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betterdays Mar 2014
Ethel echidna
had a date wid Pike,
a fiiine!
young hedgehog
who be doin' the backpack

she got n' egg
ya see bout a rave
up in the mountains
in a black cathederic cave
doof doof in the dandenongs

d' message said
up dee track
where the ding dongs
don't dare follow
round d' hollow n'
up the back

Ethel she preened
and she polished
the dreds down her back,
clickety, click, clack.
painted her claws
a fetching shade
of orange neon
all watched on by
Pike the backpack peon

then to the doof
dey departed
at a fast shuffel
leaving behin
barely a ruffle
in the burrowed air
they followed
d'directions to
d' right section
dis dey knew
by d' sound of
d' massive party
goin down

on payin d' dosh n'
getten d' mark
off dey went
inta the fray
***** boy mumbled
"woyhoy gotcha!"
when he saw who
was providin
the goodmuse vibing
up ona stage
Jagger the emu
was a struttin'
with Ringo the dingo
on drums an bongos
while Hendrix
the numbat riffed d' strat
an  Entwhistle
d'frogmouthed owl
grooved on his gibson
wid ***** left stage staring

Ethel got bizzy
check'n out the dancefloor
lookin for bling or moves wid a sting
perhaps a little ******* headbangin

well down
at the southdoor
trouble was brewin'
foul words
was spewin between
d magpie n seagull crews
till the bouncers,
kanga & roo
hustled dem
all outside for a brew

up near the stacks
Pheobe the lizard
was flashin
a matchin
frill n grill ensemble
while Stan, her man
was fillin his bill
at the buffet table
as only a pelican can
at the grub bar
sat the kookaburra trio
Max,Tom, Deccy
havin a speccy
at tha lady
cockatoos n' galahs,
givina chuckle
at the bruhaha
they had created
comin flyin from
near n' far to this
surberb n spectacular
festival of fauna
"tho hot as a sauna
best dis year sofah"

jus inside
d' recovery corner sat
Horn a blue tongue lizard
feelin a bit pukey n' flat
den dere was
Kayla n' Jac
a pair o koalas
who now be zonin
from d eucalyptus
dey been a chewen

outaback time it's awastin
with dis watchin n waitin

Ethel hit the floor
she booggied,
grooved or h-banged
she got a big crowd,
given her ground
to shake
her dreds around
cause dat girl
is dangerous
wid her dredlocks man,
to which Zach
the one eyed wombat
can well attest

Now not bein a dancer
***** got lonely
so looked upa chat
with the rest
of d' backpackin crowd
he swapped recipes
for green brownies wit
Boomer the orangatang,
harvest spots wit
Goth the friutbat,
Hamish de otter,
quiet de globetrotter,
did giv ***** some tips
about surfin rips
furder down de coast.

so dey shimmyed
an dey shammyed,
dey talked
an dey squawked
till d' old sun
came out to play
den dey wandered
and dey wended
back down
d' track to d' town
to sleep d' day away.

as to our Ethel
and *****,
dey crawled
inta their bed,
they cuddled
an dey clicked,
dey kissed
an dey snicked
and dey
blew dey
selfs away
NeroameeAlucard Oct 2014
I walked into the guitar store
simply desiring to change the strings
not knowing at all
what this lovely day would bring

I sat my acoustic on the counter
and picked out my string set
Martin Acoustics, always trusted
a purchase I never regret

I sat and played on my Christmas present
A baby blue Fender Strat
into the shop walked My lady
with a figure like an hourglass

She said she was in the mood for some excitement
I was always willing to provide
I said but darling were in public
she said I don't care, I want you with those deep blue eyes.

so I snuck her into the repair shop
surrounded by tools and parts
I kissed her deeply and traced
on her ample ******* a heart

I slid her pants down and drank from her womanly cup
I heard her moan and whimper
as deeper and deeper I supped

she decided to reciprocate
and slid down my jeans as well
I looked to make sure no one was coming
because this would be hot I could tell

