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Jonathan May 2013
Mind, Soul lost by the unsueing reality of deception

Bewildered, by change, unable to forget, forgiving's only inches from the pain

Strange trees seen in in this forest of lies, unable to see

What is real, and who will be real with this man's unbrageous heart

Knowing only who betrayed, blinded by who loved him once

Times are gone, for healing

Times for change swifty seize, a man's hope for redemption,

Light is seen through the darkness, sanguineness is in view now, for this betrayed soul

Grab hold, never let go

For fear of no return, to plummet in a perpetual state of disatifactory,

The man just wishes for happieness in a pernicious world
Be honest..what you think, this is my first public poem
M Harris Jul 2017
A Fairy Tale Lost In Demise,
His Visions Of Lies Still Painting Her Paradise,
She Lived With Incisions Of His Force Fed Lies & Sacrifice,

With Eternal Incarnation & Immortal Intoxication,
Ethereal In Translation, Lies Her Irrational Infatuation,

Mimicked Sanguineness & Emancipated Promiscuousnesses,
Her Mesmerized Senses Enticed By His Pretenses,

Digital Fears & Artificial Screams,
Her Carnal Tears Inside Her Abysmal Dreams,

A Ray Of Her Solicitude & Her Sublime Prelude,
Shes Gleams With Platitude & Visions Of Prime Servitude,

Crystalline Waters Of Her ****** Fountains,
Like A Valentine's Songster With An Ecstatic Bloodstain,

An Emissary's Vignettes & Infatuated Ex,
Lies Imaginary Silhouettes & Intoxicated ***,

A Twirling Luminaria With Metaphysical Symmetry,
Waltzing With Euphoria & Her Lyrical Tapestries,

Transcendental Memory & Reminisces Of Her Scars,
A Sacramental Story With Kisses From The Stars....

- 05:07 AM
Andrew Guzaldo c Feb 2021
"Our task is to show that however,
Wonderful things may appear,
In today’s World and lifestyle,
They may not be all that great,

Even the darkest night will end,
And the sun will rise regardless,
Our optimism changes to pessimism,
Roses that may grow on a stone,

Not in the earth as optimism has shown,
Love can exist or it can turn parasitism,
It’s wrong to believe that all will be utopian,
That parasitism will continue to exist,

Oceans feel the love the upsurge bares,
The stones of the rock will bear a flower,
Rain will fall and so kisses the flower,
Will endure there growth of optimism,

Solitude will bring a cumbersome heart,
Depression will remain in a semblance,
New destiny will precede the pessimism,
As loves fate arrives pessimism succumbs,
To an optimistic aspect until ones last breath"

By AGuzaldo 2/2018 ©   #198
By Andrew Guzaldo 2/2018 ©  HP Poem #198
Shivpriya Nov 2021
Prose for my appeasing days!

O divinely botheration!
My sanguineness is constantly entranced
by your divinizing providence.
The brimming merriment shines with
your blessings of perceiving intuitiveness.

You are the emanating joy of pureness.
The nevertheless decidedly appetency
wants to remain closer to you.

O feeling of love!
O question of love!
O emotional and psychological strength!!!
Come through the actual song and set me free!
Travis Green Mar 2022
He is immaculate everlasting bedazzlement
That immerses me in his hot sparkling fervor
A cosmic space of indescribable rarity
A harmonious, head-turning, and artful immersiveness
Perfectly picturesque, deliciously sweet, and errorless marvel
A shimmering gold light, an enchanting and dancing sea
Brimming with loving liquid dreams
He seeps into my mind and brings me sanguineness
He pours his love potion over my body
And I am instantly sunk in his tempting treasured depths

— The End —