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Guss Dec 2013
I saw you the first time at my minimum wage  job.
Vibrant and curly.
Every moment started slowing down
and as I counted the minutes you faded away.
With a big beautiful smile of course.
But no longer there.
Then after you left my sight
another image persisted.
One of you walking back into my store.
Nothing more.
But this image was long out of reach.

The second time I saw you I forgot to get your number.
I consider myself a fool for this,
but you were still standing
and looking at me.
Absolutely straight into my eyes.
I could hardly make your sandwich.
The eyes of my throbbing soul.
Without the hustly bustle of my own mentality,
I would have taken you to Mars right then and there.
With all your curly hair.
And all your ******* smiles.
My earnings for the biweekly pay
couldnt surmount the glory
that is your absolute stunningness.
to the girl i see every day who never knew i even saw her.
Aubree Brianne Jan 2015
My love, you really broke me this time.
All I know are the hands that hit me
And the mouth that called me names
I hope you're struck by her stunningness
Or at least by the way she holds your hand
I hope she fills the empty spaces in which I could not fill
But just know that I haven't taken you off my mind since the day you left me.
Travis Green Oct 2021
I would’ve slipped
Into your smoothness
To feel your soothingness
Your soft, warm, and breathless kisses
Your amazing and ardent loving
Rubbing your solid sweet flesh
Thoughts of kissing you
To feel the feverishness between us
To taste the magic on your tongue
And succumb to your stunningness
Travis Green Dec 2021
You are my favorite **** song
I could hum to your catchy beat endlessly
I could become drunk on your stunningness
Feel your warmth, absorb your gloriousness
Kiss you in the breeze; we can feel the heat

I can feel your physique; we don’t need to speak
When the magic between us is utterly and intriguingly lit
You give me so many hot pleasures
I call you my awesomesauce king
You are so pristinely clean
A dream that brings eminence to me

I love watching you gleam
Your hazel eyes are seamless spinning
Colors of hypnotic chocolate, supreme green, and dope gold
They are an eternally majestic forest, the magic of the sun
Flaming dreams that beam in your eyes
You make me want to float in your ocean
And recite my undying love to you
Travis Green Oct 2021
Your brilliant butterscotch flesh
Was a splendacious sight to see
You became my everlasting obsession
I inhaled your evocative smell
And sunk into your stunningness
Travis Green Nov 2021
Spending a rainy night
In my bedroom
Lying on my seamlessly soft bed
With a pen and notebook in my hand
Penning passionate and fantastic poems about you
Letting the ink escape effortlessly on the paper
As I basked in the poetic and eclectic fantasies of you
Sweet brown stunningness, draped in crimson gear

You are so clear to me, yes, I have the most
Endearing love for you, seeing you in my mind
Standing so remarkably in front of me
So swagtastically appealing, chilling
In your high-profile J’s, slick fitted hat
You give me unmatched sensations
You take me on a magical rollercoaster ride
Farther than the vastness of reality
To the supreme gleaming seas of your masculinity

My love for you emanates and stimulates my creation
Makes me crave to go to a private place with you
And do the wild thing, let our emotions
Enslave us in the galaxies of carnality
Boy, you are such a hot primal beast
I feel spontaneous, maximum heat
When our flesh meets, when our eyes
Are facing one another, I imagine
Your body as my ample and glorious playground
Where you astound me with your muscularity

Baby, let me plunge into your dungeon of fun-loving
Run my mouth down your sublime chests
To your sizable, mouthwatering pipe of paradise
Treat you so right when I lick the thrilling tip
Of your mantastic, meaty shaft
I can turn up the lust; I don’t have to rush at all
It’s never too much when I ******* your immersive universe
Show you how I greatly appreciate your manliness
Travis Green Nov 2021
In his caramel brown eyes
There was a milky mesmeric
Mountain of dreams
Shimmering like an amber gemstone
He was luxuriously lovalicious
Upbeat sweetness that seeped
Through my skin, tempting me within
I had sunk into his unlimited stunningness
His private portal of passion
Staring open-mouthed at his
Winsomely winged eyebrows
As I walked into his wonderfully
Warmhearted and sparkling world
Travis Green Jun 2022
Your seemingly tasteful
And dominant flex
Your unadulterated top-grade flavor
Your crash-hot unstoppable swagger
It all makes me deliriously punch-drunk
Hung up on your stunningness
Your glistening crystal black eyes

I feen to sink into your supremeness
In your seamless spectacularness
Taste your soothing juicy lips
Run my fingertips around
The desirable outline
Delighting in its perfection

Your affectionate, protective body
Presses against me
You astound me
You pick me up from the ground
And spin me around
In the gloriously euphoric azure sky
Where your ardent
And undying love surrounds me
Travis Green Jan 2023
I ache to sway to the endlessly contagious, playable, and
Invigorating beat of your lush, thundering stunningness
Evanesce into your incredible ethereal delectableness
Embrace your tasty unbreakable foundation
Encased in your bodacious vivacious nakedness

To coalesce with your pleasantly arresting flex
Your grandly enhanced and breathtaking finesse
You bliss me out when you scope out my homoness
Make me stutter when you cover me
In your impassioned carefree spectacularity

Lean in between artistic and rhythmic dreams
Where your far-reaching and sweet-smelling breeziness
Seep into my lovable lekker vessel
I pine to lay down beside your profoundness
Fill your untouchable maximum crunkness

Lure me deeper into your bang-up sun-kissed hunkiness
Feel you overpower my satiny ebony frame
Take me into your unmatched upbeat mantuary
Where your bedazzling and ravishing muscularity enraptures me
Alluring, scorching, and chocolate Daddy

Your ultra-fine and revitalizing strikingness makes my mouth water
Such a brilliant clean dreaminess
Tall, charming, and equipped with wicked delicious heat
I come to life when your action-packed masculine thugness
Surrounds my existence, when you drink me down
Like effervescent smooth-textured wine

