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Reminicing about the days
The days we did nothing but lay
Lay in that bed and hold each other
Talk about how we'd stay together
I adore you, I adore you too
God how we wanted to say I love you
All the pain, all the pleasure
Nothing else in this world could ever measure.
You'll never know, but this i must say
I love you the same as I did back in the day.
I wrote this. Please don't steal this and PLEASE don't post this elsewhere unless you ask me.
Amanda Welch Sep 2010
Fragile handle with care.
I have animosity towards the moon.
You look upon it with such a warm heart.
If only you could see that it was apart...of me.
The cosmic stars are pieces of my soul that I have sent out
I chose them to hang iridescently high because I do not think you could handle them.
I do not think that you could care for them the way the moon, which you look so fondly upon, does.
I use then darkness as a shield to hide from you who I am.
Who I really am
If you were to peel back the layers of the sky...the atmosphere which I have built to protect me you may see...
A soul that although reigns a good 6 feet tall actually feels as though she is only good enough to ride the kiddy rides at Disneyland.
If you were to listen to what the moon has to say as it phases with the ever changing days you would hear....
I speak loudly because no one listens, even when I am screaming, so just to be heard I say loud obscured things, I don’t mean all the time.
If you were to know what the nocturnal think about when they emerge from their daytime slumbers you would know...
That even though I truly know how things will happen and how my life go I cannot help but to make up scenarios in my head that would rival even the greatest love story.
And if by some way you were to know what the dark is truly like...
You would know what it is like to be me every minute of everyday.
I am the dark...I am fragile. I can be shattered by just the mere presence of a bright light. I am quite and I know the secrets of the world. I can be your greatest companion or the one you can’t rid your life of fast enough. I can be the optimism for a new day or the reminicing of the best day fleeting.
I AM the stars.
I AM the moon.
I AM the silence.
I AM the grey.
I AM fragile like the owl.
Or silent like the shooting star.
I fall just as hard and just as fast but then I am going going gone.
I am just as fragile as the light of the moon.
I am just as fragile. I am just as fragile. I am just as fragile, But if you feel the need to shine your flood light and erase me.
Please let me know first so I can tell dawn to come a little faster so I don’t have to see you **** me with your own bare hands.
© Virginia Penn Poems 2010
Brielle O'Brien Dec 2013
Staying up until dawn
Out star gazing on the roof
Talking about what life had in store for us
Talking about things that have no proof
We'll never know
How we're going to die
But there's beauty in not knowing
When you have someone by your side
I remember the nights we would
Just cry
Reminicing on the past
All the things we had to leave behind
Or the nights when we'd get drunk
And have the best time of our lives
Went swimming naked in the creek
At three in the morning
Went down bad paths
Without any warning
Or those nights we'd take baths
In my parents room
Chain smoking all night
We were like flowers in bloom
Or the nights when we'd blaze
And eat and laugh
Dream about the future
Make jokes about the past
Or the nights when we'd talk about
Our ****** up family
We'd talk about how we'll never do what they've done
And You always had faith in me
The days spent out by the pool
The days we just spent sleeping
The memories that we shared
I'd always keep them
We've seen the same things
We've seen the pain heartaches brings

We've seen what most people never should
Have seen
We've both been ****** up on drugs
We've both been clean

We've both been happy
We've both been sad
We've both done what is right
We've both done what is bad

