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tread Sep 2010
Just as the pyramids would,
In the deserts of Cairo,
Snow-capped mountains gleam distant,
As if Kings on the Main.

This distance complete,
Through the eyes of the beholder,
As from a sea-sided office,
We with watch with wonder lust.

Bright streetlights,
And red lights, and green lights,
And stop signs,
As decadent name-change,
Perceives as if older,
As bigger, as bolder.

Musicians and artists,
Poets and Marxists,
Authors and boxers,
All convene to sing songs,
As egalitarianism,
Sings us a calm, blinded lullaby,
As the idea to be grasped,
In this young mind of mine.

They call this no small town,
In which not one arcade resides;
Gun crime is never,
In percent, as we ride,
A wave of communal,
Small-town "world peace,"
We'll take some money,
Off the governments lease.

In a sense we are distant,
Different, contesting,
A world which conforms,
As if all can and will be,
A slave to a master,
Sociopathic disaster,
As we run faster and faster,
Away from that stream.

We are the masters of our fate,
As we rate the world's hate,
On a scale from 1 to 10.

We are secluded,
Yet unconfused, not diluted;
We are more aware of this world,
Than it is of itself.

We set the sidelines,
As guidelines to life,
As we watch with some bias,
As we remain neutral to strife.

We are the Power,
And we are the River,
Ripped from the main-stream,
We create; we are free.
Dedicated to my hometown of Powell River, British Columbia, Canada.
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2014
for you

Never have I seen you,
or touched thy breeze-smoothed skin,
caressed the rounded angles of thy cheekbones,
with the worn~smooth heel of my thumb

it matters not

for long and forlorn,
have I come to love you

fat or pretty,
your physicality is inconsequential,
we have bound and blind~binded
our visible connection
by oaths and contemplations,
all codified in worthy action verbs
whispered in each other ears

we have spent our nodules of time
silently caressing,
word gentling,
and falling in love

this night has brought me
no sleep,
this day has brought me
no pecuniary relief

but words embellish me with hope,
dress and drape my face with
coming attractions,
for that alone,
as if more were
even possible,*
I tell you this
straight out and unconfused,

I adore you

we are a lyric, a harmony,
an aesthetic unique,
for you have never seen my face,
yet this night,
thy comeliness has
stirred and up lifted,
thy tone and tiny gasps
my sundered parts
refilled and reattached with our own esprit de corps,
ethereal, ephemeral, yet so real,
I raise them,
to my lips,
and feel you as I do so,
gentling my cheeks
with your breathes breeze,
asking me live with joy....
tho never have I seen you
Nat Lipstadt May 2014
The Realized thinks:

flesh and the blood demands
you spew your stuff in me,
deny me nothing
even as I am sleep full,
thy cravings grow fuller, not fewer
craven not I,
to demand my satisfaction in the
rendering of yours

for you are of my flesh eaten
for you are of my blood tasted
tho the universe placed a spatial divide,
an atmosphere tween our celestial bodies,
t'is a temporary condition,
you are but moon slivered,
man half if not just quartered,
less than whole,
when disjointed and not inside
the incontestable undivided me of us

the Other Seductress
easy teases with adagios and pinprick words,
offering lifelong immortality  -
words like fish in nets,
loaves of bread,
that will
fill souls with insight long after
the physic man's grave site location forgotten

your muse, she bemuses:

I can make
you come and
make you
multiples of multiples nightly,
ripping your word seeds from your body
the pleasure insane, your mind enflamed
even now in the air above this planet your earth,
I am your mile high and river deep,
you belong to me and spill the verbal deeds,
your art is mastery more than
any physical sweating
of blood and sweat or tears

the other laughs and counterclaims
that all that is promised is but a mere secondary
derivative of who you are when you
whisper excitedly I love you
and this belongs
to me and no other!
where is your immortality better scribed
when your issue is woven in the tissue
of two, for you are only one when realized
your self conception nightly reborn in me