I long for endless, seamless, and dreamy
Days and nights with your ***** robust seductiveness
In togetherness, bound to your impeccable angelic freshness
Feel your sexiness coalescing with my nerve cells
Exuberant commanding muscleman

I wanna be your top-drawer sparkling property
Let you manhandle my femininity
With your hairy magical immaculateness
You blanket me in steamy hot ecstasy
Make me covet your monster thundering rugggedness
Like a dangerous flaming drug
Leave me so bombed-out
While you deflower my vibrant, shining empire
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is my African king
Hot, lean, and resplendent
Bare, slim, and muscular
Lovely supple hips
His stunningness is my country
That I longingly love

I look outside
And I can see his wonderfully brilliant masculineness
Streaming gleamingly in nature
His tallness is the strikingly handsome
And southern trees
Prodigiously abundant and graceful
Fascinating, flamboyant, and refreshing

His dreamy, elegant arms
Are the luscious, seductive branches
Of high rising trees
Like the brilliant, resilient, and fragrant leaves
Of a profoundly perfumed flower
His delectable and sweet-smelling thighs and legs
Are the precious heavenly stems

His flawless, firm feet are the root
That gives it rise to shine
He is the exquisite and enthralling grassland
Entirely bright, serene, and clean
Immaculately aromatic magicalness
Luxurious soft marvelousness

His captivatingly radiant and dazzling eyes
Are the phenomenally stupendous southern sun
That shines in my eyesight and life
Like flashingly shimmering stoplights
That direct me to where I need to go

His vividly sweet lips are a beguiling bridge of dreams
That reel me into his myriad wonderland
He feeds me his refinement
His illumination and vivaciousness
His invitingly urbane dynamism

I want to feel the earthly expanse of him
Kiss his temptingly sensuous skin
Let our chakras blend
Converse with him with lovingly passionate words
While I float on his immensely mesmerizing clouds
Delight in his all-consuming smoothness
Travis Green Jun 2023
His dapperness and flashiness
Makes my mouth water
Attracts my attention
Makes me so strung out
On his untouchable rugged stunningness

My sweet smooth boo
I love how he woos me
How he has me so soft
On his unimaginable unmatched swagger
The most starry wondrous charmer

Sultry muscled lover man
A savory temptation
Easy on the eye
Hunkish succulent lusciousness
His majesticness is so overwhelming

His deepness compels me
My fragrant heavenly flower
I am addicted to him like a ******* addict
So bound to his astounding grounds
How he has me high as ****

Desiring him, feeling him deeply
In my life and dreams
Such matchless hazardous splashiness
Kiss me so passionately
Love me beyond time and space

Let me connect with his dreamy treasured flex
So alive and striking
So blissful and skillful
My classical fantastical lad
His eyes shine like impressive incandescent diamonds
Like the bright, bountiful, and enlivening sun

My royal undestroyable hot boy
Take control of my wholeness
Be my rock-solid showstopping supernova
Amaze me, enslave me, dominate
The softest parts of me

Make me swoon at the presence
Of his groovy blooming beauty
Affect my homosexualness
With his impressive electric perfection
I hanker to stand by his side

Dive into his intoxicating waves
Of steamy ****** passion
So ecstatic and jacked up
Concede to his hot off the press
High-pressure heat for a lifetime
Travis Green Dec 2022
Rare nefarious incomparableness
Catchy manlicious prodigiousness
Vigorous viperous kryptonite
Bright dynamite delight
Fraught with hot appetizing sauce

I wanna play with your ardent sparking fire
Feel your hopping and heart-stopping charmingness
Surge through my flesh and bone
Taste your sweet, delicious lips
Pressed against mine

Rub your rich rugged beard
Feel your sculpted, seductive eyebrows
Check out your **** sunny eyes
My smashing strapped Daddy
I burn for your sexually alluring gorgeousness
Your smooth-muscled thugness

Feel your magical tattooed flesh
Your sexually gripping pecs
Flashy ab-worthy rarity
I yearn for your hardness
In the flawless forest of my femininity

Bend me down
Press your delectable, rock-solid body
Against my tinglingly sensual limbs
Wrap me in your delicious, exquisite notes
Of ****, ****** perfection

Eat me up, **** up my guts, make me lovestruck
Push harder into the wet gates of my gayness
Make me take a fancy
To your aesthetically appealing manfulness
Drool over your lusciousness and roughness
Your earthiness and spectacularness
Your magnetic and majestic freshness

I fall into your expressive capricious litness
Feel you love on me and rub my splendid succulent *****
Press your impressive velvety lips
Against my captivating curvaceous back
Astound me, enamor me, make me venerate your greatness

Cram your long, dominating snake in my inner space
Demolish my delicate aesthetic softness
Enclasp me in your crashing masculine wings
Reel my bare sassy *** cheeks
Into your crowning muscle-bound appetizingness

Allow your masculineness to move me
To speak to me with passion
Fill my sweetness up
With your untouchable ***** hunkiness
Make my enchanting and supple milk duds

Bounce to the enticing wildness
Of your endlessly exuberant existence
Make my biteable ripe points hard
Like bold and shiny brass
Impassion my homosexualness

Bite your blossoming bottom lip
Grip and squeeze my soft, red-hot rear guard
Let me digest your lecture on lecherous love
Taste your pure, revered peerlessness
Slithering sweetly on my tongue

Swim in the limitless depths
Of your luminous stunningness
Make me bound to your insanely
Exciting and game-changing flame

Feel your fullness in me more
Arrive at the backdoor of my core
Pour out your steaming demon *****
All over the shimming surface of my mad merry world
Travis Green Dec 2022
I wanna dance in the depths
Of your irresistible animal magnetism
Feel your veined solid hands
On my tight flaming backside
Feel your eccentrically transcendent kingdom
Venturing into my innerness

Go all the way with my gayness
Let me nuzzle up to your straightness
Embrace your contagious breathtaking stamina
Your sheer spectacular nakedness
As you drive your smashing savage dagger
Deeper in my **** wet walls

Cause me to become highly aroused
Drunk on your handsomeness
Lost in your highly flavored and tasty sauce
You brush your fingertips
Against the nape of my neck

