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Robin Carretti Jul 2018
What is so important to address
something to react to the illumine
fruity to their balance sips like
a goldmine
He sways passed you and trips
Rose Poumedeur right near your* lips

Both stumbling and boasting over her
imported wine dress

The swinging parasol his cork topped
Those imported by his number nights
Cabernet Sauvignon
Hooked to there eyes
Million stars to lift
Her petite waistline
Like heartline of Valentine
wine felt dresses

Outnumbered you by four words
The strenuous tiresome love-wine
Be mine the stargaze* dazing inside the sunsets
So bottled inside her mission
His love how it aged in her
in  a good retrospect like
Deep cherry confessions

The import from a trade surplus
She got overlooked got flown in place
like a sticker
The smart star- reservation 
 high-demand book
To seek her

What a chemistry  love- hands creation
She's the many vintage dresses A plus
The pouring of wine of many fusions
The cloudy dress is a minus illusion

She learned her entire lesson
How many times she was moved
around like musical  I tunes of wine
CD collection of Rennaisance
Battling like the fort chair
But someone was moved by her Jazz
type of hair
My lesson my wish was on hold
the mission cruise of the impossible dress
Getting weaved inside someone's
powerful suite but the best suite
and stay
The Fort William Henry until this day
The Fort William Henry Hotel like no
other sorts and what sports

Japan imports 77.8 billion exports
more than imports
Lackadaisical called the
breath of sunshine
The daisy sundress sitting on the
veranda with Fort Williams and the
Henry the eight I am children

I've been sunbathing looking at the boat
The Minne Haha thinking of MaMa
Someone was singing like Lady GAGA

The matter of great expression of words
Hummingbirds at Lake George
Picking the best birth of seeds
Imported wine what our heart needs
Rising demands of the meat
like the paradise of lovebirds
Her dress was to heal the world
Those wildflowers were the
sort of thing silence is the  best thing
Somehow not the hype of the bling
or diamond ring
Sometimes the Goddess
sun shines more

Making her feel loved to sing
Her dress had the gimmick to move
What a rural fun tree orange grove
Like the referee wine shopping spree
Everyday people were moved by her
gift of imported wines
Her gravity of smiles he's mine
Her face steams like the highest
light beam very well bred and fine
The long winding trail her
corset gown
Started to make head waves to the
higher forces
So enlightening the lakes
such cascades
Those wine deep waves romantic
To prelude to a kiss the Cosmic
The Islander-border lace her face
To love and honor her more

Not necessarily less that
divine moment
We should never miss
Lake George rippling waves
On her outskirts

Princess Kelly cheese Italian wine
Naples deserts
The evergreen  long dress
Shined your Highness the
Roman pillars
How he grabbed her waist dancing
like the Gatsby
Gave her such splendor everlasting sip
But the imported wine was deeper

To Set up the date
To Make- the wine up
In the cellar aged hours to perfect
What a stir over her dress-up deep ruby
wine start to pour end
of a new beginning
To book the trip Lake George New York
All you had to do

Go to the Fort William Henry
Hotel like a home with family
So many friendly faces with smiles
All you have to do is show up
This is about imports but I love the Fort William Henry in Lake George is a great place to stay on vacation I sort of tied it in ribbon-like gifts of imported wines tell me what you think
veritas Oct 2018
if you kiss a statue in the dark,does
it leave a mark?like the moonlight's

cold stain on pale columns of necks and
thinner bones of knuckles,or like the

heavy-handed cracks on thighs and
mine own,leaking gold to's

easy to admit a mistake in the dark
what you say,but marble lips leave

little space for contrition.there's irony

in that,in rennaisance-made lovers who
screamed for dominions and settled in

ash instead.history is adjusted,and the
cycle continues.but they left their jaws

open,and the light is pouring out.
the secrets that statues never tell us
“ Sometimes we wander wondering the reason of our lives

Bleeding to death but the answers still unknown

Finding the guilt instead that we falter on this treacherous journey

We embarked with a hope to find a light at every dark corner

But it’s the darkness that enshrouds the luminescence

But sometimes……….

We find Some one in the way that ends our quest

Quenching the prolonged thirst ,satiating the craving and finally

…………………..we embrace our last breathes………………….

When all the dissonance besieged this peaceful sanctum

& made a hole in my impervious harmony I build so far

I had nothing left that time of what happened in retrospect which snatched

Myself from me, the soul from this body, cadaverous and pale I were to be

For the reasons unknown I feel threatened and dare not to live again

I saw out a of the window broken just like myself and found the reflection

My ravaged skin, my torpid lips my watery eyes and dumb mouth….and bleeding soul

IN these treacherous times you walked in

Just like first drops of rain on the driest of all

Like the first gush of winds in the quietest of all

And the first rays of light in the darkest of all

I remember that night when the moon was full,

As if bestowing some magical

I didn’t even care, for I was deaf and blind to such chimerical

It was I conjectured a festival…it were to be

I saw revel  and  I was trying to be in a reverie

That was so unbecoming for a life that had restrained pleasures

Some time while passed, I was standing under a Light caged in glass

Looking at the sight ,I hear the screams of my sadistic past

Rolling down were my tears ,I heard the footsteps saw the moccasins

Stark  yet shiny, and on the fore head that was in my vicinity

Mirrored perplexed lines of why and suspicion

I never backed off ,I was ready to face the “Incoming Whatever”

