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Carlo C Gomez Jun 2021
his hobbies include
                          invisible girls
                     bubble wrapped
              shielding their eyes from the sun
                        up the side of his mountain
holding fast to the cable
                                  and the eventual terror of drawing
                     paper moons
                         framed a bit too
                         these out of sightlines
                                    opaque and cobwebbed
                               screening off
                       his ***** little secrets
Andrew Robinson Mar 2011
There’s no way out of here alive
With molten fever consuming my fraying mind

Bound fragile to flesh cast cog
Bound to sprocket and brittle bone
This hollow machine I call my own
Harbors both frontline and buried home
Thickly sick in uncertain, clogs

A riddled complex bleached with textureless rooms
Where, scrawled white, scribbled deep, the walls sputter
Void of voice and prop yet choked with clutter
None window, none door, save intangible lover
Offering both belief of choice and doom

Her name wanders worlds to haunt my lips
But only death and delusion come to meet my kiss

There, splashed and splayed through blistering ash
Dripping sparks from horizon’s blazed ceiling
I’m thrown ‘gainst the frame, my heart reeling
So the earth holds me to the floor, both of us bleeding
I, within, myself, side foiled folds and crass

Lo, her silent beauty weeps and screams
Siren! Angel! Demon! ; So I’m Pygmalion’s craze
And her, his pride to leave me razed
Then I, her bird, braves her play and blade
That carves my fall through trap-rapt dream

For her and I, on wings; hopes tried,
To wake and break us out alive.
Original work and credit to Andrew Robinson – 03/09/11
Zulu Samperfas Nov 2012
War around me, and it's like I've got a ****** at my back
I'm in his gunsights and he follows me around with no
friendliness how I ever could have thought I could be friends
with this person and I need so much the strength within and I
am standing there and there is no me inside and I can't let this happen
because I am in his sightlines and others, too and it's completely different
a battlefield every day and I can't let myself go, the strength has to stay
and he is only my enemy, trying to shoot me down and I can't
I have to stay and fight because there is no choice and this is
so wrong but it doesn't matter things never matter I am a member
of a much maligned group, and it doesn't help but what I can do
is not lose me. I may go down but I will go down with myself intact
my opinions that I know and not believing their lies which come
flying at me every day now a new one.  And I can hear the disrespect
and sarcasm and belittlement and the value on the stupid and I will
stay with my own thoughts this time.  I will not abandon me and what
I know.  I will not let them take over my mind.  What happens on the
outside I can't control.  But my opinion of them, of what they're doing
it will be mine and it will matter to me and I will believe it this time. I swear.
Egoism in crisis
It all seems so pious
It all seems so righteous
Reflecting shades of common bias

Mirror, fractured into several states.
Issued come a false set of plates

Checkered in neon flows the matted flag
Sightlines fall upon the stag
Set on hind legs as if to brag.

Cowardice departs in favor of fear. The hunter becomes the deer.

Tires rip against the grain
Their tread carry the ****** stain
No misery left here to feign
Backs up, to do it all again
The butterfly flutters, distracting
from its inherent beauty.
Skittering across sightlines
in sincere purity;
flight pattern may be
viewed as erratic,
yet the precision with which
it lands, a delicate triumph
for the eyes.
Anyone keen enough quickly
discerns the perfect skill,
the amazing grace,
the pristine purpose.

As if placed by an Angel.
The butterfly stretches its wings
to catch the rays of God,
whose artistry is now on
full display.
Quietly taking on what's
necessary, seemingly eating
the colors from the flowers;
just enough to ignite the
imagination, while watching again,
as God takes flight.

God's Electric Butterfly!
BP Fallen Dec 2019
Am I not supposed to see that !
I gaze upward upon your sightlines
Arranged just as God anticipated

An unruly exception to attraction
Bellowing in the halls of this dead letter office~ I arrange a place for my note to sit

Collecting data in the milliseconds of passing. Lying cleverly I sneak unabashed
from your grace. You ***** little *****

I see your eyes aboveground and star lit
I need a drink (gin) above a finger in you
I remind myself we are not alone MUse

A nightingale with a spell checker and Doc Marten 3 holes. Black
I hope its Chanel no 19 when I lay you down
And not another puddle **** with no hometown

Tu as ravagé mon coeur
Et moi j'ai bu ton sang
Jayne E Feb 2020

bright are January's skies
robust light poured
into antipodeal
azure blue
by slow moving
cotton ball cumulus
feeding into endless
cerulean horizons

the effulgent outer world
into my inner pnuema
and heat rushes in
melting to puddles of wanting
my intended precept
of cool headedness

the fires of missing you
so blazingly perfervid
they strike envy
into Olympus Mons
molten heart
scorching every
living thing in vengeance

I am mapped internally
by embered markers
in all the hues of longing
which bleed in through
fevered *****

like a forest scorched
laid to barren hot dust
by racing bushfires
time hangs in the heat haze
begging for the quench
only found in your kiss
to soothe these
internal infernos

my eyes ache
through the dusty
miraged heat
to fix you
in my sightlines

only then
will these raging fires
be subdued


This is inspired by, and a direct 'bounce off' one of Crows poems here, 'Hibernal' (link below) that I absolutely loved.  Thank you Crow, for letting me take the liberty, of using yoir poem 'Hibernal' as a jumping off point for this one
Edward Dominic Feb 2020
Sit down
With your four wall surround
Pour a glass of wine
Cut your sightlines
And breathe
Tension leaves

In this city that fosters neither kindness nor pity
Bunker down and take solace in its anonymity

Time will reflect all that you went through
These lifetimes linger longer than they were meant to
Safana Nov 2021
Feeling socially equal
Sightlines to everyone
Feeling equality to genders
Pity to the children
Valuing intimacy
True love

— The End —