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Been awhile since I felt reason to type at 5am.
I've been so quiet this past month. December left me
enough to remember 2018 by. We're not out of winter yet

I feel lighter, a warmth I'd almost forgotten kindles in me.
She said something that struck me.
"Ya there literally is so many layers to me. As cliche as tht sounds... and its like sumtimes just unravelling all at once so can get soooooo confusing.
Or sumtimes i am so focused one idea
I am determined just a complete organised chaos hahaaha"

She speaks with such freedom
and soul that burn brightly
to the sound of techno.
Lines Six to Ten, excerpt from a conversation with M.
Ayeshah Dec 2010
I have my dayz where I set & think of the ppl no longer in my life (dead&alive;)

I'm grateful

4  the memories,  sad 4  the losses &  Still upset/bitter on sum of the BS that went down.

But  at the end of the day/ night  as

I look back on the scenes of my life share w/ Them  & W/U  

4 that


  I SMILE,   Cry   (sumtimes)  



I realized.........


Pain or not

I'm living!

This is Life

&   it'll be what I make it!





TY  4  



WIT        ME!
Jeremiah Winters Feb 2018
Wow sister
What a ride
We really went thru sum wormholes
N took it to the other side
Our time together
Every kind of weather
I guess sumtimes with love its just better
To let it shed
Seems the heart we shared
Cut n Bled
N I can feel it
Neither of us
I vyed to keep u
Tried to treat u
Like a deep precious mtn well
We started in heaven
Went thru hell
Now purgatory
Is a boring story
That we will not stretch to tell
I bow to u rainbow pixie *****
N I wish u o so well
I feel like
We really ******* tried
But its wasn't our time
Easy to see
There is no more we
Tho I'll always love u like
A flower loves the sun
Our love always on the run
We were completely in freedom
N now...
We're just done
No more unspoken words
That almost feel like lies
Our love, she got broken
Once sweet clean air breathing
Gripped to choking
Man u we used to be so high
Crashed, burned, wreckage smoking
And now...
Last thing left to say...
Thru the poisonous haze

Is Goodbye
Life isn't easy, that i've made sure
I picture myself walking out that door
Graduation I await, not so patiently I must say
HiGh school is everything I expected it to be
And so much more. but im glad Im here no matter what has happened
im a teen,so sumtimes mi life is gonna be ******.
Heartbreaks so deep, I could have never imagined
But Still I stand strong because that's who I am
Sometimes I wanna break that stronghold and break down and cry
But I know I'm going to be okay,so I look to they sky
Life is really hard but I know i can deal with it
so I'm just gone chill and relax
Deep breaths inhaled day by day
not the clean kind, But hey I'm not perfect
do yu knw...that dark reflection of you that moves whereva you move....
and knws you very well...cuz it be's around you everii 247.......................
do yu knw that your shadow is apart of who you are....and realli dnt.....
let yu go verii is apart of me...thtz why its not tht easy to .....see..
cuz mi shadow is me....sumtimes mii shadow is actualli sometimes trueli
happier than me.....

— The End —