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Ujwala Iyengar Feb 2015
As I finish the book,
The guy in the corner says,
Are you a feminist for real or are you the extreme feminist just like they say?

Haven't you ever heard these words my way ?
They spill out my pockets as I find a safe route to home today.
I'm a person, I live to see my kids everyday,
I drive my car with the colt in the back to make sure I reach home today.
I'm a fire, I'm a story to be told,
Yet I lock upon your entrance because for you I'm a singular sight to behold.
You Animal,
You Unchastised Beast.

Is the only way I fight your ***** hands off my naked body piece.
I human,
I wrong,
I be the woman that calls hell upon.

You be man,
You be government,
You be aid,
You filthy human being,
But I'm the one to blame.

You liar,
You sniveling little rat,
I innocent,
I sorry,
I right,
Yet I hide like a wet cat.

The words I have befriended in the absence of the lord.

I hungry,
I scared,
I lost,
I join my hands in agony and frustration for the only consented hand upon me is that of the god.

His mother,
His sister,
His friend,
Be nothing to you,
You tear her body with your claws, your vein's pulsing with *****.

You drunk,
You wrong,
You animalistic,
Yet as you slide down my skinny jeans, in tonight's bet I'm the innocent one to lose.

I walk upon the sidewalk and all I hear you say,
You ****,
You *****,
You ***** from across the shore,
Why don't you slide that hoody up above your shoulders and show me some breast?

You look at me like I'm a chicken piece,
You drool and spank as I pass by
And look at me like I'm the one who suggest.

You father,
You teacher,
You preacher,
You barman,
You taxi man,
You footballer,
You man.

I wreck,
I cavity,
I ****,
I *******,
I slam piece,
I brothel but no church,
I woman and I naked.

So as I walk up home wearing those tiny shorts,
You pick me up in those black tinted window cars,
I scream,
I yell,
I beg,
I plead.
You shove it down my throat.
You tear my humanity,
You make me bleed.

You stupid,
You arrogant,
You ignorant,
You fool.
You don't know my power for I'm the Gaya to your tomb.
You miscreant,
You rogue,
You bleeding stinking wretch.
You see that halo around me,
I'm your mother,
Your daughter,
Your sister,
Your wife,
Your god.
And every time you look at me with those ugly eyes,
I want you to see my halo glow.

As I picked up my book from the table,
A feminist, A masculinist,
A equality finder,
A woman,
A girl,
I find a name to pick and say,
And I look at your rustic self and I say

'You Don't Even Deserve To Know'
Oh how I love Thy holy Word,
Thy gracious covenant, O Lord!
It guides me in the peaceful way;
I think upon it all the day.

What are the mines of shining wealth,
The strength of youth, the bloom of health!
What are all joys compared with those
Thine everlasting Word bestows!

Long unafflicted, undismay'd,
In pleasure's path secure I stray'd;
Thou mad'st me feel thy chast'ning rod,
And straight I turned unto my God.

What though it pierced my fainting heart,
I bless'd Thine hand that caused the smart:
It taught my tears awhile to flow,
But saved me from eternal woe.

Oh! hadst Thou left me unchastised,
Thy precepts I had still despised;
And still the snare in secret laid
Had my unwary feet betray'd.

I love Thee, therefore, O my God,
And breathe towards Thy dear abode;
Where, in Thy presence fully blest,
Thy chosen saints for ever rest.

— The End —