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rained-on parade Jun 2016
The way I'm going now,
I'd probably crash into your living room:
tearing apart the art-deco set up
with my red car,
mashing art and steel into a subculture
of hate, and the unrequitedness of love.

I'm rocketfuel and bedding-
I'm churning up the cotton into kindling
and I'm burning so bright
I don't think I'll be able to top this.
I won't be able to top this.

I'm swallowing air and the sea,
the sea can wait a little while,
I'm yelling so hard at the waves my
throat has more salt than your tears,

you don't need conch shells to hear
me pleading for you; strumming six songs a second
and wailing into a chorus of
"I'm sorry" and "I love you";

it almost sounds like

I'm apologising.
Crash and burn.
Past tense.
O the gorgon dread
contorting me to stone
setting my heart to a place
from whence I craved to fled

O the piercing raw gaze
setting my body to necroses
by a gale of unrequitedness
tearing my presence until it fades

O the beguiled smile
putting my nature to cofliction
with faith placed in a better you
a hope that brings nothing but arousal

O the persuasive tongue
pulling my strings of emotion
flaring me with wings
until I burn too close to the sun

O the reflection I see
of this person who looks just like me
is as unfamiliar as the next
for I plunged this self into the depths of the sea
We don't need to accept the flaws in our character as who we are
but to to accept that they are, is a flaw in who we are
Diana Santiago Oct 2020
Your waters are slowly drowning me
The waves of your unrequitedness dragging me below
This ocean so indifferent and cold
My gasps for air fall deaf on your salty waters

Your currents tossing me around like a rag doll
Gurgling cries emanating from my lungs
A Godly barge frantically tossing a life saver
My attempts are no match for your choppy seas

Fight I will with all my might
To survive, to live and to thrive
Victorious, I will reign above the drenching flow
Of your dark emotionless undertow
David Doran Apr 2015
I can physically feel emotional pain,
It's eating life as it drains,
Each suffers through the unrequitedness,
It could all be changed with a single kiss.
love life live kiss sad love-sick lust desire sadness please
The toll of the bell heralds in the time
It's still dark out
I guess it's three am
The bell chimes again
Another hour passed
I'm still awake
All for him..            
Another sleepless night
over obsessed unrequitedness.

— The End —