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Phoenix Jul 2016
PTSD couldn't happen to me
It wasn't tramatic
You're being dramatic!

Flashbacks my ***
They're just haunting memories
That dance through my head
From time to time

Nightmares as clear as day
I'm sure you're in dismay
But it's just a fiction
In my head

Aching heart
That's normal
A part of my life

Nauseas feeling
I must not have eaten enough with my medication

There he is
In a sea of noisy people
My heart is pounding
My palms are sweating
And my stomach is turned in knots

Shut up
You don't know what you're saying
Of course I'm not scared
I have nothing to be scared of

Why are my palms sweaty?
There are too many people
Why do I feel sick?
I'm really hungry

There is no possible way
I have what you say
For it wasn't tramatic
You just like to be dramatic
Heidi Mason Jun 2015
such a emotion filled word for me
I never had one
all he was to my family was a ***** donor
and definitely not a care giver
if he gave us anything
it was tramatic memories
up until 2 years ago,
I thought everything my dad did to me was my fault
and I just wanted to **** myself
because I couldn't live with my filthy self
he touched me in innopropriate ways and I let it happen
I let him into my bed because he said I seemed sad
he slid his hands up and down my legs
in a not so pure way
the next thing I knew he was sliding up my dress
he took my pure innocence
and shattered it in 10 seconds
I've been raised in a world where if you're not a ******, you're a *****
I never had a change to find out what a virginity was
but my dad took mine
and all I want now is someone to hold me
but I'm too *****
and nobody even wants me
Revi Abari Mar 2015
Have you ever felt so numb that it hurts?
So empty that your hollow , like a tree that has only ever been cut down
A life so tramatic it loses its appeal
So lost and out of options
So lost and out of range
Ii seem to have lost my will to live
can someone  help me find it?
Maybe its behind the mask ive been wearing for so long
That mask that I use to hide my pain
Pain hidden away with practice
Scream the pain away
Scream from the top of your lungs . but no one wll hear
You cant see yourself being anything you want to be
No all you can see is your own misery
You get lost In your own senselessness
Sit there quietly, don’t make a sound
The only thing you can hear is the sound of your own inadvertent loneliness
You cant do anything but sit there and get lost in your own worthlessness
Until blissful death
Jason Nov 2024
It's a funny thing distance.
We put it between ourselves and dangerous situations.
But what about when we put it between people we love?
Its unfortunate and it hurts.
well why though? were they dangerous to us, and our sense of self or we were dangerous to them.
It's never a easy answer.
But people put distance between themselves and their dead relatives, isn't it the same thing. That's distance to right?
Yes, but for us they're very much alive and we can close that distance if we wanted to.
Then why don't we?! END OUR SUFFERING!
we long for them... and all her wonders.

Were it so easy, we would not be here in this winter, feeling just how cold it can get, wanting to close this distance.
I dont care! I'm tierd of feeling this pain go straight through us down to our very bones.
What do you want us to do? Just reach out and say "Hi I'm back"
Do you know how tramatic that is! Do you know how much we've changed because of this distance, they wouldn't even recognize us we are akin to a new person!
No, we will endure this heart breaking, gut wrenching distance.
This distance is horrible.
Just think about the ones that can't endure it.
are they weak. Are we stronger then them? Why couldn't they endure the distance?
No, they're not weak, they're just lost, an have yet to find themselves.
Do you think they're at peace with the distance between us?
Maybe... I don't know. I hope so.
This is wirtten as an inner dialog "italic" represents inner thoughts.
Perseverance is key to life.
Sneha shenoy Mar 2020
Do I write to accord thy attention pal? assumption? Haha good one !!
Well something important has my attention
That's failed to reach this ironic world,
Pessimistic people,
materialistic unchaste thoughts,
Self designed tramatic catastrophes
That's Keeping us off the "secret";
Naa! Not the egeria's "secret",
Yes the "Abraham's secret";
that was christned as "secret"
Which is no more any secret
After being unravelled.😊
                    - ROSE
Bee Jan 2019
Whispers and stares,
Acting like im not even there,
A fragile doll,
Waiting to break,
Then it hits me,
They all know my secret,
A few brave souls,
Even have the nerve,
To apologize to me,
Like they knew her,
A friend grabs my arm,
Says 'buzz off' to the masses,
I end up in the office,
With my head between my knees,
'Anxiety attack' the counselor says,
Its normal for people,
With a hard past,
After school see a therapist,
Dont talk to her at all,
Anxiety attacks become worse,
Post tramatic they diagnose,
Seeing a loved one leave is hard,
But limb by limb it gets worse,
First the calf down,
Then all 5 of her toes,
Eyesight is next,
How did you know?,
Then fingers come off too,
Put her in a home,
See her leave everyday that you roam,
In 2 years you're hopeful,
Helping with others,
Then the day comes,
And shes gone forever,
Didnt even get to say good bye,
Six days after your birthday..,
How happy am i?
Cedric McClester Jul 2019
By: Cedric McClester

I enlisted in the army
To help my Uncle Sam
Wrapped myelf in the flag
‘Cuz that’s just who I am
But I grew up in a hurry
When I went to Iraq
See I had no idea at all
Whether I’d be coming back

When the bullets started flying
And the bombs exploded
You had best believe that I
Was locked and fully loaded
I quickly fired back
DIdn’t have to be goaded
To defend my buddies and I
‘Cuz that’s the way I soldiered

Now I suffer from
Post tramatic stress
Deployed too many times
If I had to guess
So is there any wonder
Why I’m one hot mess
And I pray every day
That I don’t regress

All of us who served
Were just grist for the mill
And those who made it out
Outnumbered who they killed
Am I a patriot today
Though my fervor had been stilled
How could I be once I realized
That needless blood was spilled

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2019.  All rights reserved.

— The End —