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Wuji Nov 2012
There is a line on the floor,
That you let wash away.
Tide rolls in,
Pulling me to stay.
We are under the covers,
Under the spotlight,
Guilty or *****,
We can't decide.
Advancing so suddendly,
How far will you go?
Will I have the guts,
To stop you and say no?
I want to reach in,
But the sign says "keep out".
I might be playing in the rain,
But I dieing from drought.
She kissed me quietly,
When backs were turned.
Love her lips,
Love the pain's burn.
We are so close yet,
I can't do much.
Your heart is not mine to have.
So why am I your crutch?
Scratches on my neck,
That's not enough.
I'll shove my hand down your pants,
If you call my bluff.
Let's grow more.
Heavenly peace was upon the Earth,
Heaven shook; God's grace was put upon for Glory's worth,
Suddendly a star appeared in the mist thereof,
A Child, Savior of the World born of his love,
Trumpets blow loud to announce the arrival of the Holy King,
Angels were there to sing.
O, how wonderful the night so still,
But his love shall fulfill.
O, angels blow thy horn,
For that was the night Christ was born.

(C)1977, 2003
(First published by the Westside Weekly Newspaper Savannah, GA, Dec. 15, 1977 at age 16)
Joana Silva Oct 2018
I feel the green grass under my feet and I feel blessed.
Whether my skin is being kissed by the sun
or dancing with the waves of the sea,
I feel blessed.
When my feet are ***** with dust,
My lungs feel the clean air around, smelling the Nature,
And my hair is a complete mess,
I feel happy.
I love the little things life gives us.
I feel so grateful for those people who made me grow,
Even if it was hurtful in the past,
Because I am learning to forgive.
Forgive and let go.
Heal. Myself and others.
From the past and from the fears about the future.
Because miracles happen. No, not only in movies.
I've heard about them, I saw them, I felt them before.
Sometimes I have doubts and fears
And I let my Ego speak louder than my Soul.
But my Soul is patient, kind and she knows wounds need time to heal.
So she whispers nice things to me when I'm scared
or feeling lonely,
or feeling sad.
My Soul puts her arms around me in a giant hug of Love,
She tells me to believe.
That I'm worth it.
That I have miracles happening in my life too,
"or did you forget?" she asks.
She shows me my past, when I thought I couldn't make it,
But it did,
When I though it was impossible,
But it wasn't,
When I thought I was alone,
But I had so many people right there, waiting, with their arms wide open,
And with lots of Love to give me.
Suddendly I feel myself smiling,
Sometimes crying at the same time,
While I feel more and more gratitude in my heart,
Because the messages I need to evolve, to break all the chains,
and knots, and blockages,
They always find a way to get to me.
So to all of you, right there, I love you
And I'm grateful you are part of my life
Telma Silva Apr 2020
'Little Girl, don't trust no strangers',
that's what mama always said.
You have the galaxy in your eyes,
some people would **** t ohave it.
You kept yourself locked out of the big world,
only one person managed to bring you into it.

It wasn't bad and you weren't alone,
the hands around you waist made sure you felt supported.
But for a second you opened up more
and you didn't feel the hands fade.
When you turned around, the person was gone.
You suddendly felt unsupported, alone and abandonned.

You were all alone and you then learned the cold reality:
this is a cruel world we live in.
She carries the pain of being abandonned
for someone with a bigger galaxy in their eyes.
She carries the feeling of loneliness,
and her heart doesn't feelwhole, it feels unhealthy.

She lost the galaxy in her eyes,
she cries in the quiet and keeps walking the cruel world.
Abandonned girl.

— The End —