You kiss my head
Caress my soft chocolate shoulders
Bang me mercilessly
Let me take every measure
Of your considerable aggressive length

Feel your infinite intensity
Your maximum crackerjack splashiness
Your rigid sick masculinity
As I gander into your brilliant flamboyant eyes
Vanquished by your strikingness

Enticed by your undoubtedly powerful delight
Your entire mesmerizing body
Of shiningly perfect hotness
You make me so delirious
The more you service my wetness

Get insanely wild and nasty
With my ****-hot vulnerable galaxy
Coalesce your sweat with mine
Play about with my desirableness
Enshroud me in your shining insurmountable powerfulness

Make me hanker for your indescribable flaming hurricane
Smell your strong, astonishing machoness
Wafting in my nose, making me so ****** up in the head
So hungry for your masterfully staggering heat
As you draw me closer to your amorous, animal-like enchantingness

Your all-important ardent alluringness
Lures me deeper into your unrelentingly
Prodigious and vigorous litness
Make me feel so ****
Give me a deep, mind-bending thrill

Pump up your crunkness and stunningness
Exert influence on my luminous smoothness
Switch on the lights to my insides
Be a hit with my distinctively pleasing
And teasing provocativeness

Stretch out my delectable sexible well
Cling to my sensual, generous hips
Prominent godlike marvel
Let me gawk at your ideally
Glorious and proportioned hotness
Your mandorable naked straightness

***** energetic prepossessor
You supply power to my vessel
For hours on end, stir up my senses
Give rise to my liveliness
Tantalize my thoughts and feelings

You enrapture me, secure me, service my innerness
Hold me in awe, cause a convulsive moment
In my brilliant and merry world
Hit me like a ton of bricks
Be victorious over my gorgeousness
Discharge your buoyant
And potent vitality in my dreamy feminine center
Travis Green Nov 2022
You are so seriously superb
And in charge of your extraordinarily
Ardent and dominant machoness
Magically attractive and talented
Sure-fire virile kryptonite

I am so high on your fiery
Muscle-bound enticingnes
How you move me
Into your groovy juicy galaxy
Work every mesmerizing
Measure of your brutal brick-hard muscle

Kiss me more and more
Pour your avant-garde godlike glory
Deep in the illuminating chamber of my core
Make me cross-eyed and stupefied
Highly hypnotized by the exciting
And wild things you do to me

The way you make me cave in
To your breezy finger-lickin’ slickness
Become one with your stunningness
Such a dreamily delicious soliloquy
Of lovingness that lures me
Further into the freshest and sexiest
Routes of your awe-inspiring likeableness

Give me an impossible and phenomenal hard-on
Tell me you own me
Make me never wanna leave
From the undying crowning power
Of your achingly sensational masculinity
Travis Green Jul 2022
You saturate my gayness in your fascinatingly
Flavorful captivation, I feel your tongue
Slither on my voluminous fun bags
Kissing and spitting, staring at me
With intense and hungry *** in your
Dancing brandy brown eyes
Your lustrous, man-nificent beard
Brushes up against my engorged points

I look at you with passion streaming
Through every fabulous fraction of my craft
You command my inner world
You enchant my emotions
Make me want to hold you closer
Enveloped in your tenderness
So defenseless when you present
Your immensely thugnificent masculinity

Your high-profile hypnotic game enflames my domain
Makes me hanker to glide in your bright nightly flame
Surrounded by streaming extra lit hotness
That burns unreservedly in my inner world
You give me compelling perplexing rushes
You make me blush when you tell me to hush
And kiss my expressive, energetic lips
You got me hot and shocked

My body is lost in the flaming mad lit passion
Rising in the velvety effervescent night
Your sumptuous hunkiness interlocks
With my voluptuous stunningness
Makes me highly sprung to considerable degrees
Sinking into your radiant enchanting handsomeness
Travis Green Sep 2022
Your piercingly shimmering olive green eyes
Scan the enchantingly eye-popping contents
Of my heavenly luscious body
My sleek, sinuous, and bare neck
Hot leathery hands grab my brazenly burgeoning cannon *****
Massage the ample scintillating surface
Make them jiggle and throb
As your juicy crash-hot lips

Hold my pert turgid daggers hostage
I marvel at your glorious engorged abs
Your supple rugged chest
How your sleekly stalwart and oiled guns gorgonize me
I feel your firm spectacular grabbers
Travel on my ghetto plump buns
Squeeze its cushiony and curvaceous construction
Take in its untouchable voluptuousness
My silky-soft spotless hotness

Dreamy cream-colored lover boy
Lithe, long-limbed limited edition
Your hunky ***** majesty bedazzles me
Ardent showstopping strongman
So passionate, gregarious, and ivory-towerish
Your moist sculptured touch
Against my phenomenally polished
And popping architecture

I run my youthful baby-soft clutchers
Through your luxuriant, coffee brown, and curly hair
With a beefy beast beach ***
Beardalicious bludgeoning bad boy
Extraordinarily artistic and enthusiastic
Such seductive sculpturesque stunningness
I am afire with swirling earthy desire
For your adventurous, eccentric distinguishment

How your robust voice sends keen, sensory tingles all over me
Heart-stopping Spartan top shotta
You knock my socks off
So out of my head, so obsessed
With the way you coop up my softness
Makes me lose my heart to your flamboyant saucy charm
Travis Green Nov 2022
Create magical manly memories
With my ebullient feminine dimension
Explore the innermost reaches of my sweetness
Make hot, saucy jibberish roll off my tongue
The more you intrude upon my stunningness

Look lecherously into my lovingly lovestruck eyes
Make me all stupefied and ****
Blitzed, trippy, and ****
Stuck in the wildest striking fantasies
Ardent dark-haired royalty
That’s what you are to me

Relentless supreme heat
That makes me delirious
While you become more curious
And search through my bares
Capture indisputably powerful
And satisfying pictures
With impassioned mantastic magnificence

