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Seema Feb 2018
All I could hear was knock knock
Anyone in there
Then blank mind block

The smell of smoke
The raging anger in the blood shot eyes
The ill feeling
Made me choke

It was all well and a happy day
I set down to pray
A beautiful shopping day

In my room I sat writing as usual
Out the window I saw something unusual
A masked man peeping in the other apartment
Without thinking I called out

Not long when I heard a shout
Perhaps the masked man caused harm
I ran to the phone but the line was dead
Foot steps raised an alarm

Slowly I moved into my room
Locked the door
And then I heard a loud boom
No escape from my room

The masked man jammed the door from outside
And here I was scared, locked inside
I screamed, shouted but no one heard
Smoke slowly filling the room

I moved to the corner of my room
I prayed, I prayed hard for rescue
But none could hear, only smoke just smoke
Hard to breath, room heating up

I felt it was my end
My heartbeat felt slower
My lungs gave up and I fell on the floor
Eyes blurred with tears, face grabbed all fears

Knock knock I could barely hear
Someone call
I was laying beside the back wall

After few hours I opened my eyes
Looked up to see the ceiling not the skys
I was alive
Saved by the fire fighters

Yes I could breath fresh air again
Out of the smoke filled room
That was almost my doom
I was glad that I was still sane

But I could feel the pain
In my head, in my chest, in my veins
The murderer successed in killing Mr.Rein
His escape was in vain

Laying here in the hospital bed
Trying to control my tears
As I faced with the most unusual fears
I still remember all, even its been years

Spilling imagination. Fictional write.
Intensity of Love
Intensity of your love will tear me in to pieces
I can't withstand to this so what should I do
When beauty attacks love it perishes and ceases
My sweetheart my love this is all because of you
I want solace in your beauty I want to chase thru
Without you I can not even dare to live to,survive
What is my destiny and destination but I knew
Precious pearls can not be captured but to dive
Ocean of love haunts me to be just a real part
I do not know whether I fail or just successed
My love is a reality your beauty is eternal art
I am born to be in pain and cherished to bleed
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Ahmed Mashaal Aug 2014
When people begin to critize you
You have to know that you are in the first steps of success
But to successed there are a lot of people in your life you have to delete.

— The End —