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Miranda Leigh Apr 2016
Her blood is cyanide
She cannot seem to hide
She is light as helium
She's strong as aluminum
She is graphite carbon
As subdued as boron
Abundant as hydrogen
But toxic as nitrogen
She's precious as platinum
Her skin is thallium
In her lungs there is radon
She is as rare as xenon
Helpful as iodine
Whose life is astatine's
She is soft as lithium
Her eyes are beryllium
There is nothing I can do
Already the tumor grew
When I close my eyes,
I picture your lies.
Vivid colour, bursts from your mouth,
lies painted by your tongue.
'Work kept you late'
'Traffic was a state'
'You had a headache'
When I open my eyes,
I see you mixing a drink,
I've had time to think
'Do you want one?' you casually ask
I shake my head no, plaster a smile on my face,
lace my fingers together and feign interest.
You suddenly jolt, grasp at your throat,
I sit and wait like a dutiful wife
as you gasp and try to keep your life.
You're out of time my 'darling'
Thallium has been quietly seeping into you,
growing and building inside.
Just like my baby, growing in me, one you'll never see.
Our girl with sapphire eyes
Venom fanged and dripping malice
I hope my words wound like a
upon your skin.
My madness reigned in by
******, your life in my hands
and Thallium.
On balance I am
Maybe even deranged.
But, would I know that I was?
Like hapless maggots
you consume.
Like a canvas
soon to be spattered
I await my doom.
Viperous,venomous, *****
that I am,
my malice came with not
your phallus
(I rarely did)
but rather digitalis.
23:43 BST
Lawrence Hall Oct 2017
Blah-Blah-ing in the Age of Blah-Blah-Blah

No, this is not The Age of: Hefner, Clinton,
Obama, Trump, Harvey, Putin, Kim, Xi
Trolls, polls, super bowls, or cinnamon rolls
Kurz, Kaepernick, Ginger, or Mary Ann

Nor yet again an Age of: Gold or lead
Bronze, pewter, silver, nickel, aluminum
Chrome, nichrome, copper, brass, titanium
Thallium, thorium, thulium, tin 1

This is the age of You, unless you insist
On claiming this the age of something else

1 Yes, I had to look all that up
And you have to pretend that this is the first time and it'll be different from the last time, because really you know, that this is just another time that you're pretending,

someone said the end is in sight
someone said that night follows day
someone always says something which means nothing, how can it?
how can we believe anything when we're told everything which means nothing?

I'm washing my hands again,
wash after going to the bathroom
wash after being on the keyboard,
I see the circular and will it ever stop?

it's just a punctuation,
someone else said that
or it might have been me
pretending it was someone else

I think we're all someone else now
or the tin man looking for a heart.

at least the movies move me
mostly from the chair
sometimes out of myself
to tap dance through this
mal de mer
to pretend that it's not me
at sea,
sitting there
Hydrogen and Helium,
Bound in Gravity's ambitious grasp,
Go from absolute cold to incredibly hot,
In a blinding fusion flash.
Billions and trillions of twos become ones
Joined together in fiery suns.

Oxygen, neon, aluminum and sand,
All forged together in the maker's burning hand.
Carbon, copper, yttrium and gold
All made to order in creation's white hot mold

And when the iron frying pan invades the maker's heart,
It only takes a moment and the maker comes apart.
Iridium, platinum, thallium and lead,
Go rushing through the cosmos,
To announce the maker's dead.

Gone but not forgotten,
The Maker's flesh and bones,
Billow through the Milky Way,
In search of other homes,
And come to rest in a spinning cloud,
Of gas, debris and stones.

Within the swirling chaos,
New centers begin to form,
Another million years or so,
Another maker born.

This maker warms a rocky earth,
And brings forth lakes and trees,
Birds and cats and Summer nights,
And eventually you and me.

Little bits of makers past,
Make all the things we are.
Two souls become one in a fusion flash,
Love...born in the heart of a star.
Satsih Verma Sep 2020
One day you will arrive.
Night will enter in your pores,
in your bones,
like a baby trapped in a borewell,
crying, striking,

On each table, salt moaned
for a classical taste.
A pink moon was smothered
in a ****** bed.
Death walked in a sensual style.

A black discharge continued
from the areolae.
Botox failed to uplift
the sagging *******.
A thallium capsule broke on tongue.

There was no suicide note.

— The End —