it is I that feeds your eyes,
your vision delights in me and thereby
you give birth to the art that makes
Who You Are
who you are,
for all clear all unconfused when
your soul stiffens and a single truth
are your emboldened by, and that
truth is real and is my temple
where carnal is incarnate
and you reincarnated in every way

the long haired and ever young muse
in ire arises and finger pointing a j'accuse,
says I am your eternity, the self same
that you existence demands be satisfied

only I, only I,
can provide the living will
that will exclude the black and the worm of ignominy,
place your time shopped physicality
in a state of perfect preserved beauty,
I am the mother of thy art,
the if of thy futured existence proofed,
I, thy future and the
***** that makes you beg
more, more and gives the birthing to all
your multiplicities,
never questioning, receiving all,
the good, the bad, the psalm, the ditty, the prayer,
loving best the most

*whom did he choose
whom does he choose,
whom will he choose,
the tenses answer all
and in all, lies the answer
On the descent into LaGuardia
Duplicate Virus Jun 2014
My branches are crumbled,
Fickle and thin.
My air losing volume,
Unraveling oxygen.
My creativity shatters,
Crushed and abused.
My mind is a wanderer,
Dazed but unconfused.
My art is losing meaning,
Withering paint.
My religion losing passion,
A twisted saint.
My being caving in,
Lost, chagrin.
I'm not who I was,
The artist within.
Fay Slimm Nov 2016
If you think you saw
fair Queen Flora at work when you were out
walking and watched
her create hedgerow beauty, better not tell.

And if when you sat
in a woodland dell you caught the shadow of
fairy-queen Fey do not
go away feeling folk will believe you were not
just asleep and
dreaming of days when to you they were real
for humans who,
grown and work-overloaded will not lose face
by saying that fairies
exist or confess nature itself is assisted by the
ethereal people who
work for hours at night to open more flowers.

Oh yes, they smile
kindly when children spin fairyland tales and
stifle a chuckle as
youngsters talk about spells old minds do not
brook what life once
opened to those with an unconfused outlook,
toy teddies and dolls
could talk and witches flew broomsticks back
when knights and dragons
rode on clouds every night to battle for hands
of sleeping princesses,
everyday happenings were magical then but
things altered when
fancy's soft wings became crushed under the
banns put on speaking
of fairyland and beautiful Fey was cast away
to die with childhood
in the pile of discarded other-worldly beliefs.

Life must become realistic
and dreams are best forgotten as nonsense,
then hearts will harden
but poets refuse to abandon the child locked
inside so their eyes
still see what is to adults forbidden, romance
does not leave them so
prison doors never close on their imaginings,
kings go on living
in Camelot lands and maidens get rescued in
good time for love as
above every cloud there still sits silver lining.

There are grown-ups
who unlock their minds to see other realms
and child-like believe
but unless you are a poet if you catch an elf
unfurling red petals
from too tight a rose-bud or you see a fairy
painting blue on white
woodland bells, well, you had better not tell.
Caroline Shank Jul 2023
I miss skin that doesn't crinkle.
The kind the doesn't matter
what I'm wearing.

I miss beepers. The 7730 hello
page.  The calls from people
wanting to go out to eat.

I miss moving like the wind
blowing daisies and spoors
of dandelions

What about singing in the
snow you ask?
The farther my poor article
could reach in the total
silence of the winter.

Most of all i miss warm
saltwater swims in the
early mornings, coffee
strong with sweetener.

I kissing me
with the wayward wind

The sirroco of my life
began in a dream.

It will drift like
unconfused with


Caroline Shank
Rodolfo León Feb 2021
Putting into words what hurts
Is what a poet’s meant to do.
Broken glass and bloodied shirts
Must be traversed to speak what’s true.

Vocabulary’s not enough,
And clever rhymes will bore and tire.
A poet needs much finer stuff
To capture inspiration’s fire.

A brave heart unconfused by tears
To travel deep where feelings grow,
And pass through pain and rage and fears
To where love and love’s passions flow.

