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Life as seen thru the Eye's , As a Beautiful Transgender Female Named
Stacie Leelah Cheyenne , Knowing most people don't really know You
Seeing the World as One Person , But knowing You are Some One Else
Hearing people near You & Around You , Talking about people like You
Watching the world around You , And Knowing that most don't accept You
Knowing that GOD created You , And knowing that GOD truly loves You
Feeling the emptiness & the loneliness , From your Family & your Friends
Unconditional love from those who truly know You & who truly love You
This is the life as A Transgender ( MTF )
This is the life of a Female / Woman / Girl
This is the life of Stacie Leelah Cheyenne
This is the life of "" ME ""
I am a Transgender Citizen - ( An American Citizen )
I am a Transgender MTF - ( With Opinion's )
I am a Transgender Female - ( With Feeling's )
I am a Transgender Girl - ( With Emotion's )
I am a Transgender Woman - ( With Love )
I am a Transgender Christian - ( With Faith )
I am a Transgender Parent - ( Of 2 Beautiful Yellow Labrador Retriever's )
I am a Transgender Friend - ( Too Many People )
I am a Transgender Sister - ( Too My Many Sister's )
I am a Transgender Sister - ( Too My Many Brother's )
I am a Transgender Daughter - ( Who Currently Isn't Loved By ? )
I am a Transgender Person - ( Who Vote's )
I am a Transgender LBGTQ - ( Who Accept's ALL )
I am a Transgender , Who has too Hide , Because most of Society
Say's they love Unconditionally , But Only if - I / We / Us - are who , They say We are . And "" NOT "" who We say We are
GOD - Created Me & You & Them  & Yet "" ? ""
They & Sometimes even Us  Judge each other "" ? ""
And yet GOD clearly Tells Us , "" NOT to JUDGE "" each other
But too Instead "" LOVE "" one another
By day I am a Person , I do not wish too Be
On weekdays I am a Person , I do not wish too Be
By Night time I am the Girl , I want too Always Be
On Weekends I am Mostly the Girl , I want too Always Be
And so You all can "" CLEAR'LY "" see
I am A Transgender Person / Female
Named Stacie Leelah Cheyenne
I AM in fact "" ME ""
I am Who , I am Suppose Too Be
I am Not the Person , That some Think I should Be
I Lived a very long part of my Life , Not being Me
I tried too Be the Person , That Some thought I should Be
I now know , That All That did , Was Make Me Very Miserable
I shared my Secret with Pamela Jean only , and She Loved Me  
I and Pamela Jean , Spent the better part of our Married Life -
Protecting My Secret Life , And Our Happily Married Life Together
I hurt so Much , Now that Pamela Jean , Has Gone Too Heaven
I Still have Reagan Jean & Shelby'Anne Kelcee & They are my Life
I have some Family , Pamela's Family , Who Accept Me as Me
I have Zero Member's of My Family , That Accept anything about Me
I have my strong Faith in My GOD & My Lord & Savior JESUS CHRIST & The Holy Spirit
I know that GOD , Loves Me , For Me  & That He alone will Judge Me
I will Ultimately Stand before GOD & Confess My Sin's as Me
I will live the rest of My Life , As much as Possible as Me the Real Me
I am Always worried what Other's think , As I want too Be Accepted
I want too Be Loved & I want too show Others , The Real Me
I am a Beautiful Female / Transgender Woman , I am Me
I was Always Me & I will Always Be Me , I Love Me
Thank You GOD & ALL of YOU , Who Accept Me as Me
I am Stacie Leelah Cheyenne & I Love Being Me
S = Sweet & or a Sensitive Feminine Female
T = Totally a Feminine Female
A = Absolutely a Feminine Female
C = Cute & or a Caring Feminine Female
I = Intelligent Feminine Female
E = Excited & or an Enthusiastic Feminine Female / Girl / Woman    -      -                 At & For the Present and Into the Future  

