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brandon nagley Aug 2015

Beset next to me
Coadjuvant to mine need's;
I couldst not asketh for more
Mine Reyna's all do I believeth.


She compasses me in Dwarf Daylilies
Her suntanned dermis is momentous;
Wallowed in her oversea's memories
A throne surpassing, Hari and Reyna scented.


In Luzon, the older part of the firma
Betwixt the Cordillera Region, see through pneuma's;
Hand-poke tool's, for me and mine dynasty amour'
To get tattoos, of her ancestry upon her own shore's.


Covered head to toe
By these inked protection's;
Spelling out the word's
Brandon and Jane's resurrection.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication/Reyna of mine soul
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Amanda Apr 2018
I am a wicked witch
With black hair, crooked teeth
My friends call me Myrtle
My cat Jinks, who can’t spell, calls me Keith
I can turn an ugly, fat frog into prince
When I spend my nights making spells
But it’s much funnier and more often, than not
The prince is turned into a frog, don’t tell.

I am a wicked witch
I have princesses knocking at my door
Looking for true loves first kiss. Yuk!
So, they buy apples and spinning wheels
Hoping to find their prince, tough luck!
The princes are living in my pond, eating flies.
But I tell them eat the apples, ***** their fingers
One day their prince will come. Wicked me, what lies!

I am a wicked witch
The king has arrived at my door
He isn’t looking happy. I best make ready to run.
Witch Myrtle, he says, I need your help
I don’t know what to do. You are the only one
That I can rely on, no-one else can do.
A Dragon is roaming the kingdom
He roars fire, eats sheep, I need you.

I am a wicked witch
But I say kindly, my King there is no need to worry
I have the just the thing that can help
But you must promise to do everything I say
You can have no misgivings, no doubt
I have a sword that will cut through dragon scaling
And flame-proof armour, nothing like you’ve seen
So stop your crying and no more wailing
Now listen carefully. Good, he seems keen

I am such a wicked witch
Word has come back from the town
Telling of the meeting between the king and dragon
How the king stood tall and proud, despite the titters all around
Dressed in a flame proof diaper and holding a green snake tail rattle
How the dragon looked at the king, before slowly falling to the ground
People say in all their years, they had never seen the sight
Of a dragon rolling in laughter, there is no stranger sound.

Oh dear, I am a wicked witch
The king sent solders to arrest me. But I have sent them back
As rats dressed in ballet shoes and fluffy white tatu’s.
I am sure the King will like them. But then again, maybe not.
I think it’s time I left this house and pack up all my things.
I am ready to go with Jinks on my shoulder. But this broom’s too small
So, I call in a favour from a friend, and he is happy to oblige
Because dragon, really is the best way to fly, after all.
Another one written just for fun
Juce sam imala neku terapiju na senjaku u 11h, kicma, u zurbi sam izasla iz stana okrenula 2 puta kljuc, izvukla ga, spustila se stepenicama do lifta, pozvala lift, a onda se setila da nisam ponela mobilni, bio mi je vazan, okrenula se, spustila stepenicama, izvadila kljuc i krenula da ga ubacim u bravu, kad ono nece, probaj drugi put, nece, treci, nece, sijalica ne radi, neki polumrak, cucnem da vidim da se nesto nije pomerilo, gledam kljuc da se nije polomio, oblija me znoj, ne mogu da verujem, pocinjem da se nerviram, vec kasnim na terapiju, ustajem spustam se niz stepenice, zovem lift, dok se vozim do dole razmisljam, trebace mi bravar, ne mogu da cimam tatu, znam za jednog na vracaru pravi kljuceve, mozda se razume i u brave, al subota je ko zna da li mogu da ga nadjem, dolazim do stanice, ulazim u trolu, vozim se kratko, srecom postoje table koje me navode do mesta gde sam se uputila, uazim u zgradu, doktor me prima, vrsi pritisak na bolno mesto, izvija me, mozda da se vratim da pitam komsinicu da li ima baterijsku lampu, da probam jos jednom, prebacuju me na struju, laser i ono trece uvek zaboravim, lezim na boku, prija mi hladan gel, zalim se sta mi se dogodilo, tesi me, mozda je sve u redu, ipak cu se vratiti da pogledam jos jednom,  ulazim u trolu, cekam zeleno, smirujem sebe, bice ok, prelazim ulicu, proradice, dolazim do zgrade, ulazim u lift, pritiskam dugme za cetvri sprat i tad shvatam gresku u koracima, pocinjem da se smejem, mislim se, da li me je neko video od komsija, spustam se niz stepenice bez problema ulazim u stan, nastavljam da se smejem, ne mogu da verujem sta sam uradila, rekli su mi da u stanu ispod ne zivi niko, srecom, uzimam mobilni, zakljucavam vrata, silazim niz stepenice, spustam se liftom, vozim se trolom, svracam do kokija da se castim nekim secerom, kakvo olaksanje, odlazim kod mojih na rucak, pomislim na tebe, pomisim i na sebe i svoju izgubljenost, ne zameram ti na reakciji, shvatam da te nesto puca iznutra, puca i mene, i ko bi poverovao da je takav susret moguc opet, logika namece, ako je ono pocetak, ovo je kraj, ali kraj cega, i da pobegnemo, da precutimo, da se sutra susrecemo bez prepoznavanja, problem ce i dalje ostati u nama.

mh maj 2017
winter Dec 2020
The first weekend of quarantine
I bleached my hair from black
to a neon pink and yellow pulse
My family booked a room at the Ramada hotel,
the only family there
I practiced opera in the empty bathtub while they swam
While they slept I layed outside
on the porch
in all my black clothes
listening to 200km In the Wrong Direction by tATu
on full blast through my headphones
The pain was pent up
And expelled through that hysterical humidity

— The End —