She laid me on the table
kissed up and down my neck
I rolled her over
so I was on top of my lover
I stood proud like a soldier

After the first ******
I kissed her and said you ride next
she bounced on me so hard
I felt more and more of her soft heated flesh

So after our day in the guitar store was done
she held onto my tool like a loaded gun
she said this belongs to only one
woman on this earth
me and you better always be ready to fill me with your girth

Tommy Jackson Aug 2015
All frustration
Let out
On a
Seventie's delux
Putting blues
On the screaming
It was quite evident as a teenager , drawing Boston's guitar shaped space ship on the back of an English book , playing the opening riff to Smoke on the Water with a broomstick
Hiding in the closet , listening to Kiss's first album , singing in front of the mirror to REO Speedwagon
Bad Company on the eight track in my '63 Ford Falcon , taking a Guess Who album to show and tell in Kindergarten
Reciting every lyric on Three Dog Night albums , Foreigner turned up so loud that the windows would ratttle !
Learning Free songs note by note on the guitar , playing Born to be Wild like I was on a World Tour
My heroes are Page , Scholz , Perry and Geddy Lee ! Soundgarden , Alice in Chains , Mott the Hoople and Queen
Jimi Hendrix bringing his Strat to life , Eddie's blistering fretwork !
Crosby , Stills and Nash , three part Angelic vocal harmonies , Ronnie James Dio wailing like a banshee !
A Gibson through a Marshall , A Fender through a Vox , a Tele through a Peavey , a Rickenbacker through an Orange !
Jim Morrison turning poetry into song , Elton John baring his soul through the piano
Eddie Vedder in a trance on stage , Anne Wilson crying out in pain  , Layne Staley raising the hairs on the back of your neck , the reassuring voices of McCartney and Lennon , every musical note committed to paper by George Harrison
Chris Cornell screaming into the night , the aura of Robert Plant onstage
the sweet guitar work of Eric Clapton , heart wrenching soul of Janis Joplin
The wailing guitar of Robin Trower , the blues power of Rory Gallagher
Siren song of Annie Lennox to the infectious , brilliant lyrics of Tom Petty
Copyright November 11, 2015 by Randolph L Wilson *All Rights Reserved
sift through
     all that crap
and check my direction,
where the ****'s my compass..
oh god, tell me this
                         ain't going to last,
shoot me under the wire
right before those cubes are cast.

Baby blow on them dice
   and kiss the guy to your right.

that's it,         kiss him on the lip,
       what a trip,                   what a slip

showing your      colours like that,

playin' those juicy chords,

            playin'    hard     on that strat.

All Rights Reserved @2012
A warped neck on a Fender Strat , a broken bottle of Johnnie Walker Black . Torn felt on a mahogany billiard table , catfish fillets scorched on the fire , rendered inedible ..
A marvelous , precision tractor engine seized from loss of oil , a bumper crop of peaches killed by frost ..
An empty bottle of malt vinegar , wind blown lovely cherry pipe tobacco lost forever ..
Red ripe homegrown tomatoes shredded by hail , soft shelled pecans dropped in the well ..
First snowflakes of Winter melted on warm city streets , green grass left to die beneath a cloth sheet ..
Concord grapes dried on the vine , watermelon picked before it's time ..
Homemade biscuits burnt in the oven , true love within reach left undiscovered ..
Copyright November 28 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
All those others
Standing around