L = Loving & or a Lovable Feminine Female
E = Ear's Pierced , Tired of Clip On's , ( The Pain & Torture )
E = Entertaining HRT , ( Hormone Replacement Therapy )
L = Leelah ( Picked & Dedicated in Memory of ) - (  Leelah Alcorn )
A = All About Helping & Being There for Other's
H = Honoring ( Leelah Alcorn's ) Final Request , Too Not Let Her -                -                         Death be In Vain - ( 11/15/97 to 12/28/14 )


C = Cuddle able & Caring Feminine Female
H = Hair That is Eventually Long & Very Beautiful
E =  Eye's That See the Good in All People
Y = Young at Heart & A Very Beautiful Feminine Female
E = Eating Healthier , So I can Maintain a Feminine Female Figure
N = Nylon's & Tights , Beautiful & Truly Make My leg's Stand Out
N = No Body and or ****** Hair at All
E = Excited About the Future , Of Being the Feminine / Female / Girl     -
            I Hope Too be in the Future


            GOD BLESS YOU "" ALL ""
Honestly if I am happy , And I am who I am suppose too be
And if No one Is getting hurt , Does it "" Really Matter ""
What Society , Family & Friend's Etc ... All think ( ? )
I know that deep down I want Society , Family & Friend's Etc ...
Too Accept Me as Me , Not as the person they all want me too be
What is between GOD & Me , Is In fact between GOD & Me
Christians are in fact , All over the Transgender acceptance Issue
Non Christians are more accepting overall , Then Christians are
Transgender Issue's can easily be defined , By "" Gender Dysphoria ""
If a person is so close minded that they , Cannot open there Mind's
And take a minute too look at a Logical / Medical view point ( ? )
If a person is so Judge mental , That they will not try and see Me or
You as who We are & They are okay with not having Us in there lives
Then there Not worth having in Our lives in the first Place ( ? )
I forgive All ( In The Name of ) ( GOD ) - Who have one way or another , Tried too Ruin & or Threaten too Destroy Me . Just because They can't & won't take the time and understand who I truly Am
However Forgiving isn't FORGETTING , And Lying about thing's
That Family Did in fact attempt too do , Then Deny they had any part . Is itself very upsetting . For the record "" CHRISTIAN  CONVERSION THERAPY "" - Is Nothing but Garbage & It doesn't Work & It never did Work - When You / We all get too HEAVEN , I suggest You All Have a Conversation , With all the many Unsuccessful People , That Christian Conversion Therapy didn't HELP - GOD BLESS ALL of YOU , Now Always & Forever :

I love you
Not only for what you are
But for what I am
When I'm with you

I love you
Not only for what
You have made of yourself
But for what
You are making of me

I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out
I love you for passing over
All my faults and weak traits
That you can't help but see

I love you for drawing out
Into the light my beauty
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find

I love you

You are the ONLY one
for me and I love you

source code broken
kkkkkkkkkddddddd KKK dieediediediediedie
the grand inquisitor realizes the jig is up
Philip K **** kicking the ******
hertz hertz hertz hertz hertz
an eternity without you
redeemed by healing blood
walking dead, shoot 'em in the head
yes, I understand
stop holding on
osama is fish food
fire extinguished
tears dried
forgiveness offered and accepted
the birth of

none of your business

"Don't worry about my finding someone else or someone else finding me
Everybody knows our relationship is very serious and that stops people (guys) from approaching me for dates, ect. Even if they did


I love you
Not only for what you are
But for what I am
When I'm with you

I love you
Not only for what
You have made of yourself
But for what
You are making of me

I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out
I love you for passing over
All my faults and weak traits
That you can't help but see

I love you for drawing out
Into the light my beauty
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find

I love you

You are the ONLY one
for me and I love you

source code broken
kkkkkkkkkddddddd KKK dieediediediediedie
the grand inquisitor realizes the jig is up
Philip K **** kicking the ******
hertz hertz hertz hertz hertz
an eternity without you
redeemed by healing blood
walking dead, shoot 'em in the head
yes, I understand
stop holding on
osama is fish food
fire extinguished
tears dried
forgiveness offered and accepted
the birth of

none of your business

"Don't worry about my finding someone else or someone else finding me
Everybody knows our relationship is very serious and that stops people (guys) from approaching me for dates, ect. Even if they did


