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Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
into a midnight snack.

That's some bad hat, Harry!

See the sign with the fishy graffiti?

It's supposed to be scary.

Come one, come all
on the fourth of July!

Put your kid on a raft
and watch him liquefy.

Then sail the high seas
with Captain Ahab.

Three men in a tub.

Too far out to hail a cab.

Guess we'll see who ends up grub...
Laughing Wolf Dec 2015
When I draw from the inkwell
I do not use a quill…too flighty.
I do not want my words to soar beyond tangible reach.
I fear they may congregate for crumbs,
sing from cages or
commemorate feasts of trifle holidays.
This is all too red light-green light:
predictably pedestrian.

When I draw from the inkwell
I prefer to use a dorsal…
I want Roy Scheider & Steve Zissou to shudder.
I want my words to sink to the deep of you,
or hover just beneath the surface ominous.
I want them to explode grandiose
grabbing hold with the evolved efficacy
of 300 million years…

**I want my words to have a week devoted to them
on the Discovery channel.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
Wish I did not have
The sense of meaningless dread
The human monstrosities
Are there rocks Ahead?

The Duomo in Florence
Marble pink and green
Dr. Hannibal Lecter
Chicago: Things Not Seen

George W. Lies
America the Ignorant
Diet Coke, large fries
Roy Scheider, Ben Vereen

William Blake's Tyger
Amos 3:6
Phillip K. yesterday
Yesterday at Moby ****'s

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
Dublin, Ireland 2016
Things Not Seen

My hair is brown
My eyes are green
Roy Scheider, Ben Vereen

Celtic keen
Post office, Tolkien's tweens

Post office
Take your stand
U2, Rockin' band!

                      La Florida ...
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
Awake at 1:15
Guadalupe brown and green
English puritan scene
Roy Scheider, Ben Vereen

My concentration is poor
Verona not Elsinore
Thai taxis and Thai ******
She thinks we've been here before

World War in my brain
Exoplanet plane
Stephen King in Portland, Maine
David Markson: Mexico, Spain

She's Denver, Colorado
He's clearly Alumbrado
Las Meninas at the Prado

Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
There are no perfect people
At times very little hope
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish Italian Pope

Living Buddha, Living Christ
Mason Nation Thich Nhat Hanh
Science fiction bookstore
Twilight Gamla Stan

Way into the future
Everybody I know is dead
My sins were pornographic
But were my poems read?

I don't believe in fear
Do believe in Things Not Seen
Bobby and Alicia
Roy Scheider, Ben Vereen

        Rothko Blue and Green
I was diving for sea shells with my buddy, mongrel Rob Schneider,
when I swam upon the rotting stiff of the crapped-out Roy Scheider
who had been worm-dessert less longer than famous, comic/cosmic
***** Lenny Bruce, who began in '26 as Leonard Alfred Schneider.

— The End —