes the tumbler to Sampaza)
Sampaza; (takes a full swig) uhm! The stuff is really the tears of the lion.
(Enters Austeen)
Austeen; My God, Sampaza is here again! Sampaza, why did you run away with my money last time? You take the beer and run away, even you made my mother to quarrel me yester night.
Driver; (to Austeen) you boy manage your mouths, don’t you see Sampaza is the age of your mother?
Austeen; wait! Sampaza must give me the money, give me the money you Sampaza!
Teacher; let me pay for him, how much was it?
Austeen; imagine Sampaza took off running into the darkness of the night after taking chang’aa of fifty shillings. Imagine a whole tumbler of fifty shillings.
Teacher; that was bad, Sampaza you did something very bad. You know Monica is a single parent and you run away with her money. This chang’aa is like Monica’s husband, so please let us be honest and pay our bills;
Austeen ;( to teacher) are you paying for Sampaza?
Teacher; yes, but before that; pour a tumbler of chang’aa worthy fifty shillings for each of these elders, including Sampaza. I am going to pay that one myself. But serve me with a tumbler of chang’aa that goes for a hundred shillings. May be it can quench my thirst.
Driver; brother you are a man (shakes teacher’s hand).
Austeen; (to Advocate) stand up for some minutes; I want to remove a grenade from your chair.
Advocate; you mean I was just sitting on the tears of the lion?
Austeen; yes (he fishes out a yellow plastic container, feels each tumbler as required).
Sampaza; you boy! What are you doing? Fill my tumbler to the brim, why are you now conning me off my chang’aa?
Austeen; (politely) Sampaza listen, you know my hands always shake when I am holding something. I didn’t want to spill chang’aa by struggling to fill your tumbler to the brim.
Teacher; (sipping, closing his eyes) Austeen now play for us another music.
Driver; yaah! The music, play for us Marashi ya karafu.
Austeen; my mother has not yet bought the DVD for Marashi ya karafu, let me play for you this one (shows him the DVD), it will thrill you to your bone marrow, (inserts the DVD in to the player).
Music ;( playing) ukiwa wa enda nyubani kwangu heee,
                          Umwambie stella mimi  sitakucha,
                         Umwambie stella mimi nimefungwa jela,
                      Anisalie mtoto mama nitaleaaaa!
Driver; ndio hiyo! (Stands up to gyrate his waist swiftly) that is my best song from Tanzania. How I wish I was still in prison on Christmas day of last year.
Sampaza; (sipping at his tumbler) if you want to be in prison go and make love to your goat and call people to help you.
Driver; look at you, with all this women, why should I go for a goat?
Sampaza; (standing up to dance, shaking his shoulders) because you want to be in
Austeen; (giggling and shouting) look! Look! Look at Sampaza, he does not know how to dance, he is waving his hands like wings of a chicken.
Sampaza; you dance and I see (daring Austeen)
Austeen ;( dancing) look! Look! Fire! Fire! Fire! (He goes to sit)
All; (laughing loudly and clapping) Austeen! Austeen!
Advocate; this boy Austeen, became old while in his mother’s womb
                     (Enters Monica, Rono and watchman)
Driver; here comes Monica, (provokes Monica for a dance, they both dance).
Advocate; (joins Monica and driver to dance) Monica! Monica! Daughter of Zinjathropus, Waa!
Monica; I am an early woman, yaani! Womanopithecus africanus (dancing).
Driver ;( pushing away advocate), dance away from here, why are you bringing here this evil smelling sweater of yours?
Advocate; I am sorry.
Driver; that is empty jealousy, you only saw Monica’s pelvis touching mine and you jumped here to disrupt my gusto.
                               (Music stops and they all get sited)
Monica; (to Austeen) give watchman and his friend chang’aa of twenty bob, I will pay myself.
Austeen; yes mama (serves watchman and Rono chang’aa)
Rono; Kongoi, I mean thank you Monica, you are such a generous woman? (Takes a full swig).
Monica; Karibu, don’t mind I am always and I will be always an early woman.
Sampaza; (to watchman) when you came in I thought you were the crow.
Watchman; (sipping) who? Me, I was a policeman ten years ago but I was ******.
Driver; (to Sampaza) this man is not a muriakole, he is not a cop. This is a D.D.O.