Stolen and offered to Stacie (a message from divinity)
by James Arthur Casey

I love you
Not only for what you are
But for what I am
When I'm with you

I love you
Not only for what
You have made of yourself
But for what
You are making of me

I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out
I love you for passing over
All my faults and weak traits
That you can't help but see

I love you for drawing out
Into the light my beauty
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find

I love you

You are the ONLY one
for me and I love you

source code broken
kkkkkkkkkddddddd KKK dieediediediediedie
the grand inquisitor realizes the jig is up
Philip K **** kicking the ******
hertz hertz hertz hertz hertz
an eternity without you
redeemed by healing blood
walking dead, shoot 'em in the head
yes, I understand
stop holding on
osama is fish food
fire extinguished
tears dried
forgiveness offered and accepted
the birth of

none of your business

*"Don't worry about my finding someone else or someone else finding me
Everybody knows our relationship is very serious and that stops people (guys) from approaching me for dates, ect. Even if they did

judy smith Dec 2015
At Shelton High School, some students were outraged to find out, just days before the dance in May, that they wouldn't be allowed to wear their dresses to the prom. A "prom gown panel" was formed to decide whether students' dresses were appropriate — more than 30 of them weren't.

The school told that it has updated its dress code for the new school year so it's explicitly stated that prom attire must fall within the guidelines.

The battle over leggings

The new(ish) trend of leggings as pants isn't going over well in some schools.

In April, a young woman's Facebook post went viral when she wrote about her little sister being sent home from high school for wearing leggings underneath a baseball-style shirt. And students at a Cape Cod high school weren't happy when the school updated its dress code this year to ban leggings and yoga pants unless worn underneath a skirt or dress, or with a long top.

... and shoulders and collarbones

Some schools sparked criticism for dress codes that targeted a particular part of a woman's body — like shoulders or collarbones, for example. That's what happened when Stacie Dunn's daughter, a student at a Kentucky high school, got in trouble for wearing a tank top and sweater that failed to cover her collarbone. Dunn called the school's decision "ridiculous" in a rant on Facebook.

And earlier this year in Utah, a teen girl was told her dress for a school dance violated the dress codebecause the straps didn't cover enough of her shoulders. Students in New Jersey also protested dress codes this year, with one carrying a sign that said, "'Shoulders are so hot' -said no one ever.'"

So even as some schools reassess their dress codes, it's clear the debate is far from over. In the meantime, here's our guide to how to handle the "wardrobe wars" with your kids.

Songs That Are The Story Of My Life

Emotional Movies

"I'm alive!  
Even though a part of me has died!  
Take this heart and bring it back to life.  
I fall into your arms open wide,
the *Hurt and the Healer


"Don't look at me
if you're looking for perfection
Don't look at me,
I will only let you down.
I'll do my best
to point you in the right directon,
But don't look at me
No, no, no,
Don't look at me,
Look at him."
~Stacie Orrico


"I've been housing all this doubt
And insecurity,
And I've been locked inside that house
All the while you hold the key,
And I've been *dying to get out,

And that might be the death of me,
And even though
There's no way of knowing
Where to go
I promise I'm going because
Oh, I gotta get out of here
I'm stuck inside this rutt that I fell into by mistake
Oh, gotta get out of here
And I'm begging you,
Begging you,
Begging you to be my escape."
~Relient K


I need you!
Oh oh I need you!
Please heeeeelp,
Give me your help!
I need you!
Oh oh I neeeeed you!
I need your heeeeeeelpp!"

