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Bruised Orange Oct 2011
slow slips his sighing.

she succors his heart,
her shades of seduction,
his harmonious hearing

her hushed sonata
sighs softly in stillness

quiet quintessence,
he yearns her
melodious marvels

moonlight makes for
merry mischief,
consorted in concert.

quickly comes the crescendo
of their close cadence

luminescence laments
their languid leaving

melancholy moon
shares hushed solitude
in silence, so sweet

--bruised orange
AJ Aug 2015
I’m a witch when in the fire:
the taste, just like acid
dropping down the hole.

I’m a witch when I get out of here,
so devastated was the
dilapidated Ferris wheel.

I’m a witch when my mother comes
and succors me along,
but she don’t like
what I’ve been doing
at the witching hour--
only time I got to raise my flag.

I’m a witch when they come in
to make a martyr out of
flesh and bone. I live for the day
the people gather round’
and weep for the child of
ignorance and recreational hate.

I’m a witch when the riot
raise their fire. I’m unholy
so the temple must go down.

One, three, five, six,
give me, give me all of it.
I can take a lot, you see,
my will is unrelenting.
SøułSurvivør Oct 2014

spindles filled with tattered thread
looms of rusty wood
a shuttle made of ochre
sheds stains of finger's blood.

dusty from their constant use
mem'rys make their mark
pain that succors the abuse
creating shadows stark.

time with distance weavings
all snarled with great care
i sit the loom a'weaving
the woof and warp...


(c) soulsurvivor
I've created paradox throughout
This piece. Let me know if this
Is effective...
cv Feb 2016
in this stressful society we have,
so much slanders,
                                                     have been scrutinized over
and over

for the satisfaction of sardonic,

      nothing shocks me more
           than the so-called "spectacular" sculpturing of others
  based on the dehumanizing standards
                                                       ­            of mankind.

              by the scalding hands of screeching vermins,
why do we keep on letting ourselves be scarred--
     ­                                                shuddering,
for help
because simple succors are never,
                                       have never been,
                                         will never be

       do we keep letting ourselves be singled out
as stigmas
        when "failing" society's endless scans for
superficial perfection?

*(how sickening.)
/just a little thing i made maybe a year ago. i had a lot of fun with this.
(although, i have no idea how this would look like in mobile.)/
Ravindran G Jun 2016
Why I am an Atheist......  

                   This is the way,
                   That is the way,
                   For all ages we cry,
                   Often lost in those minced glib,
                   Strangled to our souls death.

                   Why should I tread these 'Ways'- ,
                   In my paralyzed (pedestrian) state,
                   When all 'ways' are to that - If
                   It   Meets at heavenly abode?

                   If I harbor not -
                   Unsolicited darkly thoughts,
                   And exhume all my vile acts,
                   For whom should I solicit -
                   A for fending God?

                   Every time, in eons,
                   A new God is born;
                   In whose comprehension,
                   He dwells?    
                   In whose delight -
                   He charms!
                   And in whose folly -
                   He succors?
                   Not all the Gods blesses you,
                  Or resides in their crowns-
                  To wipe your tears,
                  Of toils and perils!

                  None can ever be at rest,
                  With life's gauntlet let.
                   No dead souls by their wont,
                   Tells us the truth-
                   Of impending days- or
                   To one who awaits.

                   Often, whose God dies young?
                   Brings no mellifluous life to breath.
                   A God, if lives within us,
                   How munificently,
                   He Strides.
Bobby Copeland Jun 2019
She stares outside the open gate,
Convinced she can't pass through it still,
And leave the world she's learned to hate.
Perhaps she'll eat another pill.
Scorched character has settled fate,
Has undermined her sovereign will.
The cost of freedom set too high--
She loves her gold too much to try.

The hungry ghost, tight-lipped and sere,
Stores up the treasures that corrupt,
Refuses love and succors fear,
Finds living always too abrupt.
I've said it slanted, but today
The cage is empty anyway.
Death speaking in tongues,
As a flame of fire tongue
Waiting like a waiter to receive the glory of shame through men
For they act like hen
What will I gain gain from this question WHEN?
Where every huddles of beast has turned to a gist

I respect the voice of the wilderness,
For the desert has wildered away in my twinkle like a disappearance star
Waiting to see the moon in no avail of its angle
Calling the angEL of angLE
To stand for me in the darkest path
Pushing me away from the rocky parts

The big eye is at its centre of equilibrium
Having its measurement at the pendulum of the cambium
Recording the result as insult
For the innovations has turned to renovations
For I know I have a salvation that will take me to the sanctuary
The pad has turned to bad
For the hope is now in between the spoke of a bicycle