Advocate; meaning?
Driver; daily drinking officer, hmmm! The DDO.
All; laughing loudly.
Monica; (to advocate) how is your brother and his witchdoctor of a wife?
Advocate; Monica, just keep quiet, my brother is in problems.
Monica; which problems? I told him to marry me and he refused because I did not have book education.  I am now making more money from chang’aa in a day than even he does from his education. Let that man, that brother of yours, chew the full scale of his misfortune. Now tell me which problem has he?
Advocate; today very early in the morning I heard my brother screaming, of course from his house. Out of anxiety I rushed there to find out what was happening. Jesus! What I so…..
Driver; what was it? Just say.
Monica; a man has nothing to fear just say.
Teacher; where is Austeen?
Austeen; I am here
Teacher; serve each of us chang’aa of fifty shillings, start with him (pointing at the advocate) give Monica, your mother a tumbler, that one of a hundred shillings.
Austeen ;( serving as he sings) how long will they ****,
              Our brothers, while we stand watching them,
                Redemption songs, Bob Marley! Sons of ghetto!
Sampaza; Austeen you are always not measuring my chang’aa to the money given, now look, does this grasshoppers spittle qualify to be chang’aa of fifty shillings?
Austeen; Sampaza, I told you my hands are not steady, they always shake whenever I am holding something.
Sampaza; (to Monica) I will bring a medicine man to give some manyasi to this son of yours, so that he stops shaking his hands like an epileptic.
Monica; Sampaza, you drink your chang’aa and to hell with your medicine-man. Let us listen to what happened to the brother of advocate.
Advocate; now, as I was saying I found my brother’s wife had swollen my brothers ***** to its base, the ***** was full deep in her mouth, my brother was screaming but the was dead silent ******* the *****, her teeth tightly gripping it at the same time.
All; laughing loudly
Teacher; Maybe it was oral ***, but not domestic violence
Monica; oral ***!?
Teacher; yes, it is possible
Advocate; but why was he crying?
Monica; because his wife was ******* his *****
Teacher; that is the case
Advocate; if at all it was pleasurable then why was my brother screaming?
Teacher;  maybe he was on ******* ecstasy, the same way a woman can be when you suckle or even ****** her *****.
Monica; but I can’t allow a man to suckle the eye of my breast.
Driver; even me, I can’t suckle my wife
Teacher; why?
Driver; even also, in my culture, one is not allowed to suckle a woman’s ****
Teacher; is that sexuology or culture?
Watchman ;( to driver) yes, answer that! Answer that question from teacher.
Monica; but it is only a foolish woman who can allow a man to suckle her *****, or if she can then she is not serious with that man.
Teacher; (to Monica) then which man do you like? Sampaza?
Monica; Me do love Sampaza?
Teacher; yes, Sampaza
Monica; this Sampaza, is always as miserable as a corpse in the grave without a coffin.
Advocate; you are as miserable as a corpse in the grave without a coffin.
Sampaza; I am not, I know am great
Teacher; yes, and capable to love the early woman like Monica.
Sampaza; (to Austeen) play for us some better music.
Austeen; which one mama? Which music can I play?
Monica; play for them Pamela Nkutha (sings) Nakula ebusi,
                  Nakula ewunwa, lalalaa! Lalalaa! Laaaa!
Austeen; Mama, that one we don’t have. Let me play for them Brenda *****.
Music; (playing) Songea nikubambe, songea nikubusu,
                          Nakupenda, nakubusu ehee monica eheee!
Austeen; Kula Ngoma; he who does not have chic let him embrace a stone (exits)
All; (dancing violently) Monica! Monica waaaaaaa!
Watchman; (dancing) Sampaza can you suckle the ***** of a woman?
Sampaza; ask driver that question.
Driver; I cannot suckle the ***** of my wife.
Teacher; I depend with nature of a woman you are in the bed with.
Watchman; correct , some women has fallen ******* like chapattis, but if a chic has ***** and pointed breast, I  can ****** and suckle her like nothing else in this world. I can even suckle her *******.
Teacher; by the way, ******* are the fountain of pleasure to a woman, when you suckle her she will just moan; Sampaza! Sampaza! Sampazaaaaa!
