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Nikki Nakamura Oct 2014
Pale cheeks and eyes of innocents
she with holds too much pain to be known. Invisible unless needed, deprived of self worth, and discarded for the sake of not meeting society's standards for what is considered a beautiful person. Accepting the sorrows of others for the sake of them not being hurt by their own misfortunes thus causing her to spiral down a never ending staircase which only gets more lonely the farther she tumbles. Surrounded by those with claims of desires only to be shown through the selfish lusts of their own wants different than spoken, for ending in a tragic flaw presented by the misinterpreted Heroes themself. What is worth her time for she is more wise than those of her time because she spends such hours in situations unfamiliar to those of whom before her time. Her uncharted royalty illuminates individuals that recognize such value and are drawn to the aura glistening off the dullest of unpolished possessions leading them to question the recognizability of her worth which appears undoubtably answered through the remarks and expression of the crumbling world around her. However after she makes her depart from this temporary home of which we call a world, equals find her to be appealing and more wise than any role model whom set the standard. Others do not have this problem because they were part of those lucky individuals with appearances socially acceptable. As if society it self actually knows them. Her pale cheeks and eyes of innocents which withhold too much pain for one person shall continue their days being a passing face as only a blur on a page with worth cast aside until she breaks from the never ending sorrows of others.  One does not receive a value nor acknowledgement by other humans unless they are either pretty of dead.
October 11, 2014

All sizes of money - the large and small
Make money useful for one and for all
It’s able to split - making varied amounts
Useful for sending and keeping accounts


Money that lasts leads to money trust
It’s money that won’t decay or rust
A durable money lasts for years
Growing our wealth & calming our fears


Portable money moves with ease
So you take it along, wherever you please
It also means you can easily send
Your money ‘cross space, to family or friend


To see and to know - because we agree
That money is true - we just look and see
It’s best we can verify it is what it claims
So we can trade freely, with no money games


This last trait of money - a finite supply
Makes money solid - no one can deny
Stable in quantity, or growing quite slow
These are the five traits of money we know

Throughout all of time, Bitcoin’s done best
Showing these traits, far more than the rest
These five attributes reveal Bitcoin’s strength
With worldwide adoption coming at length
This is Bitcoin Poem 002 at and you can see it displayed on a background when you (copy and paste the link below).
Inspired by Robert Breedlove from the What is Money YouTube Show
Norbert Tasev May 2020
Millions of illuminated celestial lilies. Saints guard and bleed the Lighthouse of Light, the glow of halos. Blindfolded silver-eyed: Spike-stars distant planets damage their scaly bodies to immortality with the strange tissues of the night! At once, all the headaches will be lost in them, and the wounded twilight will tear blood-flames!

Gigantic butterflies, night-watching grasshopper armies are chirping in the declared slaughterhouse of darkness - man with a gentle dream, now he can hardly rest! I can no longer slip to my liking in the mist field of milky farmers - I should sleep already - and I know that somewhere a charming angel is dreaming with me with a sigh!

Her restless and holding Heart was planting her clattering harassment - she has planted in me even now: My peace is threatened by my spirit wandering on the border of alertness and insomnia! My Adam-costumed body and its heated accessories get richly wet from glass *****.

The captivity of the ice cubes Anktartisz now tempts me so well, successfully, - my tongue, which haunts the immortality of kisses, glows and glows with a flagging instinct in my mouth, forgetfulness breeds among my flourishing memories. The distant Milky Way now froze in the funnels of lilies. In his sky, proud light giants flock! Planetary continents trained in cold fire-furnaces — conscious pendulum hours of calm and perhaps sure satisfaction — are an endless, always rearrangeable, and rethinkable question mark of Desire: Did I do well, did I do it? And can we avoid the spike of pain together?

- Conscious recognizability is found in the Gordian cycle: It cannot be avoided with knowledge!

— The End —