Reason me ohhh God
For my people are now dog
Trying to dodge from the dirge of the succors
Belittling the scorpion as a tiny beast of the breast
That will rest in the chest of the heavenly bed…
The pad has turned to bad
For the hope is now in between the spoke of a bicycle
St. John of the Cross throws
twenty spiritual poems into
the Living Flame of Love,
watching them burn into
black, shredded shards
of nada and todo. Nothing
for the finite, human spirit,
everything for the divine-
driven soul, longing for
sweet, eternal union with
The Source of All That Is.
How John can savor
the delicate aroma of
the incense of praise
that emanates from the fire,
love translated as living
grace infused into the soul,
dead to itself, but alive
in the grasp of God. How does
the poet usurp the saint?
How does the penitent
claim his forgiveness,
his peace, his inward
teachings of the labyrinthine
love in which his soul
wanders, waiting on a sacred guide
to lead him into the arbor
of righteousness, of purity,
of ecstatic communion
with the Living Flame,
which sears away all
traces of the arrogant,
self-driven soul, the ratio-
empirical self that lusts
for certainty from finite
possibilities, that sees no God
in the niches of nature?
How the wretched ones retreat
from glory, how the minions
of myopic seekers miss the mark:
hamartia of the heart.

John bears the cross as his
reward and burden, as the perfect
ending to his story of yearning
for union, of longing for love that
diminishes nada, that teases out
todo: The totality of Being that
succors the senses, mends the mind,
washes clean every obstacle
that stands in its way, elevates
every submission of will
above the calamity and
cacophony of the polluted world,
of tireless treks into temples
of doom to assert the supremacy
of the making mind, the force
of ratiocination that reigns over
every investigation and claim
into the nature of the self,
over every hypothesis,
experiment, spread sheet of data
and library of laws. Whose law
does the thirsting soul obey?
Is it not its own until the soul
is purified in the Living Flame
of Love, the eternal fire
that lights up the world in its
hubris and high comedy,
in its tragic truculence,
resisting grace that beckons
like shimmering sheets
of waterfalls as they splash
into deep, green pools, as they
plummet into like becomes
like, into the dancing dawn
of union, of embrace,
of the self singed of all sin,
raised up into the boundless
beauty of beatific visions,
of the wholeness of the will
and mind and soul and spirit,
of the renewed mortal body and
the traces of creation that cling
still to their impermanent places,
yearning also for perfect union,
for an end to their nothingness,
to their persistent contingency,
crying out for the beginning of
everlasting love, for the denouement
of existence's tragedy of errors:
the anti-Shakespearean play
of opposites, of ghosts and
beings of doubt, death and
decline trapped in the infinite
depths of self-obsession,
gazing into Narcissus’ mirror,
the focus receding to the blurred
horizon of perception,
to the inscrutable, shattered
realm of Imago Dei.

John invokes the power for
his soul to rise above every
mountain, to mount every
cairn that points forward
toward divinity, eternity,
ecstasy, authenticity
of the self made todo out of nada,
made to rest in the green
pools of destiny, droplets
splashing his face, falls
slaking his thirst, as he no longer
swims against the tides
that roil in his spirit like
pieces of a poem engulfed
in The Living Flame of Love,
scorched clean of error,
turned toward the wind
that scatters ashes abroad,
that blows where it will,
toward the telos that never
disappoints, that never dies:
Where every metaphor turns into
an axiom of beauty: the endless
struggle of like becomes like.

-- For the Rev. Tom Schaefer
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Loosen my voice
In an abated kiss...
Wealth has come to find, succors choices
Sour or delving into harmony, the tooth of is...

Rolling thunder, at the expense of sovereign joy?
Persistent as a mesmerized man witnessing for more
Can be, the tender hours we make an undue coyness
Is the center of attention we wish, all and form?

As if a silent reproach, met head on
The talk of sponsorship and defensive living
With a sorts of peculiar friends, laughing at home
Being the role of adage to comb for avarice and its given?

A walk and talk with forms of duty, we know to be?
The occult and kindred of opposites, and their fight
For the food of thought, even though the might of seed
Will we compare and share, the difference of distinctions insight...

And the suspicion of many and moments, to tell the kind
We are the privilege of composure before the eyes of invention
The boding of compassion, that has seen the better of superiority's mind?

Will's of candors instinct, if not the measure of intuition
Conduct in the care of suppose, a weight of humanity is to clarify health?
Pain and prosperity, the tact of dominions extant, the work of piety for causes fruition?
And the ache of pomposity with a rage for each, the irony of psyche to produce a character's imagination, without peace itself?

— The End —