All; laugh raucously
Monica; these men are drunk.
Driver; no, they are now happy, pick one of them for yourself.
Monica; the man that I can love now must be having a death certificate.
Teacher; what does it mean? Me I thought you need a dark skinned man like Sampaza, you know the dark the skin of a man the greater the ****** pleasure ehee…
                       (Enters Njeri and Atieno)
Njeri; Monica, are you not aware that were are late for Chama? Look you are still *****, you have not even combed you hair.
Monica; Njeri come in why are rioting at the door, look at Atieno she is as miserable as usual.
Njeri; she was flogged by the husband.
Atieno; (to Njeri) you! Watch your mouths, I don’t have a husband.
All; laugh, (Njeri and Atieno sits).
Sampaza; look at this one (pointing to Njeri) can I give you some money so that you do me a favour.
Njeri; which favour?
Sampaza; of this…(Makes a sign of *** with his fist).
Njeri; I don’t sleep with chang’aa drunkards
Atieno; even me
Sampaza; (staggering, and then falling on Njeri’s laps) I want! Truly I want!
Advocate; Sampaza is drunk, let me take him home (pulls Sampaza).
Sampaza; (resisting, avoiding to be pulled out by advocate) leave me alone! You thief! You are an insurance thief! Who told you that you are an advocate? You are not! You want to steal my money. No, all these people are thieves, Monica is a big thief, and they want to steal my brother’s money!  Teacher! Come out of here! This is a den of pickpockets! They will still your wallet, come we go! Thieves! Thieves!
                        (Advocate pulls Sampaza out, as they both exit)
Driver; Sampaza does not have manners.
Njeri; Imagine he fell on my laps, what if my husband found him?
Monica; He would have now divorced you for eating rats.
Njeri; When I have not eaten any rat, it was only a drunkard supporting himself on my legs.
Atieno; he has spoken a lot of words.
Driver; and all the words were total lies.
Monica; no, whatever is in the inner heart of a sober man is always on the tongue of the drunkard man.
Teacher; to mean what? Anyway, forget about Sampaza.
Watchman; by the way
Rono; I am also off my senses, I am seeing each of you having seven heads, and the heads are a
There was a town beyond the woods,
Ne’er there any water stood,
Alas, a Well, of the purest kind,
The aquifer under, is here described,
Beyond a thousand gallons under
The diamond-esque rubble and sunder.
But one bucket, at but one time,
Kind, the town, taking turns of rhyme,
This essence, used to bathe and cook,
To drink, to create, a cozy nook.
The happy town, the gorgeous shire,
The crops grown there as green as Ire,
No law exists, they live but civilly,
A fetching, quiet community,
But always there exists a one,
Who would want power, want this undone,
So it was said regretfully,
Poisoned their Well, emotionless he.
Now this village was quite secluded,
No one not there born, ne’er intruded,
Deep in the forest, behind a mountain,
Over a peak, under a cloudy curtain,
It existed in secret and abolition,
And one did seek its demolition,
Knowing the only flaw to here exist,
The essence of life, no man resists.
He crept at night, while the guard did sleep,
Promising the pure water to weep,
Dropping the genocide with bucket and crane,
Releasing its Demonic Alchemic Strain,
The Well did hiss as the poison moaned,
Recoiling at this unwanted drone,
The assailant then brought to his steady lips,
A cup and was first to take Devil’s Kiss.
On the morrow of the mentioned crime,
Busy bodies awoke to start the day’s time,
Queuing at bucket and awaiting turns,
Each family there a portion yearned,
Not one did from the water strafe,
Each then bathed, then drank, unsafe,
No one could tell different taste,
Water is water, but not today.
The plague did start like any disease,
Sore throat, fever, stopped nose, displeased,
The people sought the witchdoctor,
But he from bed, would rise no longer,
He caught ill too, and wouldn’t budge,
Afraid for his life, afraid of this grudge,
He knew this sickness, had heard before,
But told no one, the end was sure.
In a week, vomiting and nausea,
Nasal passages sealed, no nostalgia
Brought to memory of any like sickness,
The virus brought about decrepit afflictions,
But slowly and steady, worse and worse,
The people became, some saw the course