That won’t turn from emotions which
Disturb, repulse, or terrify.
A poet fits feelings so rich
Into swift thoughts so they won’t die.

Patience is required too.
And silence, unseen like a ghost,
To still what needs to be pierced through
Then clearly grasp what hides from most.

And vision that sees past what seems
So real to eyes fixed on today
To bring to light those future dreams
For which our hearts silently pray.

But what is needed most is soul,
A soul well traveled through and through,
For poets to fulfill their role
And show what’s in us all to you.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2024
In life stories form
all informed knowing, be it
beautiful adversity universally
acknowledged with smiles, and
nods, sense of yes, I know, I think,

I see you think, so, I know, I did
finish writing something meaningful;

or, be it in every way some other way.

I think you may imagine you agree.

In conscience used, we take science,
knowledge of beauty, chaotic clouds,
bending rays of sunshine, evening
the heave offering, leaving smooth
cool of the day
white sugar desert dunes, to an ant or bee.

{KJB, viable Bible archetype, declares phonetic
remenants of Eber's unconfused use of letters,
towb rah translate as good and evil, but better see
טוֹברַע good and bad, useful and useless to the point
of wasting effort, in a take it easy world, where we
know enough, drink, remember when it was,
plenty of water, no real enemies yet, and only
one barrier, over which those beautiful wild
seeds have been carried, by ravens, and doves
and rodents who surface only in the night.

Let's recall an old told tale, how folks
skinned in many colors we continue to be coated with,
all lost the knowledge that lying was used, to steal,
during lives times when we are parts in wholes,
until all things continuing, combine your will
to wonder what I imagined I am continuing,

with my own will to wander on, meandering
through the substance of hope, by my own

faith, fi, upright, balanced valence in chemical
terms, fit to fight for your right to think wrong,
confident my pride has been filed to a point,
not my right to be wrong, or do wrong, or lie.
To give good reason for cost of learning.
The faith that gives reason its point.

To tell the truth, sheriffs were good guys,
when I was a kid, a wild little goat, indeed,

I have seen myself in seven grandchildren
and their little heathen friends, so I know,

we get more like ourselves, my mother in law said.

And now, I keep the peace, wu wei easy knowing
towb ra' beautiful efforting life demands in return,

