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Shannon Jeffery May 2014
Noctilucent Dust
Ignites the
Grand skies
Humming twilight
T**apering moonlight
The Mystic Man May 2013
A new day is dawning
Been waiting for weeks
Cashed in my pay cheques
To pay for the tweaks

Drawing, deciding,
Doubting my needs
Umming and ahhing
This lust i must feed

Booked the appointment
There's no turning back
Go under the knife
Would you look at that!

Followed the steps
and handled with care
The bigger the better
But same face and hair

Mid-chest attention
They all think I'm dumb
But not enough's changed
So I'll have my *** done
Just a joke guys, you don't need to get plastic surgery
Sombro Jan 2015
She told me she's an artist
And it was sad to see
Her mouth make 'Umm's as she thought
Her brush strokes torturing me.

I didn't love her, no indeed
But she was good and so I feared
That one day she would have to find
That pain would oft 'umm' as it neared

One day she made my portrait
It was not good but I suppose
That for one who 'ummed' and erred
It was beauty in dead clothes.

One day she called me seeking feeling
And comfort with soft words
She failed to sell a painting still
But I just ummed and erred.

We did not speak for many months
But she came back one day
At my doorstep children stood
About her by her way

She asked me for forgiveness
And I begged it in return
For few may sell their paintings
But good people never spurn.
It's sometimes hard to keep in mind the feeling behind every piece of work, especially if it's bad. This is a story of judging and how harmful it can be. :)
The title's supposed to be word play, you've heard the phrase 'Uhming and Ahing' right?
chimaera Sep 2014
[for Pradip]

Poet, you wish for a sunshine poem...
Rainbows, you know, are the ones you bring.
All hearted, in loneliness, you walk your path
Disclosing unexpected beauty, words painting
Infinite music in aquarelle lights,
Picturing, for us, love for worldly mankind.

Consider, thus, Poet, that your
Humming song, of sweet tones,
Across the skies draws the
Tangible alliance of
Oh, and understanding,
Awaken in our hearts,
Driven by good will,
Hence on empathy,
Yauld is our looking
Ahead and around, with
yauld: adjective, chiefly Scottish
: vigorous
Origin: origin unknown.
First use: 1786
In Merriam-Webster dictionnary
Nathan Squiers Dec 2013
Tis the hour when They creep—
Humming tortured lullabies—
Every night, before you sleep,
You should offer your goodbyes.

Leaving fervent trails of death
In every moment you draw breath.
Viral: in a Hellish way.
Eager to feed off your decay.

I** know that you can’t see Them now;
Not where you are, anyhow…

You mustn’t let Them see you know,
Or nothing will be left, you see.
Under shadows They will wait;
Readying Their final blow.

Never let Them eat your eyes!
I’ve seen what use They have for those!
Granted, They are good with lies;
Holding you within Their throes.
Though this is true, you must resist—
Must not give them up, my son—
As, though you may be on Their list,
Rarely is there only one!
Even if the nightmare dies,
Some will remain to find your eyes.
today has been an upside down sort of day. i'd planned to go to the gym twice this week, as i missed last week, and i was umming and ahhing, but finally got a taxi there. got there and Tim at the gym said i was due my review, all done on the treadmill at 3 different speeds at 2 mins on each to measure my heart rate, and ask me how difficult i found it on ap scale from 6 (easy easy) - 17 (call me a doctor "you're a doctor!" aka Help!) original scores were 6-11-17! todays 6-6-6! a devilishly good result! but no horns appearing just yet.....i then hopped (crawled) onto my winged chariot (number 26 bus) and returned to my faraway realm (hastings) went on a wander to ye olde town, and bravely wandered into a dragons lair (tea room/bar/eatery) twas then that i espied a message from the gods (text from my daughter) yaye verily a disaster had occurred, a tsunami had nearly swept her and her prince away when they had ventured to cleanse their hempen wear (got their washing out from the washing machine!) basically the ****** thing is up the creek. i spent an hour googling 'cures' trying them out, and receiving timely reminders of my frozen shoulder, as i had to  contort myself into various positions (my time studying the Kama Sutra finally serving a purpose!) with no happy result, but such was the intimacy with my washing machine, we've decided we should marry in the morn! looking for a wet weekend somewhere nice, my head is in a spin, unlike the ****** washing machine aka fiancee!🙂🦋🦄💕

by Jemia

— The End —