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My 18th Birthday Is Coming up
Im Nervous, I Feel Tense While writing this
Will I Continue On Another cycle
Or will i Be strong & Remain keeping count
on my Soberiety days.
Will i Hold back and say no
to the drug..
or will i give in like i did when i turned 14 15 16 17
on the low as the night ends slow
will i resist the urge and stay clean or do it
all over again.
So much to think, the days getting closer..
The Past 4 Years of my birthday
i Have snorted or smoked crystal
this time its differnt because people know of my addiction now back then it was easy because nobody new.
alot has changed over the years, i hope i dont relapse
and if i do..
i dont know..
Infamous one Jan 2013
when you drink its all fun and games
till that day when death stares you in the eyes
drinking changes you hurts those around you
the day you change put down the bottle
the world is clear but doesnt make sense
the friends are gone because you guilt them the choice sober living
you call to hang but drinking is all the know
soberiety and alcohol cross paths but have no relation
some cant speak with a drink in their hand
the drink for liquid courage thaey convince you to join the party
you cannot go back because you made a self respecting promise
you could never and wont ever go back
the idea to take a sip might make you life slip into darkness
the world you plan of never living again
chance of change change for the better other ways to enjoy the world
not in a bottle or risking life in one deadly drink
charles Jul 2021
would it matter if i remembered how you sang when I wasnt looking?

the way my mind screen shot the moment I fell in love with you at McDonalds

the time i drove you through the greenest woods

your shirt i wore while i was losing you

six months i spent chasing you just to end up a fool?

does it matter when i drink to a black screen and sing to the moon?

i dont want to know where you are,
i dont know where you've been,
every second i breathe is just another reason to be
Infamous one Jan 2019
Years of minding your own
Others think you are weak and broken
Finding a way to be happy
Not about money or material possessions
Not asking for permission I just do it
I'd say sorry, never forgiven not able to change
Soberiety is my way to make it better
Not the same tired of holding onto hurt and pain
Learned to forgive myself move forward
Got to do it right, never given a second chance
Make the most of things they don't last forever
Migel Jun 2022
You’ll always be a drug that i can’t help but take
You wring out my cents, captivated by your scents that makes my world make sense

Soberiety is a state i avoid, keep me high, keep me in this void
You leaving me will wake me up from this slumber
This dream i’m having, i hope it lasts forever

Let me be the only one that you intoxicate
I’ll let my sanity be tamed even self contained
Let me in to feel the sensation, held by your temptation
I live in this world where you are all i crave
To which all i taste is all of the moments we have
And live in the memories we make

The seek of others attention deeply affects me
You are my drug that is supposed to intoxicate me
Obsession may be the word but you’ll be my drug and i’ll be your addict
Dreams Bring Light
Dreams are like little moths carrying light
In two shining eyes to be as ultimate goal
A night however be dark ultimately is bright
To cater for human is for humanity as whole

Dreams inspire the inherent faculties to run
Destiny brings destination on solemn verdict
A dream carries wisdom instead of a gun
It is right by the fortune to reject a path or select

Dreams are sweet wishes carry a burning desire
Uptill last to achieve and pursue life with soberiety
One has to be blunt in this cruel world to aspire
Sincerity and integrity bring excellence and clarity

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 3 January 2020

— The End —