But kept silent, to avoid alerting,
The so many children in need of comforting.
In two weeks’ time, the pathogen,
Had taken wits of sensible men,
At night, they screamed in somber fright,
Their deepest fears, real now, and bright,
The lutes died out, the bards not singing,
An unfortunate time, but this was only beginning.
Fingernails rotting off at the cuticle,
Too much blood for any receptacle,
Leprositic, the fingers came next,
One by one, extremities hexed,
Children lost their legs to run,
From mothers’ faces rotted, undone,
In every other step, heard were bones breaking,
Kneecaps cracked open, shins splintering,
Eyes turned cadaverous, awake, but not seeing,
Cataracts formed, blinded from viral being,
In cradles were witnessed toddlers there suffering,
Their mothers watched with empty sockets, but listening
To the cries impossible to stifle,
The pain too much for these tiny disciples.
The dogs normally to their masters zealous,
Became of them mortally jealous.
They bit the hands that fed them well,
For watering them from the cryptic Well.
Men watched their sons dive right under,
The bridge that harnessed a valley of blunder
Hundreds of feet above sharp rocks and stumps,
Their namesakes leaped, impaled in clumps,
For those lucky enough to still have eyes,
Cried tears of acid for images despised
Sickness was spewed upon the walls,
Entrails adorned the Gathering Halls,
Some had turned to mutilation,
Blood-letting for some, abomination,
Some crazed enough to “cure” themselves,
Clawed throat and stomach til flesh dissolved,
Some rich with elixir tried to embezzle,
Upon some of the poor, tired and grizzled,
Riot broke out amongst the walking dead
Fortune or lack of, irrelevant,
Black pustules broke out that looked Bubonic,
But the cure for that failed, how ironic,
That it rather hastened the steadfast curse,
Faster than iambic verse,
Molecules turned to embryo,
Rising like a great Pharaoh,
They became flesh parasites,
Taking internal organs, slow and precise,
They started with the liver and spleen,
So there lasted hours of wretched screams,
The intestines of some would close and then
Becoming septic, they passed, bile in stem,
A few had throats seeming cauterized,
Friends watched friends closest, strangle alive,
There were in fact, some optimists,
Among them, talk of being “rid of this”,
They too died while clutching life,
Endeavoring their eternal flight,
From noses, there dripped blackened murk,
Thicker than combined oil and dirt,
It then secreted as sweat from all pores,
Fatigue then struck those left to the floor.
Upon broken knees some prayed,
Usually the skin under ribs was flayed,
Trying to understand what went wrong,
Dissecting the dead was not headstrong,
It only furthered viral progression,
The open corpses breathing infection,
The cadavers would move still, the fleshbugs active,
The horror of lifeless movement, corrosive,
The minds of the weak, it pure happenstance,
One found eating dead flesh for a cure, no chance.
All in all, this lingering curiosity,
Provided once good people with animosity,
One man turned good people to hate,
Their neighbors in ways that were irate.
The chaos was not anarchy,
For, as I said,
It was civilly,
But verily, I do decree,
That no one knew such misery,
The inhabitants of this village,
Did not suspect innocent visage,
Or perhaps, their cherished Well.
To be culprit behind this hell
So they drank and drank to remedy,
To recompense this malady,
To no avail did blood get thicker,
Alas, they got but sicker and sicker.
This hell, the townsfolk then realized,
Wouldn’t end til they all were nullified,
Eliminated they were, eradicated at that,
This pathogenic virus had verily spat
In the faces of the people here,
Decimated they were, not quenching their fear,
Murdered they were by a systematic
Suicidal psychopathic,
Inflamed in the mind of darkness thereafter,
Only satisfied by his own laughter.
Not many, til now, know of this town,
From lowly peasant, to “Godly” Crown.
An explorer found the deserted hamlet,
Body parts and questions then found the hermit,
He had heard of a town like this, he wrote:
“It was a new age Roanoke…”
But the village, not a town to cause commotion,
All that was left of them, a tree scratched, “CROATOAN”.
Once he
      held it
         he knew,
            he just knew