Send me away into infinity
With your long, dominant *******
Tear me apart
Tackle me, impressive high-level Zaddy
Let me be one with cheery, brilliant attractiveness

Artistic photographic smash
Give me your hauntingly heart-stopping wonderment
Pipe me down, reorganize my core
Linger in the wetness
Of my superlative flourishing landscape

Let your hoodness overindulge
In my glowing smoothness
Go deep into my anatomy
As I relish your majesty
Languish for your bright unrestrained spiciness

Let your gorgeousness be the new
State-of-the-art tourist in my hotness
Make me feel your enriching and gripping history
How your pink, tempting lips
Glide down my spine

How you hold my luscious, bouncy, and ample *** tightly
Enshroud me in your inescapable sick excitement
Make my body tense up
Please, seize, and finesse me
Tease, thrill, and deliver me
Into the most outstanding sensational chapters
Of passionate and feverish ecstasy

Never abandon me, dance inside of me
Turn my lights out, bang me for hours on end
Stare at me while my mouth waters
While my deliciously satin *** cheeks jiggle
You are my hypnotizing pilot in command

I will go with you wherever you go
Let you **** me whenever you desire
Let my helplessly wet and warm insides inspire you
Give you extra arresting fire to devour my queerness
Smash every fraction of my walls

Charm and conquer my chakras
Immerse my spirit in your earthiness
Let your superbness converse with my inner world
Open my legs wide
Reach into the inmost oceans
Of my sweetest, softest dopeness

Root out my profound appetizing crown
Give me long, strong strokes
Give me a high-powered out-of-this-world mindgasm
Make me dwell on your flexing swell *******
So addictively sippable and slick as ****

I wanna swallow everything you have to offer
Every perfectly spectacular serving
Let you spin the center of my chemistry
Make me litty, **** groovy prodigy
Embrace my tasty contagious milky way

Stretch my galaxy out
Let me worship your bulging hard meat
Complete, sheathe, and whip me
Claw my charmingness
Etch your pleasurable effervescent words on my back

Hold me under your stellar shining spell
Move slow and fast
Push in more and more
Make me shimmy and swimmy
Make my nerve endings petrified
As you arch me into your glorious explorable territory
And coat droves of your macho smoking load
All over my rainbow boat
Travis Green Apr 2022
It’s sensational how his wild, thrilling fieriness
Makes me desire him so much more
Such an extraordinarily immersive perfectness
I am sunk in his stunningness, shot to pieces
Deeply frenzied, urgently requiring
His stupendous studaliciousness

I want to grip his smoothly powerful hips
Rub his bare, hairless, and magical chest
His **** solid arms and shoulders
Hold on to his tight, striking backside
Feel the sheer warmth of his erotically
Hard, luscious, and delectable flesh

Lick his ******, thrilling thoughts
Taste his eclectic expressive heavenliness
Put my mouth on the square root of his smoothness
Inhale his dynamic and differential equations
His intriguingly addictive derivatives
His ingratiating integration, his fantastically complex algebra

Swallow his aesthetically arresting decimals
Make the logarithms in his brain swirl around and around
Let me relish the irresistible trigonometry traveling in his vessel
I can take him beyond the reality of time
Open his mind, shuffle his sensations like a deck of cards
Play an intensely strategic game with his mind
Win with a royal flush, take him as my bright, golden trophy
So desirable and creditable, so fascinating and imaginative

His paradisiacal swagger slays my gayness
He is a flawless all-star hot boy, a household name
Tattooed all over my shining, lithe, and vibrant body
I am so remarkably plush in his presence
Naked, innocent, magnificently feminine, and voluptuous
He is my brilliant stellar king that rules
My immense, unfailing, and illustrious empire
His coolness so takes me over, so engrossed in his smoke
I float away in the favorite slow jams he plays to me
Travis Green Jun 2022
I love you more
Than I could love anyone else
I love the way you smile
The way your ardent hypnotic eyes
Shine like the huge June sun
Indescribable, desirable, admirable
Delightsome, lissome, and virile man
Bright top-flight iron-man
Unmatchable crash-hot heart-breaker

You add pure electric sweetness
In my chamber of gayness
Youthful, unmovable smoothness
Articulate passionate allure
Solely glorious machoness
The unsurmountable power
Of your swagger enraptures me
Grabs my attention
Cajoles me into your dimension

You give me the deepest
And sweetest feelings
Encompassed by your stunningness
Enveloped in your moist, limber arms
Embracing your unrelenting strength
The way you ***** my neck
You take my breath away
You got me considerably crazy over you
I can’t get enough of your captivation

Boy, you got me swaying
You don’t know how bad I got it for you
Trapped in your majesty
Surpassingly rapt, flabbergasted
Bound to your crowned profound attraction
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your astonishing chocolate sauciness
Crawls in my heart, talks hotness
That makes me spark like bursting stellar fireworks
Spread your infectious lecherous heavenliness
All over my lustily seductive flesh
I fall into your flawless far-reaching charm
Charming rocker saucer
Tall, ardent, and machofabulous

Your magically dopetastic pizzazz
Has me exceedingly spazzing out
Buff rough lover boy, ecstatic chocotastic majesty
The way your flex impressively compelling muscles
Makes me covet to nuzzle your lusciousness
Gulp your wondrously artastical dreams down in my system
Bathe in your beardacious salacious tastiness

Feel your monumentally muscled structure
Meshing with my delightfully flowery body
Enfold me in gigantically enchanting wonderment
Let your hunkiness set me asunder
Run your crunkness in my tunnel
And let me feel your chillingly thrilling thunder
Give me that humongous drumbeating gun
Let me indulge in it, take it in my mouth
Like a succulent honeybun, stroke it like
A black pump-action shotgun

Let it overrun and stun my jungle
Rumble and tumble my stunningness
Let your deliciously monstrous muscles
Monkey with my charmingly sweetalicious body
Luxuriate in your hauntingly hot fragrance
Your earthy hairy skin mingling with mine
So casually, you enrapture me