for freely eating from all the trees in the garden, thank you.
Insider's backstory, I met a friend of my youngest grand, who has a sister
in this friend's class, I am introduced as Grandpa, and the kid says,
I've heard of you, Noel talked about you all the time, last year. That's a good kind of pride, letting you see, as we expand with age, we need not puff up.
Sylvie Wild Nov 2018
Dark night
Mystic light
Wind blows
Through my nose
Here I go
Again again
Heart beat
You are my friend
Feel the Fear
And be free
Begin to rise
Take me to
A new sunrise
Stop and start
O, willing heart
Yield to know
Flowers grow
And then there's snow
Untasted state
The simple twist
We stop and stare
Fully unaware
Touch our fate
Meet me there
That unwilling gate
Unwind rewind
Proper fiction
Slow addiction
Trust is never gonna show
Or very little though
We stand alone
Surrounded by
Noise and silence
Bitter violence
Adhere to rules
Because we're Jews
Pharisees  and Hypocrite's
We eradicate
We dictate
Lie through our teeth
Sun of a gun
It's a hit and run
Try to control
Even the score
Follow the child
Study the ant
Eat that plant
And be healed
Blossoms grace
Our holy fate
We understand
The great demand
Fathers know
Mothers show
Children grow
Alive or dead
We face the masses
To contradict
Or reiterate
Our past mistakes
So concentrate
Give grace
We fill our plates
Drink our wine
Yet we are never satisfied
The search is real
That merry mile
Rainbow end
Or just begin
Mountains stark
Listen Lark
I hear and know
So willing grow
On the face of the deep
I'll show my seeds
Reap my reward
Scatter the flocks
The wolf I may be
But still you see
I am you
And you are me
Black or White
Both have two feet
A little nose
Eyes that see
Ears that run cold
Blocking the sound
Of fellow man
Are you alone
Or can you stand
Feel that touch
Electric connection
Eccentric infection
Intellectual affection
Who needs medication
When laugh we must
Or we'll continue to rust
We have engines to run
Places to go
"Please to meet you"
"Sir, I'll greet you"
From my hearth to yours
That yellow brick road
On 7th Heaven
We'll find the 11
Measure demise
Perfect compromise
In the sheets
A perfect freak
Love abides
It dictifies
Grows in lines
And counterparts
Drawing circles
Around the human heart
We rush to find
Mt. of Olives
Oil fills the soul
Like satin to the touch
Paradise my darkest hour
Take me to that fallen tower
Face the demons
Talk to God
Love your brother
For another
Kiss the cheek
Like one betrayed
Forgive again
And live another day
We're all here
Just saying hey
Someday we'll stay away
Play it right
Till we fade
Return and fight
Now and then
Song and dance
Unholy trance
Just let go
Stop and breathe
Fill the need
Too ******* yourself
The frail flesh you be
You know your plight
It fills you with fright
Instead of delight
So taste and see
That God is good
And you my friend, are understood
Finite being
He abides
He resides
Safe in His arms
I stand
At last I know
The secret though
Love looks down
And it surrounds
Harriet Shea May 2018
Through all the confusion of blindness
we silently hear, a voice of contentment
consoling the misunderstood, the bitterness
of anger and soulless mutter, of those who
cannot find the peace that was meant to
light their way to self-understanding, love,
without questions asked, that faith will not
heal on it's own., without hope.
Blame not the ignorant soul of faithless
humor, they do not know what stands in the
darkness that once was light when youth
pronounced strength of forceful deceit, without
honor and grace, proclaiming disturbance of
mind and soul with excuses controlled only
by anger and discrimination unable to bring
forth a conclusive outlook.
Combined together, hands of truth, announcing
the will of superior authority commencing
in order, a willingness bright with explosive
experience, to know answers without anger
and discontent, leisurely distributing thoughts
meaningful without knowledge, how it came to be
an unconscious matter from the start.
Being of luring intellect, consider rules that were
once performed, in a priceless way, not thought
about till humanity considered confusion over
self-controlled diversity.
Just consider the outcome of a unconfused unconscious
mind, filled with understanding and knowledge.

I could live with it just fine!

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
Through all the confusion of blindness
we silently hear, a voice of contentment
consoling the misunderstood, the bitterness
of anger and soulless mutter, of those who
cannot find the peace that was meant to
light their way to self-understanding, love,
without questions asked, that faith will not
heal on its own., without hope.

Blame not the ignorant soul or faithless
humor, they do not know what stands in the
darkness that once was light when youth
pronounced strength of forceful deceit, without
honor and grace, proclaiming disturbance of
mind and soul with excuses controlled only
by anger and discrimination unable to bring
forth a conclusive outlook.

Combined together, hands of truth, announcing
the will of superior authority commencing
in order, a willingness bright with explosive
experience, to know answers without anger
and discontent, leisurely distributing thoughts
meaningful without knowledge, how it came to be
an unconscious matter from the start.

Being of luring intellect, consider rules that were
once performed, in a priceless way, not thinking
till humanity considered confusion over self-controlled diversity.

Just consider the outcome of an unconfused unconscious
mind, filled with understanding and knowledge.

I could live with it just fine!

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Floating through magnificent world's
of make believe in a second
of now, not a second before
not a thoughtful imagine
to be found.

Watching with depths of darkness
surrounding transformational change
of unconditional love
a moment of silence connect

Soul image connect to heart in
a second of earths time, in
million of a second in dimensional
space, no such time exist in
universal existence, we simply
exist, multiplying unity.

Identified connection does not unite
in human form as we know it to be
only spiritually connection in
each dimensional realm we remotely
ascend unconfused just knowing

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
No, I am not sure.
Yes, I am abused.

Despite everything. For her.
Hope. Unconfused.

                       El Padrino.

— The End —