he was going
   to the top,
      of that  there is no doubt

from the time
    he started
       his mojo working

he was walking, talking
      all about...

that time
   when he was
             reading tea leaves

     voodooing ,

          just  using
             his   imagination

he travelled far,
          that train whistle blowin'
              sowing the seeds he was sowing.

then, while listening to bob dylan
      he had what they call, an epiphany

he started growing mushrooms
                    to see what he could see

when the results came back
       he said his epitaph
                 just has to read

   'Down Through The Years
The Lord Has Been Good To Me'
Aj Thomas Feb 2021
Once upon a midnight clear,
Brightly lit by the blood moons light,
I set out on a journey long and far,
To see the Witchdoctor,
Hoping he could cure what pains me,
Conjure up a potion or a brew,
Strong enough to bring back my love so true.
You see, I once thought I had it all,
That I would forever hold it dear,
That I could eternally keep his heart,
I believed I could capture his eye to never wander,
I assumed if I held him close with all my might,
He could never slip away from me,
He would never want to go.
But here I am in the forest,
Pathed paved with great roads ahead of me,
Heavy heart in my hands,
Broken spirit in my bones,
Crushed spirit and clipped wings,
Life in shambles without a drop of glue,
Holding me together, fall apart I shall.
Without my rock to hold me steady,
Without my other half to make me whole,
Oh please tell me do you know where I can find,
This medicine man they speak of,
Who can mend a broken heart,
Who can put my life back together the way it once has been?
My legs are weary,
My soul is tired,
My faith is wavering,
My spirit is broken,
My feelings crushed,
Please say you can help me find the source of which I speak?
So maybe his voodoo magic can conspire,.
Perhaps he can whip up a time machine,
To fix words before they are spoken,
Mistakes before they are made,
Understandings be found before they are misunderstood,
Catch hearts before they hit the floor and are broken beyond remedy,
Hold together a beautiful bond before it is undeniably divided.
My journey is coming to a close,
His cave is but a stones cast away,
Pray he can aide me in my quest,
I am desperate and at his mercy I am,
I need someone's assistance and support,
It must be immediate and right away,
I have not a moment to spare.
For each second that passes is gone forever,
I may never get another opportunity to make amends,
Another moment I must suffer without my sweetheart's embrace,
I cannot bear another day suffering from a broken heart,
Let him wave his magic wand or say his voodoo chant,
I’ll drink whatever potion he concocts or conjures up,
If it will bring my misery and agony to an end.
Please Mr. Witchdoctor I beg of you,
Work your voodoo magic you do so well,
Place a spell or hex on me whatever it is you do,
Say your magic words, do your sacred dance,
Bring my beloved sweetheart back,
Let me forever be near,
Let him be eternally happy even if it is not with me.
Megan Sherman Mar 2017
His strategy has heart in it
Imbued with a just and compassionate spirit
Putting all at the heart of his endeavour
To ward off the ominous, evil weather
That doth the truest path inhibit

Love conquers all, as Shakespeare said
A truth to bring life to the dead
Who have the spell of evil read
Around them the sublime hippie treads

Weaving souls together with magic threads
Their awakening the evil dreads
But minds will open, hearts will see
Mouths will speak, we will be free
The 5000 fed with a loaf of bread
nivek Aug 2015
never thought to see an advert for black magic
here on hello poetry

are they really a shaman

or is it another tiresome scam
another tiresome scam

tiresome scam
The poor child groaned

while his mother moaned

''Ah, he's possessed,

Oh, he's been bewitched'',

Superstition bemoaned

. To the witchdoctor she sped

and was back with murky potions

such yucky stinky lotions

Those mythical concoctions

The woman obeyed the wily witchdoctor

Placed belief in that traditional healer

and the poor child still groaned

but his mama no longer moaned

After two days of tribal treatment

and no lessening of predicament

she thought he needed something more potent

When all it turned out to be was a cavity dent!

But she would hear of no dentist

Like all quacks her witchdoctor had fooled her five senses

For his spells and his chants

and his mystical dance

held her too in a trance

Quite a weird ****** is he

Beware the medicine- man!

The devious cunning shaman

Beware that vodoo magic and witchcraft

that so survive on the gullible and the daft.

Yet I was warned to be wary of pharmaceuticals too

They can be harmful chemicals in the long run for you
I thought Witchdoctors only existed in Africa but turns out they are everywhere else too
Allen Davis Nov 2013
Standing naked on the porch
New gold rings on my fingers
Morning mist in the valley
I couldn’t stop myself.
I couldn’t even try.
Call the healers and call the medics.
Send for a witchdoctor.
Someone needs to wake her up
Morning sun in the valley
It’s gonna be a hot one.
Once he
held it
he knew,
he just knew.

He was going
to the top
of that, there is no doubt.

From the time
he started
his mojo working.

He was walking, talking
all about...

that time
when he was
reading tea leaves.

He was voodooing,
just using
his imagination.

He travelled far,
that train whistle blowin'
sowing the seeds he was sowing,

then , while listening to bob dylan,
he had what they call an epiphany.

He started growing mushrooms
to see what he could see.

When the results came back,

he said his epitaph
just has to read.