Put your hands on my juicy jouncy derriere
And confound me everywhere
Whatever you want to do to me
I will give you full access to my vessel
And let your rudeness cruise through me
Like a smoking crimson-red charger
Gaining speed on a superb, dazzling highway
Travis Green Jun 2023
He brings me everlasting satisfaction
With his mad hot splashiness
His sweet, biteable lips
His thick, distinguished beard
Such a straight seductive lover man

He gives me a buzz, has me so in love
With his untouchable luscious stunningness
I revel in his blissful pleasurable manfulness
Mediate on his sexually stimulating foundation
So fixated on his tasteful magnetic perfection

I am a slave to his straightness
Caught up in his raging tornado
Of unrestrained flaming passion
His sculptured steel pecs arrest me
His shredded, treasured biceps makes my head turn

His magically magnificent abs
Attract my attention
I crave to blaze up with him
Become lit up and love-struck
Such an unbelievably lethal weapon

The hottest heart-stopping charmer on the block
Fully equipped with the heat
That leaves me speechless
I wanna taste him like yummy bubble gum
Like a butterscotch marshmallow cake

My fresh sugar sweetness
My young gangbuster stunner
Take me to his home
Turn me on, let’s get it on
Make me wet and sweat

Lick me everywhere that enraptures me
Make me moan when he grabs
My marvelous chocolate jobbers
Tweak my throbbing nips
Feel his jungle rumble as he stuns my buns
With his ***** tunnel monster

Give me a rush, tell me to hush
Make me feel his thunder
Hit me with the long stroke
Make me breathe rapidly
Arched in unimaginable rapture

He delves deeper into my chamber of treasure
Observe how I shake my salt shaker
Lick my lips, let him put in work
Handle me like a highly skilled
And professional bodyguard

Saucy strong-toned sweet-talker
I love it when he whispers soft words in my ear
How his massive manly berries
Bounce against my flesh
Steadily loving and pumping me

The kind of ardent white-hot delight
That keeps me strung out on his crunkness
With each deep ******, he has me so awestruck
Wanting to be down for him and no one else
I can feel his fierce wondrous fire rising higher around me

He has me so hypnotized
Feeling his vibrant vibe
Killing me ever so sweetly
**** me so deeply
Reach a red-hot ****** ******
Bust his dope man protein inside me
Travis Green Dec 2021
You entice me more with the way
You sit on the kitchen counter
Shirtless, draped in Ethika boxers
Broad, incredible chest
Badass, tattooed legs
Your black eyes are filled
With warm and loving poetry
A divine universe of starry dreams

I desire to be soaked
In your brightest, most prosperous, and purest seas of bliss
Feel your hands gliding down
My slender shoulders and arms
Taste your sweet honey body
Beardtastic allure, a glorious storybook
Suffused with an unforgettable love
Bestow my soul with everlasting tenderness

Let me marvel at your wondrously
Creative mural of art
I hunger to dance with you
In your boundless world of dreams
Our senses imbued with sheer wild ecstasy
Feeling so intoxicated by the compelling musical sounds
Such a powerful and irresistible temptation
Filling the sky with our flaming, untamed sensations
I need for you to be mine forever
So that I can munch on your stunningness
Taste the succulent, crumbled pieces
Until I am utterly stuffed
Travis Green Mar 2022
I am so enormously boy crazy
Held captive in immaculate splashy attraction
Hot ardent sparkling boys
Marvelously majestic, elegant, fragrant, and unforgettable
Vibrantly electrifying and visually stimulating
Treasurable sweetness and tenderness
Striking, stylish, and silky-smooth
Deliciously riveting rude dudes
Incredible lustrous eyes
Appealing and juicy lips
I so crave to eat up their sweet treats
Drink in their unending masculinity

I am trapped in their endless supremeness
Dreaming about their perfectly picturesque bliss
Vast vivacious amazingness
Ripped, strongly built beasts
Thick, tempting, and memorable beards
Razor-trimmed, promising, and presentable
Mandorable, sensuously scented, and trendy
Exquisite street flex, extra fresh, and impeccable masculine game
My mind races faster than the speed of light
So nuts about lushly loveable muscles and seductive butts

My nerves are in shock, struck up
Lovestruck by badass rugged studs
Electric, photogenic, resplendent, and sun-kissed princes
So relaxing, refreshing, ravishing, and prepossessing
I am set ablaze in their magnetically magical space
Exhilarated by their wondrously joyous and dashing depictions
Fervent, observant, very merry, and cherishable
To be in their remarkable sparkling arms is the safest place I know

Their talk, their walk, their flow, their glow
Their dreamy glistening drip
Their stellar authentic shoewear
Always lit with the superheated street music
Bopping their heads to seamless slamming jams
Laid back in their fresh, **** whips
Cranking up the beat
With their flashy matchless navigation systems

Their splashy topnotch gadgets
Their gleaming tinted windows
Their immaculate heated seats
Supreme clean rims shining brighter
Than crystal-clear, priceless, and premium china
Their awesome sauce turns me on
The thought of being enclasped in their arms
Feeling their hands all over me gets me significantly going

I don’t know what’s happening to me
These contagiously enamoring men got me spaced out
I am obsessed with their stunningness
My man-size, gaytastic meat is so hard right now
I feel an epic explosion emanating from the surface
Just to fantasize about their tantalizing, infatuating worlds
That **** got me all the way ****** up

I am in a heatwave of enchantment
Entranced by the splendidly intriguing and vivid fantasy
Of delicious ding-dongs and big ***** in my mouth
****, ****, such untameable and flaming bewitchment
Artistic, individualistic, dynamic, and irreproachable intelligence
****, I excrete rich sweet **** all over my thighs
These trance-inducing, upbeat, and succulent men
Got me in an unconscionable and frenzied state of mind
Travis Green Feb 2022
He’s got a powerful pose
That shows in his dope photos
He shines brighter than a glowing globe
So **** when he flexes
With his brick-solid biceps
Extraordinary tattoos on his chest
Flawless fragrance on his neck
Axe on his armpits
Versace on his body