Without you
I don't know what I'd do
You saved me from myself
And I never even knew
But my eyes are open
And I could never thank you enough
You are everything
Anyone could want
Meka Boyle Feb 2012
It's not falling in love that scares me,
It's the falling out of it.
You know, the feeling that creeps up on you,
Like a tear in nyolon stockings, or an old knit sweater.
Not a big obnoxious ****, but a tiny run that eventually dismantles the entire garment,
Leaving it forlorn and impossible to wear.
Tossed aside in an old wastebasket, only to be taken out for reminicing.
We're destined for that kind of falling apart, I think.
I know it isn't fair, but it's inevitable,
And the more we try to avoid it,
The longer we pretend it doesn't exist,
The harsher it becomes, catching us off guard.
Slowly infesting the shadows of our doubts,
Until it takes over, leaving us naked
Face to face with the unwraveling truth:
Nothing that lasts is beautiful,
And nothing that's beautiful lasts.
For, every time "I love you" is uttered,
The fabric between us wears a little thinner,
Exposing our flesh to the unforgiving coldness of leaving.
Making us vulnerable in the worst kind of way.
Damaged Mar 2013
I found all the old letters.
I read them all again, some twice through.
Smiling with all the sweet words you said.
Remembering how you said you missed me.
Reminicing on you telling me you wanted nothing more than just to hold me.
I found your old sweater.
The one you gave me that one day in the snow.
We spent hours outside acting like children.
Once we were done I was numb,
though you were freezing youself, you gave it to me selflessly.
Every now and than I put it on.
Sit on my bed all wrapped up in you.
I can smell you on it,
so badly I wish you were next to me in this bed again
I found our old pictures.
All our good times.
The endless memories.
Back when things were simple, happy, unbroken.
I found myself in tears.*
Thinking of everything we had.
I thought it would last forever.
We shared so much;
secrets, tears, laughs, and smiles.
Everytime I find something,
I break a little more.
josh wilbanks Jun 2014
I am a fire.
A mighty fire.
I burn on passion.
You bring me hell.
a fire pit of eternal pain.
You bring me a passion that hurts more than any other ****** up lie i have been lead to believe.

A willingness to sacrifice everything to see you smile.
- The definition of passion.
You give it to me in over doses.

I love you.
So ******* much.
I hate this passion.
Because i am nobody to you.
Just another guy.
Another relationship.
Another "love of my life."
Another ******* lie.

Just a guy from the past.
Living in lost time.
Reminicing to a place Where he felt cared for.
Where he felt that passion.

A beast to conquer all.
Brought down by the smallest of things.
Brought down by lies.

My fire is brighter then ever with you.
I love it.
Your touch burns down clouds.
Your absence brings the fire men.

Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe I don't love you.
Just the love you gave me.
Just your passion.
My flame is a puddle of blood these days. Thanks for making it rain.
teresa nicastro Sep 2017
Pictures of you on the wall
I see you in uniform standing tall
I sit and listen to the stories you tell
Landing on the beach and going through hell
Listening to you talk like it was yesterday
Me sitting and hanging on every word you say
Reminicing about your buddies long ago
Sadness in your voice, the pain that you show
Some never made it home, you will never forget
You remembering everything about them I bet
Proud to have served your country, you show it well
Stories you continue to tell
Remembering all those who fell
A proud Marine you remain
No soldier is ever the same
Pictures of you from a time long ago
That Marine Corp spirit you continue to show
Wonderful stories you tell continue to flow
Stories of bombs exploding, and you loading ammo
A smile grows as you look at your photo
Pictures of you on the wall
A proud Marine says it all
Brielle O'Brien Jul 2014
He said "this song is my life"
It was by drake talking about exes
And reminicing and remembering
So I move my leg off of his leg and move to the other side of my bed

I want him to leave so I can be alone
I don't care if he'd call me
I'd turn off my phone
He doesn't love me
Its all pretend
Or maybe its all just in my head

There's no affection he really doesn't care
He's good at pretending
Maybe this is the end
Or just the begininng
Who really knows
But I know I love him
But he'd rather be alone

Where was he when I needed him?
Yeah, he was with her.
I told him delete my number and never to call
He was in love with her
So why did I fall?
Then they brake up and he comes back to me
A shoulder to cry on
A ***** to eat

I'm tired of feeling like I'm second best
I should be number one
I'm not like the rest
So why doesn't he tell me I'm perfect?
Or tell me I'm pretty?
We're back at square one
And I'm full of self pity

Maybe I'll leave
Maybe I'll stay
Doesn't matter
Who cares
I'll feel like **** either way

— The End —