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Tadeusz Loarca Dec 2020
A fall is only as bad as you make it
A doorstep is not as deadly as a canyon
But I would like for you to tell that
To the shattered vase

The jagged edges of the broken glass
Shimer and shine like blood on protruding bones

While cleaning it up I feel a sudden pain
I inspect the injury
A small cut has appeared on my hand
Red liquid pools in the palm of my hand
A chuckle emerges from my chest
"In my clumsiness and neglect I have not only hurt another, but also myself.
"I will let you have your revenge because I do not blame you for being spiteful."

I pick up the pieces and inspect the translucent stones
"I could buy glue, pick up every piece, spend hours recreating this masterpiece."
"No, I am no craftsman. I am no glasssmith."
"This vase is broken."
The smell of sweat and iron reminds me of the damage that I brought on myself

My body has already started the process of repair
The blood has hardened to cover the wound
I try not to think about it
"It will sort itself out." I think to myself

I head out a second time to transport the vase
Pain in my hand refuses to subside

I ignore it

Within a few steps the glass once again falls
My hand throbs with sharp uncontrollable pain

The palm of my hand rotten and greened
Much worse than it had seemed
I look for a glove to cover the mess
But the problem won't end untill it's addressed
As I look for the glove the rot continues to grow
But if I only find the glove no one will know
Before i know it i am consumed
In much less time then I presumed

My eyes open to a blinding white room
Surrounded by faces of people  I know
Disappointed but worried
I had not done what was right
I had not asked for help
I had not even taken care of the injury
These people all care about me
I had let them all down
I will need to try again to move the vase
But this time I know
I will need help without my right hand
A poem about the guilt I feel about college
DG Feb 2013
I am wandering in a dark ave
lost, confused, and nowhere to go

but wait, is that a light?
a way out of the darc and the gloom?

I run towards the light as fast as I can
ignoring everything that passes by

as I get closer, I see that it is not a way out
it is only the faint shimer of a shining rock

now I am still stuck in the cave
more lost than ever
Simon Clark Aug 2012
I recall a winter,
The sort of winter that freezes,
Lets the frost settle on a heart,
And everything dies.

I recall a springtime,
The sort of springtime that flowers,
Lets the bloom blossom in a mind,
And everything shines.

I recall an Autumn,
The sort of Autumn that crackles,
Lets the leaves shatter under foot,
And everything breaks.

I recall a summer,
The sort of summer that sparkles,
Lets the lake shimer in an eye,
And everything shines.
written in 2011
Francisco DH Jul 2013
Come! screams the wind
Come and Dance with me!
But he is not my friend,
Nor will he ever be.

Come! Whispers the shadows
Come and Jest with I
But as he creeps on by
I notice evil intent in his eyes
As they shimer and  glow.

Come! beckons the ocean
But its fast and slow motion
make me nauseous
and Cautious

Come! Orders the Sun
But I am not one to be ordered
So I turn my back and shun
The king.

I dont listen to none of them
I wont Come nor Will i ever
HappyHappyHappy Dec 2016
Lure me into the depths of the sea
Let me see the blood that will shimer in the waters.
Tempt me to drown. Drown forever.
I don't see the hope for the world!
I don't see lights! So dark!
If only if someone would unblind me...
If only I could see the lights...
Despair! Despair!
Lure me into the depths of the sea...
Let me see the blood...
Me drowning...
so sad <: )

— The End —