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TrueSun Oct 2014
I got no problems
Can't solve em
So I just let the **** be
Instead of it troubling me
Smoking that ****
Gives a kick of what I need
To my imagination and thoughts is the definition of speed
Because my mind starts to race
Can't catch it or even stay with it in a stead pace
Keeping stress in the mind
Creates it to be blind
Where I'm lost and can't find
The reason I'm on this planet
Still confused and I want to panic
But I can't complain cause I wasn't the one to plan it
To go to school and be called lame
Because my swag is different and isn't the same
From yours?
Nah homie I don't wanna attract ******
I wanna girl who's imaginations is bigger than an inspiration
Of what she wants to be after graduation
Tuffy Mutombo Apr 2021
Her: Hey how are you
Me: I am still a fool
Her: Why
Me: Because I am still willing to fall for you
Her: I just called to check up on you
Her: Heard you been facing a tough time
Me: Yes I have been facing a tough time
Me: I have been feeling empty inside
Me: I been feeling like a hole has been ripped in my heart
Me: Even though my heart beats,
Me: It still beats to the soundtrack of your voice
Her: I am confused
Her: I gave you my heart and you decided to break it
Her: Now you crying and facing regret
Her: I gave you my all, and you gave me just enough of you
Her: Enough to keep me interested
Her: While loving me from a distance
Her: As you fought the resistance, you never gave us a chance
Her: You ignored love when it came knocking
Me: I know, I was wrong for thinking you would stay forever
Me: I took you for granted, I took what we had and destroyed it
Me: You calling me shows me that we still stand a chance
Her: Some chapters are better left closed
Her: I am just keeping my promise
Her: I told you I would be there for you
Her: Even if it meant loving you from a distance
Her: I see the good in you
Her: But I can't be with you if you don't see it too
Me: I see what you mean, I still have a lot to learn
Me: I tried to find you in the last person who claimed to love me
Me: But failed to realize that a love that you gave could never be duplicated, a love full of compassion, desire, a love so deep the soul can feel it. Now I get it, I was numb at the moment because I was afraid to feel loved, afraid to lose myself in you, afraid to face my darkest fears
Me: I was afraid to let you hold my insecurities, thinking it would destroy me.  So I never gave you all of me. Because I thought it was impossible to love me
Her: Impossible is a word cowards use to ignore life's greatest opportunities. I believed in you and saw all that you could be
Her: I saw past your insecurities, I just hoped you saw me for me and stopped running away from me
Her: Your fear introduced countless hours of tears to me
Her: You left me outside your heart as I knocked for you to let me in
Her: Now that I healed from the pain and hurt you caused me, you want me to open up those old scars, those old memories
Me: I am sorry, that I hurt you so badly. I hurt myself too along the way for being ignorant of your love
Me: Your words were the closure I was looking for
Me: The piece to my peace I was missing
Me: I now undersatnd what it means to have had and lost
Her: I am sorry too... I wish you luck as you search for the real you
Her: When you find him please tell him next time to love instead of run, tell him its ok to feel too. Tell him true love comes to those who seek it with all of their heart and soul. Tell him its ok to fall
Me: Thank you for everything
Me: I now understand
Her: You are welcome, I will be here until the end
stargazer May 2018
Just when we think everything has been said
Someone says something new
When we think everything has been done
There is something to do

We don't fully comprehend the meaning of everything
We use the term so casually
But really we don't undersatnd
Everything happens gradually
George A Kary Apr 2022
Where have you gone?
You are the government
Your people are gone
No longer there
       or by the people
Truth is abstract and twisted
        to fit your narrative
Speech is reclassified and censored
       by your minions
To undersatnd you...
I must think and hear the opposite
       of what is said
My home and church
       are no longer my sanctuary
You monitor my prayers and dreams
Cancel them to create a religion
        of your own
To be obeyed
The sun is setting
We are leaderless and disenfranchised
As you play divide and conquer
To maintain and consolidate control
Unity is otherwise
For knowledge would  be found
In the otherwise
Setting the people free
     to come and take its place
At the table of government
     by the people

— The End —