It was terrifying visceral scream
In negative color!
Nega-green and purple-blue shimmer,
cascading yellow dark
Upon a fourth dimensional screen,
But it was a mind’s-eye view of the black side of the eyelid, so it’s just a thought
A passing dream
But it was ugly
and obscene
But you weren’t sure you saw it and you surely don’t want the thing.
So we’ll let go of the vision and forget it’s being
It certainly wreaked of hell in that room for a scene.
It scared me to think
How evil I could imagine
Might intervene
Chaos actor in shadows and driven by destroying beautiful dreams.
I’ve been meditating on a visual experience I received in a drug-induced manic state a couple of months ago. It was akin to a hallucination, and it is not an isolated thing. In fact it’s something I’ve experienced for years regardless of drug or drink. However in a receptive state ripe with metaphorical meaning I engaged with what felt like a being. Not something external but deep within me. This meditation has produced a number of different visual experiences, almost all pleasant or calming, or at worst confusing; but this particular experience was something quite horrifying, and the first (and hopefully only) of its kind. What I see or, am trying to see, is a visual OM- which presents itself in the same way we visualize a Tesseract (the fourth dimensional cube thing); But what my mind produced in this meditation was a ****** representation, still roiling into and through itself fourth-dimensionally, but with horrifying features, gnashing teeth, glowing eyes hollow cheeks, ripping skin, at times lizard-like, other times demonic, cartoonish even, and undeniably represent Ive of some evil thing. It was not an experience I wish to repeat, and it was concerning. Because if it was from beyond the veil, I do not want to see. And if it was my own mind creating, that means it was inside of me.