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SassyJ Mar 2016
Vietnam, you uncovered my soul
Gave me a song, a direction smog
Looked at the pandora box I held
Unstripped my flames up temples

A hologram of the graded existence
Seasoned in explosions of burnt haste
Decked on buses,ducked in valleys
Chilled bays, overly paddled kayaks

Such sweet taste of the Halong bay
Undreamt mist of the skies stared
Fishing squids and bellied jellyfish
The soil, the sound,an orotund playlist
Travels.... I miss you Vietnam..... you were hyperreal!
SassyJ Apr 2016
The rattle is shaken and life becomes unfixed
Torrential rains cascades downwards on ancient bricks
These stunning moments have been rediscovered
In wonder all is flustered in awe as the state of silence honks
Love creeps out of tune in time, the unsureness of cold feet
The voice fades, the toned whispers continually erased
Stormed and soaked, stilled and stalked by a heart that stole my dream
Drenched in uncertainty, non-favouring multitudes won't let me be
These flutters flattens and deflated, I stroll and I will not run
The floating fun fares vanishes, the morning bird furnishes
The time capsule evaporated, unstripped and frozen

Ohh, how I wished to plant and harvest inspiration
Wake up with a renewed breath of air, the flowing river
Of the days when the gloom masked, I hated what life had become
How could humanity be so self centred and selfish?
I looked for silence and the banging never ceased
The masses rushed, never to let me be, they snatched my freedom
I inhaled the hope of the freeness and longed for the racing momentums

How so?
That over time the weather collapsed to coldness, the darkness marbled
A nag of the songbirds, as I escaped in the ****** ozone layer
A disconnect of the mind, body and soul; when I saw my spirit sail
A snail sailing on its own course and journey slowly but steady
Reflections and visions of the timeline of growth and fertility
A heart of one, the soul of all, the mind of many, a tongue in sums
The chandelier hanged on a ceiling, high, holding the flickering bulbs
A condense of energy, the modelled nature of a prognostic intervention
A laughter and synergy rests in the symphony of the unsung melodies
Sombro Jun 2013
Golden landscape passing by
Lays a curse upon my eye
For golden landscapes never should
Be gazed upon then gone for good

A honeyed sun
A moonlit plain
Should never not be seen again

For rain to pain
Or sun on plain
Both make a sight which shan’t remain

And train through plain
Shows great disdain
For golden glows in poet’s brain

Too quick the trip
Barely a nip
I wish to see the world unstripped

Take me there
To landscapes where
I’ll sit and live life’s golden share

For the tracks go on
But beauty remains
Why not I too?
Because the trains.
dairy Apr 2019
stripes on shirt
with your soul
seeking a home
you created one
and your unstable
to shatter
thoughts to dump May 2021
i know what you like
girls with their backbones shown off
curves trailed in their silhouettes, perfect
tops cropped, bottoms stripped
cherry lips, glass skin, white as porcelain
a sight you always imagine;


i wish you would also like
girls with their bare faces in the mirror
curves scribbled with their pens as thoughts deepen
tees vintaged, bottoms unstripped
chapped lips, scarred skin, mosaic heartbreaks
a sight that also sees you beyond and between.
good girls hopeful they'll be and lonely they'll wait
Larry Potter Jun 2021
It was the inevitability of rain
And its unbridled beads of pearls
Kissing my parched window sill
That percolated inside the crevices
Of my temperamental mind.
The sunless sky unlit my listless eyes
Pouring heavily from the looming clouds
The morning coffee looked just as dismal
As the free-flowing muddy waters
Receding toward an abyss of false finality.
Each sip echoes the pitter-patter
But the drink unstripped better in memory
The aftertaste left much to be desired
Like the bitterness of unwelcomed hellos
That came after our sun-kissed goodbyes.
VL Oct 2018
It was that night
Stars were bright
No light
Only she in sight
With face Shining in moon light.

It was that night
It was snow outside in the plot
And I wanted to tell you alot.
It was that night
You looking prettiest in blue skirt
And your eyes flirt

It was that night
You took me in your arms
It was too warm.

It was that night
I touched her all around like buck
It was night of luck.

It was that night
I unstripped her blue skirt from back and kissed her neck
Turned her gently ,looked eyes to eyes,nervous,sweating, breathing fast.
A rush of blood in veins
A sweet blush on her face
Took off her blue bra lace.

It was that night
Her breast was all uptight
Like blossom  in  sight
We Reached  cascade to quench our quest.

It was that night
Her hands in hair and mine in hers.
With Inflexion in voice
Attention in  my eyes
******* was best she whispered in my eyes.

It was that night
We laid on bed
With roses red.
Interweaved for life.

— The End —