He got me watching him like a hawk
Feenin’ to hear him talk
To see the magical flow in his walk
The wondrous written poetry on his lips
Treasured, delectable metaphors and melodies on his tongue
I just wanna slide in your ride
And get high off his stunningness
I’m feeling him in a significant way

I’m craving his chiseled frame
He has me fired with enthusiasm
The dazzle of light from the sunlight
Shines upon his face breathtakingly
He is a precious and unparalleled gift
Abundantly radiant and brilliant
The most sublime diamond in sight
A splendidly lyrical lover

He is mesmerizing as a blue opal bead necklace
The rarest and sweetest charmer in my heart
Dreamy loving prince
He makes me sigh in his brightness
Makes me wish to reach out to him in the nighttime
Devour him within minutes of seeing him
Touch and gravitate towards his gorgeously electric realm
His heartbeat beats in synchronicity with mine
I dream of his heaven-sent immensity infinitely
I know I ain’t hallucinating
‘Cause this love thing is so captivating
I know he will always be my man
I know I will always be his treasured possession
Travis Green Dec 2021
Your body is my phenomenally painted masterpiece
Your hot, drawing lips are filled with creativity
Your eyes are a portal of passion
That attracts me to thee
Your kisses are dope as intoxicating liquor
You are my speed, my sweet relief
Your stunningness numbs my kingdom
Your chest on my ******* leaves me wordless

You nibble on my riveting, russet *******
Tilting my head back to treasure
My delicate and elegant neck
Lick my jaws and thought
Say that my heart is your home
That your sole purpose
Is to enrapture my universe
Let your stomach muscles mesh with mine

Give my supersonic body shudders
I want my moans to rise profoundly
Like surround sound speakers
Turn up your loving
Freak me dreamily with your masculinity
Make my nation dance
And sing triumphantly
To revealing rhapsody

I need to embrace your muscular refinement
Marvel at your body’s sparkling motion
Your masculine, majestic arms are so brightly inviting
I love your body being so close to mine
Your rich, thick chocolate sausage dangling before me
So succulent to stroke and *******
I desire to drink you down like a fiery, stupefying wine
Tame me, drain my potency

I hanker to be hooked on your flaming domain of *******
Light me up utterly, spark my nerves
With your alcoholic astonishingness
Smell your hot, wonderful aroma
As you restrain me to your ruggedly ravishing rehab
Make me tremble stupendously
Give me boundless buzzes again and again
Make me go wild like I am at a merry
Sight-seeing retirement party
Travis Green Dec 2021
I imagine you as an unfathomable and sun-kissed sea
That I can swim in and feel your complete, peaceful, and
Unalloyed bliss, treasure your sweetness and light
How your shimmering stunningness keeps me confined to thee
Travis Green Apr 2022
I am so intrigued by his pristine, pure,  and beguiling beauty
Hot succulent chocolateness, lush, vivid richness
Sensual seductive muscularity, fragrant enchanting sweetness
I want to gorge on his prodigiousness, feel his passionateness
Caress his lean, strong, and utterly gorgeous chest
His bare, brass-bound shoulders, his remarkably magical arms

Tame the frame of his slick, silky, and strapping body
Taste his smooth, brown, and well-defined thighs and legs
Kiss every exhilarating trail of his body hair
Inhale his blossoming pleasurable memories
Press my tongue against his heavenly hot chocolate *******
So super delicious, luscious, creamy, dark turgid rips

He makes me so sweet and sticky inside
I want to kiss his highly refined abdomen
His incredibly thick, smooth, and moist neck
I want to watch him melt in my gaytasticness
Enter his dreams like an endless iridescent tunnel
Pour my lovingness into his funnel of stunningness

Tenderly rub his enchanting canvas of dreams
While he shimmers and tingles in my proximity
In the invitingly smooth and cool night
I long to embrace his bounteously sleek
And exquisite physique, slip into his sea of supremeness

He is graceful, remarkable, and tall
My elegant and delicately scented flower
Gloriously immeasurable and expressive
Bright, rare, resplendent, and radiant
I want to open the heart of his world
Like popping champagne bottles

Let me tantalize his fresh, luminous fineness
Hold on to his showy and fragrant limbs
Hijack his heartland
Paint hypnotically artistic magic on his masterpiece
I want to explore his exuberant, sensuous delights
Obtain insight from his treasured work of art
Travis Green Apr 2022
In the glistening stillness where the delightful night
Shines upon him and me, I feel so carefree and sweet
He gives me bountifully blissful sensations
I am enamored of hiss entrancingness
His delectableness surging spectacularly through my world
I yearn to feel him softly caress me in the fresh gentle breeze

Sheathe me in his supremacy
Carry me in his heavens of perpetual lovingness
Fill my heart with immaculate magical passion
I sway to the beat of his masculinity
Swirl in his bright goldenness
Taste him like a bourbon butterscotch pie
With molasses whipped cream
Like a scrumptious *** cake with pecans

I crave to evanesce into his mesmerizing galaxy
To take in his intoxicating stunningness
I relish his earthbound artisticness
How his body shimmers in ardent starlight paradise
Sensual ink-black eyes, magnetic masculine lips
Hunky sumptuous beard, thick honeyed neck
Tempting lickable chin, how I hunger to unweave his world

Lure him away to a place of unbounded desires
Take him into an illimitable dimension
Of immensurable dreams, climb on top of him
To feel the supremeness of his body
Love him beyond the bridges of time
Beyond reality and the linear equations of love
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are bright midnight magic
That calls my body to yoke with yours
To taste your sweet yummy stunningness
Let your seamless fragrant masculineness
Linger on my immersively curvy ******* and **** *******
You make me swell with enamoredness
The more I gaze at your engagingness
I take in your vivid vision of thrilling wonders