I was ready to fly off the handle ,and resort to what This being had always learnt


When I felt your touch at my shoulders. i doubted my reactions

My hands stopped so did my anger

The night was cold ,shivering was I of fear and tender

Our eyes become four ,only mine had waters yours splendor

My bare came closer and closer and I felt your arms around

Warming the moment ,inviting the pleasure

Suddenly you had become a lemma in every strings of words I wrote

A gentle kiss alighting the moment, so surreal ,throbbing fast my heart

A stallion galloping in the ranch Unbound and stoical

“In the darkest of all ,finally I saw a light, wherein there was no pretence,

Finally I saw a life who was born to be mine ,not only in this time but eons of times

To eternity…I salvaged  did i?, No I WON IT I was happy

In your abode I felt the shelter that I was deprived

I was salved in the bed when you behind me ,touched not my body just

But my soul…

I had the sun that I Longed for, I had the person whom I finally  lived for

In this short lived happiness I lived many lives

In this brief moments with you I had learnt the purpose of mine

“in the epitaph not shall my name be inscribed

But time I shared with you…………(date I was born to infinity)

I died long before you came….

I know one day you shall come to see me and look around

The same way you met me before, but till how long you could hide yours tears

O dear one….

I fetched you for long, but you never came, I cried for you long

You never showed up, may my soul be the messenger.

I know you found me,..lying this time..

Without regrets but with a smile I was bestowed


Draped In white in brides gown I were to marry you,

But it seemed the conjugal paraphernalia shall be a heavenly affair……

I never have dreamt of ,but literally it so happening…around me ..around YOU!!
Annie Nov 2012
You are driving your car
Feet up on the dashboard
Illuminated drops of rain
Racing down your window
Drumline marching ontop of the roof
Dusty warm air blowing
In my face
Melting off the doubts
That were plastered over my eyes
Rennaisance twirling on
My tongue and I want
To tell you as you
Drive through the
*That I am happy
veritas Apr 2019
she was obsessed with this idea of rebirth because she messed up too many times; she believed everyone deserved a Rennaisance, and it was her vision of the circle yeats drew,

and it was for dreamers who squatted in gutters along alleyways hoping to find a muse fallen and buried in the filth;

and it was for realists who really had fallen and buried themselves in filth because their homes were lower than that;

and it was for addicts, who believed they had really been to the moon and conspired against naysayers;

and it was for conspiracists who knew all along the moon simply didn't exist because they had it manufactured in their kitchen;

and it was for sleeping girls with trembling hands who sought out this kitchen in the night whilst everyone merrily slept;

and it was for the sleeping boy who really wasn't asleep but lying naked under sheets and limbs;

and it was for the tangled limbs that still quivered next to him from a dissolved ecstasy, boyish and sad and hungry;

and it was for that hidden starving hunger that still plagued the neighborhood's homes and lingered on doorsteps, begging;

and it was for begging peals of laughter that his mother sent up from the rooftop when the sky went dark and only her kin across town, reeling, beastly, gorgeous, could ever reply;

and it was for unsent replies, for conscripted soldiers, for wars fought by better men and surveyed by lesser;

and it was for less-than-scrupulous masters who hid under their solemn cathedral art that spoke higher than god himself;

and it was for god who left the world to fend under his illusory cloak of stars, so dim it only mocked his fiery wrath beneath;

and it was for that fiery wrath, the kind that incited and ravaged and devastated, merciless with abandon for all of mankind's own misgivings;

and it was those misgivings that had started her renaissance, her quest for glory cores and sovereign minds, for signs and streets and women and colors and light and the end of all suffering;

it was for restart (like a death, but shorter), somewhere between termination and a genesis in vitro (the liminal space found within and without); for her alone, solitary line cleaving the shadowy folds of time, defiant, windswept, miraculous, insignificant glitch through the eternal night; for her, until she commanded time to stop; for her, hungry; for her, powerful; for her, terrified; for her for her and only ever her: the regifted universe.
inspired by Howl.
It's green time drop the envy plant a seed and wait your turn under the sun. It's a season of green please don't be mean. I mean you too can
reap so use your eyes to saw hhayi
ukuwela umfula ugcwele.
Don't wait for lemini iyeza nakuwe
lemini ila. Do something new for you
today, no not a pair of new shoes or any of that consumer sort I mean something that can grow and help,
that can help you, your family your people, hhey they are still there, as much as many have given in to fast cars and street lights many more are
there waiting for your hand. Abantu
basesekhona kumele bacingane, babambhane ngoba isizwe siyaphela.
We need black south african survivors, to hold up the flag of who we once where - and pray that our efforts will be rewarded when our actions inspire a rebirth in a time yet to come. A time we will not see. We are still due our rennaisance.

— The End —