Sardonic smiles
And obsidian eyes

My back bent and breaking
Under the strain

Of Fender Strat
And Blues Deluxe

And a hundred chords,
And riffs and licks

Earlier, the glances,
The nod.
The flirt

And hints at  even
more than that

But in the end
A key to a room

Where the janitor sleeps

Vacuum cleaner

Against my thin door
CS Schmidt Aug 2016
Break your knuckle on a steel gate
Get drunk at work
Destroy your lover's things but not your lover
Shave your head completely
Listen to everyone talk about RHCP
Mention John Frusciante solo work being really good
Acquire very wet ******* from a man in a trench coat
Opt out for cable and go to the bars to watch the game
Blow *** into your roommate's cat's nostrils until you notice effects
Try to understand why everyone is excited about Stranger Things
Cut open a stuffed shark and have *** with it
Listen to The Moob And Antartica because you need to hear A Wild Pack Of Family Dogs
Get a book you're never going to read but insist you'll get around to it
Buy another book and read that one instead
Let friend borrow book and never see it again
Get a small payday loan and sell your Squier Strat for 30 bucks
Tell your roommate you need more *** so hit the guy up
Get yelled at by girlfriend for punishing her dog
Get teeth removed and relish in painkillers
Throw rocks through cars at a ****** dealership
Get a burger at 5 am
Wake up
Give coke to your friend's desperate lover
Go on 4 days without showering
Faint from a sneeze
Put super glue on broken glass to fix broken living room window
Be called a racist by a man of my same race AGAINST my same race
Laugh at how dumb political activists are
Go see friends you haven't seen for months and leave 25 minutes later
Write poetry for 10 minutes and pretend I have some message to convey
Put on flannel and take acid
Watch Eric Andre until my ghetto neighborhood produces people reckless enough to break in
Wish comes true
Crush face of armed adversary
Walk out of apartment complex
Break your knuckle on steel gate
Ken Pepiton Aug 2019

ah, me, I am living this useless way

someday you are sad and read
what we formed here from ignored

floaters in the flow of things

and some think I said we made a thing, you got
a little think
I am connected but my hands are some other minds
or minded

some series of letters are contests
which hand can get the point of being used this way


exit strat-edgies begin to shape decisions, cut-offs,
loose threads, inkling
leaking into the eitheroreal sidereal dust twixt us
and that band of stars we call
milky, Plato called
γάλα, say ga-la, see

the galaxias spir-al-ish spinner of spinners,

we spin within the wake of the matter spinning around us,

grave gravitus maximus

after actualizing self

we perceive
we receive, then be
deceived by from for
on sense, crazy as hell, the actual idea.

time related to duration is not constant,
sorry. C squared makes no
real sense,

a little think, a wink and a smile.

Some mind left graffiti:
It's all Greek

translated into  Es gibt mir Spanische

A dialog: Come, Let us confound...

habah ner adah
habah ner adah
sam wana ba lah, lah, lah (Gen.3:7)

Sung sing song children sung haunting us
soldiers marching, as to war,

mine eyes (i lie)
have seen the glory (i lie)
of the cominging of the boss,
the protector of our kibble, by which

man does not live alone.

isolated self-actualized Masloafian men,
wombed or un

no lies appear true in actual here, after
individuated integration

the eight great fortunes exist to balance

the hermit isolating zeitgeistical anguish

and grinning
at the aspect of serious perspicacity

clearness of vision, abundance of light fractalling details
into all the significance
globally. as it were,
wireless fields of fractional banked capital ideologics
and podiums
for standing stones of a hundred tonne
weigh nothing, when we whistled,
while we worked,
we and
these ideas built Machu Pichu, don'chu fo ***.
weigh one pi-plancksec, and we imagine that
to be
your part in all of this. What it means to you it means,
if you believe,
i.e. let be

within the game you play

beyond the window you spectate through

we, the people who hold certain truths, not sacred
and undeniable, but

self-evident. Hold that thought,
Get the idea,

seen? Self seen? We, the people hold such truths
as being very complicated.
A.I. Art Intelligence, saved us.

Creative words are eternal. Times are the opposite.
Balance factors at the one in eight billion ratio are immense.