"Down Through The Years
The Lord Has Been Good To Me"
nivek Sep 2015
I think I may have a small insight into that manic madman, madwoman,
you know the one; love potions and abortions all at the same time.
He, She, obviously reads poetry here and taking it all literally thinks we are all in need of a witchdoctor to cure us from love lost, love to gain, or purge us of any love child.
One day while I was listening to Bob Dylan
I had what they call an epiphany
You know, when your intuition and your consciousness
Are in sinc - some call it synchronicity
One day my love and I were sitting on the sofa
Partaking in some mushroom tea, just to see what we could see
Then my love said honey, you have to keep sowing those seeds you're sowing
Carry on with the way the wind is blowing
But your epitaph just has to read
Down Through The Years The Lord Has Been Good To Me
John Taylor Dec 2016
I fell in love with the witch doctor
The first day I laid eyes on her
I fell upon the decision that science and religion were not for me
In the end, they seem equally wishy washy
And the witch doctor had taught me spirituality
“Believe what you feel” she said, then anything may be true
This creates a reality that is totally up to you
Alluring is this sense of choice and grandeur
But it creates a slave who is his own master
When it is to simple chemicals in the brain that you pander;  
I fell in love with the lie, that what you feel is what you know
I fell in love with idea that there may be choice in this violent ebb and flow
But as the cycles continue I see my agency grow less and less
As the world tosses both I and the witchdoctor in a frenzied pirouette
Jamie F Nugent Apr 2016
Worshipping and demonized,
Force fed and forbidden,
Since stone age,
Interwoven irreversibly,
Hands in air, like
Trying to stab the night's sky.

You dance like snakes would,
You maintain an ironic hipster pose
For everyone, at all times,
Standing, bright in this
Dingy old house.

Blowing air kisses and out
Sliver smoke rings, all night long,
You are the gum snapping stranger,
Pacing up and down the hall,
Wearing a tight t-shirt
With daises,
And tighter jeans.

Calling for your taxi
In the near morning,
From the door, in freezing rain
You somersault from place to
New and exciting place,
Give to you to drink mandrogora,
Until you are muddied and slow,
Like a double-decker bus.

Hypnotic and hallucinogenic,
Unsure if this is legal,
As if you really care,
Thinking you are so very
******* like some
Witchdoctor or Voodoo Priest,
This was not what you expected,
The journey through the living room walls.

-Jamie F. Nugent
nivek Sep 2015
can someone get a potion from that witchdoctor
a spell that will stop all the unwanted advertising
can relate to tommy, i used to drive my parents up the wall, i told mum i want to stay home,
when she shops, which was fine, but then, dad asked me, and i sobbed giving dad the impression that i never knew mum left, i was crazy, dad used to use smacking discipline
and he called me a fool, not his fault, i threatened him numerous times, i was jealous of my brother
who i seemed to be listened to by my father, and i was different, my previous lives, as patrick dunbar, my dad was a ****, always in los angeles, while we're in wisconsin, i never saw him, my male role model as patrick dunbar was his grandfather, but still, the witchdoctor grabbed me and murdered me, my next life as greame thorne, my parents were a little too nice, but they lived in low income properties in sydney, and when we won that sydney opera house money, i as greame, was told to shut up, because they want to kidnap my sister, but eventually they grabbed my life as greame thorne, asked for ransom of the winnings and
then next thing i knew i was thrown to the sharks, this life, i get very emotional, if i upset someone, and most of the time i worried about annoying someone, or worrying about being teased, or losing my job, i was a crazy person, grabbing kids, and letting them go, i was like tommy, i couldn't understand why my dad and mum, tried to encourage me to fight, because
i was unaware, about how i felt about fighting as a kid, if you have problems, mentally, think
before you erink alcohol, i did, and yes, i have some neat little songs about drinking

i would love to have a beer with brian

i would love to have a beer with him

i was kidnapped at age of 8 twice

my future is totally cool

i stopped drinking heavy's

cause it affects with my meds

i would prefer to have a COKE with brian

cause he gets really wild
time is my enemy death is a Friend
a friend that will not be my beginning
but my end
A friend that is heavenly send,
and no one can take a stand.
the Rich never have enough,
the poor never have too little and everyone has to settle

it will relieve me of all my pain, disgrace,my embarrassments and my debts.
a friend that is a sealed fate,
but we don't realize the date,
For no witchdoctor or prophet can tell us when it was set.
when l die l hope reincarnate as a cat
for he has 9 lives and stays as the pet.

l live everyday like it's an eternity
for if l lived it as my last,
will l not disturb my sanity.
if wishes were horses and time machines could fly through time,
l have only one desire
to warn my self "watch out for the wicked
and never retire".
For the Strongest face the hardest fight.
and the realest live the hardest life.
Babakagolo Feb 4
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