I melt into your silky smooth structure
Your high gold shine excites my comely, luminous eyes
I wanna caress your slim, tempting limbs
Feel your scintillating perspiration on my skin
Your beastly manly nature envelops me
I am suffused with heat that speaks lascivious diction to me
You are the most upbeat exquisite prince in my dreams
That bring me incessantly magnificent pleasure
Travis Green Mar 2022
I hunger for an opportunity
To luxuriate in your straightness
Trail your glorious treasures
Your sensually loving eyes
Your peerless pleasing lips
Your luscious bushy beard
Your thick treasurable curly hair
Your enchantingly hunky flesh

Let me devour your body of power
Caress your rippling chiseled chest
Feel my electricity surging
Through your solidly charming body
Your glowing golden beauty bewitches me
Your limitless talentedness thrills me
I am so unbelievably obsessed
With your breathtakingly enamoring existence

Starry superstar stud
I paint you vividly in my dreams
I cherish the sparkling colors of your world
Your sinuous body movements
I am highly hooked on your debonairness
The way you evoke dope soul
Iced out, tatted up, utterly upbeat
Your ardent alluring smile
Makes my heartbeat go wild

How I pine to glide through your mind
Allow you to mesmerize my eyes
With your bright divine delights
Swim in your pool of sumptuous honey
Hot, unstoppable fire that coaxes me
Into your stellar impeccable incredibility
I am wrapped in your poetry of passionateness
Your scintillating engagingness
Your body, awash with myriad mesmerizing metaphors

You overwhelm me, causes me to lapse into your lovingness
Your masculineness spreads
Like a great raging wildfire in my veins
With your uncontainable flex
Your exquisitely ideal fit
Radiant remarkable ruggedness
You are the rarest treasured showpiece
I long to lick your smoothness
Taste your stunningness fused to my tongue
Drunk on you like fiery *** punch
Venerate your top-notch incomparability
Travis Green Jul 2022
Your ecstatic supertastical galaxy
Attracts me to the bedazzling inner surfaces
Of your ardent taut marvelocity
Beardalicous beezer lover boy
You make my innerness shudder
Surrounded by your overpowering resounding thunder
Engulfed by your salubrious pulchritude
The smooth coolness oozing through
Your hoodness and sultriness
Wickedly rude and insuperable

My heartbeat dramatically increases
When I dwell on the possibility
Of our blissful bodies freezing together
Bound to each other forever
In your hunky crunkalicious jungle
I hunger to rumble with your punch-drunk stunningness
The hypnotic interlock of our tongues
Our long, melodic, and rock-solid arms
Our hands rubbing up against each another
Our realms running into one another
Endlessly shimmering like trendy spinner rims
Like a bright young coup rocking smooth Gucci gear
Travis Green Jun 2022
He stays on deck with his litness
He grips and rivets my sprightly system
He got me so keen on his clean kingly dreaminess
There is something about him
That fires me up, that has me desiring
To retire from my job to allow him to rob my heart

Swathe me in his saucy stalwart machoness
Let me feel unmerciful immersiveness
Submerging me below the wondrous winsome waters
Of his towering earthbound realm
Where I can cherish and reserve his perfectness
Enmeshed in a heavy-hitter that I can’t miss

His slickness rolls off my tongue
And I become undone, benumbed, drunk
On his crunkness, his stunningness
Hungering for so much more of his hunkiness
The realest lit ripped *****, my wild vibrant
Kryptonite that has me on an undying hypnotizing high

I can’t lie, I can’t deny the power he possesses
How he tests and accesses my mindset
How he undresses and arrests my homosexualness
How he impresses and finesses my vessel
Such an ecstatic mantastic smash
Packed with endless dreamtastic rapture

He has my gayness encased in his litastic swagtastic maze
I can’t get over his tantalizing radiancy
His fiery unrestrained strikingness
He is my sweet southern lover boy
Bursting with super stupendous bass
A cold flowing Romeo with a soul-lit globe
In notorious lordly poetry in motion
Travis Green Jan 2023
Easy on the eyes, hot-off-the-fire game-changer
I wanna gulp down your cupful
Of smooth, luscious, and yummy stunningness
Let it enter and enrapture my innerness

Feel your sinful sensual sweetness
On my full, succulent lips
Breathe in the ever-increasing deepness
Of your eye-catching and thrashing bewitchingness

Unleash your mind-blowing muscle-bound wildness
Let me feel your full-flavored flexing freshness
Welling up within my inner world
Take in your bright and breezy beauty

Smell your untouchable ***** musk
The vivid vision of your vicious vigorous venerableness
Sends me into the dopest thought-provoking trances ever
You are everything that shines day and night
For an expansive stretch of hypnotizing hours

My splendidly potent and smoking-hot Romeo
I wish to chill with your rich ideal slickness
Real raw hot sauce that turns me on
That charms me and knocks me dead
The more I pour over your sweet, tender allure
Your tantalizing oceanic manfulness
Travis Green Jan 2023
Your celebrious salubrious beauteousness
Enthuses and moves my mind and body
Rock and shock my hotness
With your rare debonair architecture

You are my passionate rapturous therapy
That solaces my inner world
Makes me yearn to linger in your eternity
Walk on air where your sensuously supreme singularity
Enraptures every fraction
Of my earthly effervescent existence

I wanna experience ****** fulfillment
With your sinfully scrumptious stunningness
Feel our lives collide and magnify
To greater heights of powerful, inviting delight

Your magically delicious splashiness
Fuels my innermost passions
Your deep, comforting voice
Provides me with pure and unexcelled pleasure

Your dark sparkling eyes
Make me wanna dive
Into your unbounded mountainous profoundness
Anchor me into your exemplary imperial majesty
Make my whole body shudder
In the electrifying wildness
Of your uncontrollable ferocious storm
Travis Green Feb 2022
You got my mind all messed up
You are a potent, addictive drug
That lingers in my lungs
I’m so hung up on your sweet, magically stunningness
Hot **** honey, smooth, tight flex
Succulent dream hunk
Your exquisitely pleasing scent fills my body
Makes me become so stranded in your manliness
Your statuesque **** self has me seeping
Has me seeping into your prosperous, peaceful, and serene seas
Your love is limitless, compelling, and majestic
There is nothing smoother than a superstar like you
To be immersed in your superbness
Has my world utterly shuddering
There is something so stimulating about you
That has me entrapped in your plane of existence
Travis Green Apr 2022
Tall, bright, bronze, and charming, fresh, flawless hottie
Ecstatic, beardtastic, mantastic, smooth, treasured loverboy
Extra delectable as Asian salad dressing, decked out in hot fiery drip