Keep calm and carry on.
The Blitz was gotten thru with phrases intended to calm hearts and minds, not win 'em.
Yo blast the putos who you know wit a wicked flow
Pass the biggie stello girls like jello hello
When my **** gets the packing experience
Expert on the ******* y'all can't move me
Standing like a statute cipher the virtue
See my guns peeking at you electric shock
moves like old soul rock black and stocked
With mad action assassination creation
Put on front Street you cant compete with
Mister split ya wrist backwards mxyzptlk
Disappear then reappear 5 D atmosphere
Suckas scared when I make my appear
On the stage rhymes injected twelve gauge
Turns a page of a rage luke cage flauge
Inside of ya mind you'll see many murders
Of mankind moonshine could sight a blind
back down a tunnel of Hathaway donnie
Hits to ya noggin harder than Ronnie lot
Cash the plot til its a graveyard plot
I'm sticking sickles that attitude pickles
Sour every hour I gain power
as the rhymes devour
Sun showers rays display let the hands lay
Upon my soul amen ras along with Seth
Blessing from Ghost and the **** to chef
Cooking beats with no heat or meat seek
And ye shall find no one comes close to mines
Alex McQuate Sep 2017
Look at you in your wide brim hat,
Dressed in black,
Fingers dancing across the Strat's neck,
Easy as you please.
Voice of anguish and whiskey,
Telling me a story of one lost long ago.

I sit listening quietly, as the rain falls outside,
And a train can be heard lumbering across the tracks.

Your words take shape,
Odd stranger,
With hair long and black,
The shape is of a man recently sent free,
Deciding to walk through the roughest place in town.

I need a drink,
I take a swig,
The smell of pine like smelling salts for my brain,
The taste of fireworks and Christmas trees reminiscent of candies eaten on Halloween nights.

Then BAM!
You yell out,
Telling me of a poor dice rollers fate,
Like a siren's call,
******* me back into this sad, sad narrative.

And lastly of the visit,
The one dated to seal the protagonist's fate,
Of the freed man once again being put into chains,
A tale of Sisyphus best personified.

You lead off,
Leaving the bar room cold and empty.
I slide in another couple quarters,
And again you begin to play.
SRV- Tin Pan Alley
Duncan Brown Aug 2018
Duck walk quacking at the county fair
Nobody even knew that it was there
‘Til Chuck was Chuckin’it at our soul
That’s where we all got our rock’n’roll
Six strings screaming on a fender strat
Dancin’ to the rhythm of a strangled cat
That’s what they said, but that was that
Nativity can be some very strange things
Especially if the infant plays six strings
Rattlin’ your rolls an’ banging your tins
From such things great greatness begins
The original best of all our begotten sins
Drinking is drunk and drunkness is great
But never a way to help you play straight
That’s the precious secret in the alchemy
Transforming chaos into musical harmony
God maybe great but moonshine is beautiful
Nobody ever heard of a sober rock’n’roller
It’s the very thing that liberates the souler
It helps with walk and the duck walk quack
Once you’ve got that, you don’t look back
You’re condemned to a life as a rock’n’roller
Don’t you feel lucky, when a day is made
The bad moon up, and a good band down
That’s the time to really paint that town
An’ start the rocking riot all over the city
Then thank the good lord for that nativity.
the dirty poet Jan 2019
"**** right i got the blues"
a buddy guy signature tune
it’s tattooed on the patient’s shoulder
the words embedded in buddy guy’s polkadot strat
i can’t get him to wake up from sedation
which is necessary for me to pull the breathing tube
he’s almost there but not
after an hour i drag a computer into the room
and play the song
thinking what a cool way to wake him up
it doesn’t work
but he comes around eventually and i pull the tube
"you play guitar, right?" i ask once he’s with us
"he tries," says his wife
we all laugh
nvinn fonia Aug 2019
nirvana equals a fender strat that's the wayy i havv always seen it
Baha Mar 2021
Stop the clock
Tryna make a change
Religion is dead
But God living somewhere
the fate has surrender
And people shooting their brains
We got nothing left
Earth bunch of rocks
Strat eating the universe
keep ur hands up
Maybe u will catch a thought
Fill ur brain
Start a revolution
Hate on yourself
Cause u tried to change
No one believing u
It's the time when u **** yourself
History repeating itself
give it a rest
Its gonna happens anyway
Big Virge Jun 2021
So It’s Clear That I’m...
A Poetic HEAVY HITTER... !!!