Cleaning My Room

"I'm letting go
Of the life I planned for me
And my dreams,
Losing control
Of my destiny
Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe,
So I'm letting go!"
~Francesca Battistelli


"Won't you tell me it's not over?
Can we work it out?
Can we talk about
Getting through the hard
Getting through these trying times
I need an answer, tonight:
Tell me everything is alright
Tell me everything's just fine
Tell me the words that I need in my life,
Tell me everything is alright
Tell me everything's just fine
Tell me the words that I need to survive."
~Capital Kings


"Well, You could take a cup and fill it up
And just keep on filling till
It all comes spilling down the sides
That's what You do in my life
...Never mind moderation,
You exceed my expectations:
I have never loved You more
'Cause You have never loved me less
Than the day before, or the day before
I have never loved You more."
~Nichole Nordeman

Air Conditioning

Your love makes me sing!"
~Brenton Brown


"Cause if you never leave home, never let go
You’ll never make it to the great unknown till you
Keep your eeeeyyeees
Open, my love
So tell me you’re strong, tell me you see
I need to hear it, can you promise me to
Keep your eeeyyeees,
Keep your eyes open."

Spicy Food

"Where were you when our hearts were bleeding
Where were you? It all crashed down
Never thought that you'd deceive me
Where are you now?
How long can you stand the pain?
How long will you hide your face?
How long will you be afraid?
Are you afraid?
How long will you play this game?
Will you fight or will you walk away?
How long will you let it burn?
Let it burn?
Let it burn."


"Where is the hope?
Where is the peace
That will make this life complete?
For every man, woman, boy, and girl
Looking for heaven in the real world."
~Steven Curtis Chapman

Too Many People In Here

"Get off my back
And into my game
Get out of my way
And out of my brain
Get outta my face
Or give it you best shot
I think it's time you better face the fact,
Get off my back."
~Bryan Adams

Younger Kids' (My Little Brother's) Criticism

"Get on, get on
Get away from me
If you're trying to bring me down,
Trying to bring me down
I say, get on, get on
Get away from me
If you're trying to bring me down,
Trying to bring me down!"
~Third Day


"You can feel it in your soul,
That beat drops and you find yourself just wanting more.
Music, music
You're at its mercy, soon as your feet touch the floor.
And the rhythm is moving you,
As the wisdom's fine tunin' you.
Ain't nothing better than a real hot track
With those lyrics that bring us back."
~Beckah Shae
Youtube Links:
Stacie Orrico:
Relient K:;=kp
Francesca Battistelli:
Capital Kings:
Nichole Nordeman:
Brenton Brown:
Steven Curtis Chapman:;=kp
Bryan Adams:
Third Day:
Beckah Shae:
stacie May 2018
I hate nights like these
shut my eyes
only to see the dark shadows
I don't recognize
shuffling around behind my eyelids
like little kids
playing hide and seek
I can never see there faces
look closer, look closer I scream
no sound ever escapes my mouth
its not a dream
I'm awake completely aware
of the scare
dark shadow men
with no faces
paralyzed by fear
who are they, what do they want?
its never clear
I hate nights like these
Oh, I wont sleep
                              -stacie -
Shadow Paradox Apr 2015
{Remember the pen is the blade. You may say that no one cares for you but they do. You just have to believe that you are strong, {you will fight to live or die trying}. Contemplating suicide, cutting for relief, playing around with death isn’t the right way to handle deep depression, it only make’s it worse. You are worth it, not worthless. You were born for a reason, don’t take your life, someone out there is lost and it may be you that they need to find cause you can save them. Determination is the key to success. We all have a pessimistic side but we also have the ability to defeat it}

{Stacie Orrico- Strong Enough}

~You are strong, believe in yourself, pursue your dreams, be you, you’re beautiful and don’t ever forget it~

Negative thoughts filled the mind
Emotions darkening, making the eyes blind
The voices are talking
Telling you to regret your life, while your soul they are stalking
Just say to your self ‘I am strong’
You can defeat the wrong
You are worth something because if you wasn’t, you wouldn’t be living
Your dreams, keep believing
Turn your obstacles into stepping stones
There are others who are fighting too, so you aren’t alone
Yea, suicide speaks
But so can you, the right path you should seek
Tears of sadness you may cry
Just sing your happy lullaby
You will win this depression battle my friend
There’s no need to make a fatal end

This poem brings back bittersweet moments.
stacie Jun 2018
sitting here with the
phone in my hand
trying not to text you
its killing me inside
wanting to text you
don't know what
to say anymore
wanting to be next to you
but your not coming
to my door
the urge to cry
knot in my throat
no more tears left
in my eyes,
eyes are left to cry dry
my heart it starts to pound
before it stops and starts again
only to take my breath away
and I must say,
you still my breath away
a million times a day.
Elohim Oct 2024
Full disclosure....
I'm a lying stealing, **** and crackhead addict and drunk.
Up to 10 xanax a day
Abusing two little girls left in mý care
On the daily.