Strongly built like a magnificent monster truck and trailer
Super stylish as a hot dodge charger hellcat
Luscious copious muscle, thick-necked incredibleness

Lush studly brotha, ripped thrilling treat, ardent ramrod marvel
Broad saucy shoulders, freshly combed wavy hair
How impossibly exhilarating he is to my foundation

Long, taut, and artistic arms, shimmering citrine-colored chest
Refreshing spearmint breath, beautiful, youthful lips
Gleaming peach-brown lips, swaggalicious, vigorous machoness

Hypnotic copper penny eyes, how I delight in his refined design
He swirls my mind with his delectable honey flesh
Such streaming stellarness in his treasurableness

Soothing groovy cutie, so delicious as a peanut butter banana smoothie
Attractively appealing as gaudy hot wheels on a gorgeous Ford F-450
With a smoking engine invention, lean, dreamy, and teeming masculinity He reels me into his funky drumbeating stunningness
Travis Green Jan 2022
He’s so incredibly molded
He makes me create the dopest poetry ever
I could compose forever and never cease
He is the reason I feel so soft inside
His the sweetest and brightest star
That shines in my world
There is no one for me but him

I love how he dresses
His divine cologne
Glowing gold studs in his ears
Flashy ice hanging around his neck
He’s so super sublime
There’s no question about it
When he flexes, I’m so choked up
When he exhibits his drip

I can’t think of anyone that compares to him
He’s the baddest man that I know
He makes me want to pull up at his crib
And chill with him all day and night
Catch his vibe, slide my hands on his arms
Talk sweet stuff that lures us nearer to each other
I don’t wanna be cautious with him
I wanna embrace everything that comes
Give solely into him

Let him speak his game
‘Cause I’m so into him
At this stage, he can do anything to me
Just treat me good
Give me some hood wood
When we reach that peak
Sweet soul lover
Show me what he got

He knows I wanna see intense and heavy action
Feel his magic take me to places
That I have never been before
I wanna enroll in his mathematics class
Study his exhilarating equations
His hypnotic geometry
His intriguing trigonometry
His luscious Calculus

Zaddy, enfold me in his stunningness
His exclusive smoothness
As I gaze at the black bandana around his head
Gangsta gem, he is a fiery dynamite
I’m so mad crazy about him
He gives me wet dreams
When he is all up on me

He checks me out from to back
Loving my vibe
Loving the striking fire in my eyes
Boy, he knows I wanna ride on his Polar Express Train
I wanna be his sweetheart, his superstar
Give him all of me
Let him enslave me in his astonishingly grand mancave
Travis Green Mar 2022
I sunk in your bright masculine stunningness
Hungering to kiss your electric lightning lips
Feel your hot bushy beard
Tame me with your grippingly city charming eyes
Leave me enchanted in your dimension of infinite bliss
Travis Green Oct 2021
It’s confounding to conceive
That I have a taste for you
That these sensations
Are never-ending
That I can’t go to sleep
Without thinking of you
Musing about how
Sweet and shamelessly
Sensual you are to me
When I play my favorite tunes
In my bedroom
Every song reminds me of you
Gives me the feels
I know this love is real
Makes me want
To hit you up
And let you know
That I’m crunchin’
On your stunningness
Your galaxy of swag
Has me super surfin
Wishing we could max and relax
Feel the passion
Rise in temperature
Between you and me
Feel fathomless sparks
Launching into the
Shadow black sky
As we kiss with an urgency
Travis Green Apr 2022
It’s unbelievable, but his massively attractive
And powerful body is calling for me
To come to explore his magicalness
Hold him close to me like a treasure chest
Feel the solidness of his graceful, breathtaking back
His taut arched shoulders, his warm, youthful arms

Navigate through his waves of unparalleled creativeness
Marvel at his prominent masterful collections
The perpetual enchantment in his radiant realm
Slow caress his big thick thighs and hot hairy legs
Kiss every part of his body, reach the heart of his world
**** on his *****, chocolicious *******

Listen to his heavy hypnotic breathing
His mouth agape, moon-eyed, shatterbrained
Lost in my awesome ardency, my sweet sensuality
I want to ride deep into his thugness
Discover his hidden secrets
His remarkably striking visual memories

Lapse into his vivid, poetical, creative imagination
Stream into his subconscious
Coalesce our thoughts together
Let me French kiss his chakras
Enfold his straightness in my gayness
Lay my hands on the **** nape of his neck

Feel his masculineness merging with my feminineness
Run my fingertips down the tempting trail of his spine
Cup his ****, smooth ***** with my hands
Move my tongue all over the enchanting surface
Lick his cheeks slow and long
Feel all the words I want to say rise out of my mouth
While I delight in his super thrilling treasures

Slurp and **** his thick delicious Excalibur
Make him grow so hard that he stares at me in amazement
Moaning desirable sounds that turn me on
Watch him slowly fall apart while I claim his heart
While I tame his appealing and prodigious framework
I want to give him all of my gay and passionate love

Make him hunger for me more
So high-strung, so hung up on my stunningness
Observe the way he staggers unsteadily
How his heart beats in upbeat ******* rhythm
Blowing air from his mouth, grabbing hold of my saucy backside
As I jack him off wildly, unravel his majesty
Look at him sexually as he excessively ejects ecstasy on my hands
Gently rub his rock-hard rod and big *****
See how responsive he is
Let my gayness run right through his existence
Travis Green Jul 2021
He was my newest
Luscious crush
Utterly seductive, tough
A young buck
A chocolate studalicious meltdown
Taking over my soul
The more I thought
About his magnetic suaveness
How I wanted him
To kindle my kingdom
Make me stumble
And become stunned
By his stunningness

— The End —