Because My Rhymes...
Hit HARDER Than ******... !!!

See What I Mean... !!!

I Hit Ya Like Mike...
Did To Yup... Mitch Green... !!!

So... That’s Right...
Just Like Mike Tyson...
My Ferocity Is FRIGHTENING...
When It Comes To Poetic Writings... !!!

That Are DARK Just Like The SHINING... !!!

NO Nicholson Or Simpletons...
Can Hit Ya Like The Diction...
In Things That I Have Written... !!!

From End Back To Beginning...
My Wordplay Is HARD HITTING... !!!

It’s CLEVER, SHARP And Deals In...
… EXPOSING Societal Villains... !!!

When It Comes To Criticisms...
That Big Virge Verse Be Giving...
To... ALL These Politicians... !!!

Whose Policies Are Driven...
To Cause Human Division...

And Visions That Have QUICKENED...
The Loss of Life For CHILDREN... !?!
Because of Guns And AMMUNITION...
That Send Some Youth To Prisons... !!!

BEFORE They’ve Found Positions...
Where They Can Make A Living...
That DOESN'T Deal In KILLING... !!!

Like Historical Colonialism...
That Western States Like Britain...
Used Like BRAIN ANEURYSMS... !!!

To Leave A World of VICTIMS...
In Various GLOBAL Regions... !!!

A Legacy That’s WEAKENED...
And Caused Human Submission... !!!

To A Mission So Hard Hitting...
That Many Now Are Living...
In A World of REAL Pulp Fiction... !!!

WITHOUT Any Shepherds...
To Teach HARSH Lessons...
To Heads Still Attempting...
To Maintain Oppression... !!!

While Me I’m UPSETTING... !!!
Through The Usage of Letters...
Like... Lee Scratch Perry Fellas... !!!

Or... Cellared Marcellus... !!!

I Hit Like HENDRIX' Playing A FENDER..................
STRAT That Attacks Like The Best Rock Tracks... !!!

Or Societal Raps That Are FAR From WHACK... !!!
Because They Deal In FACTS That Crack The Backs...
of Crackers And Slackers And Racist Attackers... !!!!!!!!!!!

That’s Right Like Police And Political Fiends...
Who Hit Ya Like FREAKS... !!!
... Know What I Mean... !!!

While Me I Come STRAIGHT...
With The Type of Wordplay...
That UPSETS These Strays... !!!

Who’ve Embraced A New Age...
of... CANCEL Brigades... !!!

Who Seem To Be Dishing...
MORE Than... Criticisms... !?!

They’re DESTROYING Peoples’ Livings... !?!
Because What Once Was HIDDEN...
Is Now Something Positioned...
To Be On... Televisions...
And Fed To Very Young Children... !!!

Like **** Paedophiles Be Giving...
To Boys And Yes Young Women...

That Should Now Be Forbidden...
Like Visions of... RACISM... !!!

So That’s Why I Now Write These Rhymes...
Because These Days I’m SICKENED... !!!

By MUCH That I’m Now Seeing...
From This New Virus Season... !!!

From... Sambos' Now In Vision...
That’s Right These Blacks Are WICKED... !!!
And Really Need DISMISSING... !!!

From Politics CONDITIONED...
By Modern... COLONIALISM... !!!

That Line Is One For THINKING... !!!
NOT For The Ones IMPRISONED... !!!

Because They DO NOT LISTEN... !!!

On Those Who Now Are LEADING...
Until Their Position’s WEAKENED... !!!

Because of LIES They’re Feeding...
In All Their Public Speeches... !!!

That Now Needs MORE Than SCREENING... !!!

Their Houses NEED DEEP CLEANING... !!!
Which Is Why This Verse Your Reading...

Is A... Lyrical Algorithm...
That Is Built To Be HARD HITTING... !!!

Because UNLIKE All of These Shape Shifters...
My Words Confirm That I’m A MAJESTIC POETIC...


..... “ HEAVY HITTER “..... !!!
This thing I now am.

— The End —