I'm a psychotic
Who harrases women
For no good reason
That is...

If you listen to a few of them, like Mike, Stacie, Darlene, Ryan G. Hayward.

Truth be told I'm disliked by many.
If you don't got haters you must not be doing something right, right?

Try to assassinate/martyr/****** me?

We'll see who's made a public example of what not to do.
You're not useless.
Can still be used to show others what not to?

I'm guessing just jealous,
Bearing false witness and taking the Lord's name in vain?

Can't explain better.

Talk ****
And start some
Wait til I'm done
Raining it down upon you.
Elohim Sep 2024
I saw a piece of your soul
Thought I'd say hello
The conversations went nowhere.

So many missed connections
Unknown last messages
I still check up on you though
So many haven't published since so long ago.

You get it out and you go.
I'm here to stay.

And Stacie if you still follow me
Know that I still think of you
And look forward to fighting with you in the future,
I still have your address
Don't be upset about the name drop
Thought about sending you a box
Of chocolate *****.

And for every other one of you
Know I'm still here
With ears to listen
And a heart that gives and forgives.

So many missed connections
Nothing yet meant to be.

Do you get lonely like me?

I look forward to discovering your poetry.
what is in a name4?
he didd
didin't utter his personal name
he who hides them (masculine plural)
Quake Tyrant of
the Legit Literacy
asking the Egyptian without
asking the Mandarin
god who survived the Ho0locaust
beyond the Crucifix
imagine a God of a People
not the God Christ Odeipuss of
Individuals: i can cast spells you know!
a name that gave prison planet of Islam
Je Chowa...
kurwa! kur V ah!
if there's a YH
way: via the pitchforks of Vah VH

Jesus Christ has no part
of my literary journey
Jesus was not
Flaubert's Madame Bovary...
is Jesus Cheese
just for literary border like my Edie
my Stacie my hmm
doll...       doll can you make me coffee?
the tragedy
   if i had a son i could
keep these ego castcades into earthqwuakes
and water...
v                     but a daughter:
god is looking for a name
to be known personally:
the Jimmie Saville shy
with James Bond:
you're looking for that sort of guy
girl i'm your guy...
the vanity serpent is whispering...

je non suis:
isch: bein: being not good
byne: huh? trenches trenches
mind your rat rhasp zodiac
march: don't gorget the flute:\
rhythm paanther
the dyslexiac serpent...
the lion
nd baron
healthy woman
reset many memories:
i willl use pornographjy
learn early
that's what i implied Early with Judge
Judie and reyla...
mix max up stream of consciousness
slow prose
and playing with DYSLEXIA
YHWH would know
etc       i'm the friend of the father of christ
i am
the Jerusalem
i am the friend of Christ's Father
i am
the Paraclete!
Je-ChoWA: he who hides them!
in niqabs!
Jacob's ladder
and Joseph's Son the Christ...
didn't Joseph have a smoking
and i was drinking
buddy at the movies
          Alexander is i am Matthew
and there's the ****** Mother
****** Mother:
the genius of da Vinci was that
he was a *******:
so mum was a ****
no one ever thought
as the son
with the ****** Mary
being a **** Victim...

i didn't know
but i ex[ected
the story to be
a return
a Christ
a REayla story
the unconsciious drift
a **** story
so Mary was *****...
so the god is a mystery of ****
it's a mirror: gentlemen!
we are! so so, so so close!
we have cats as torpedos in
sumbarines and whales:
the Holocaust happeened!
let us not believe the Anglo-Saxon
Satan Liberalism:
they lost the partty very early!
James, Bond...
     James... Bond... and Austin Parker...

i'll make a ******* Copenhaghen out of you!
every time
i switch from *******
and onto pictures of:
oh, i especially adore your hairy: ***.

— The End —