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skyraftwanderer Jan 2012
Open bramble gate, morning lets itself in,
eyes open in welcome. Water stirs – a

glance outside. A jade tiger rises,
blue herons fly to South Mountain.


Forage through herb abundance on South
Mountain sunlight pooled in cassia leaves.

It’s why you reclused here, hermitage entwined
in viridian mists. I find your footprints

headed to the clouds, so I leave this
poem on your wall and on a whim

ascend South Mountain ridges. Sticks
snap underfoot – blue herons startle away.


Boundless and empty to townsfolk,
South Mountain peaks. But here

immortals dance among indomitable pines.
Above the sun blue herons fly into

paper crumpled clouds – clouds the body,
clouds the wings. Sonorous bird song -

radiant clarity – makes mountain forests
sing, each beat moves the clouds, red

dust cleared from rivers and peaks,
ochre streams flood forests and fields,

canyons and gorges, jades and emeralds rise.
Petals scatter on crystalline swells, night

lengthens slowly – coldness wanders by
but I will linger here, a little longer.

Version 2

South Mountain peaks, boundless and empty to townsfolk.
But here immortals dance among indomitable pines.

Above the sun blue herons fly into paper folded clouds
- azure heaven change – clouds the body, clouds the wings.

Sonorous bird song radiant clarity – makes mountain forest sing,
each beat moves the clouds, red dust cleared from rivers

and peaks, ochre streams flood forests and fields,
canyons and gorges, jade and emerald rises.

Petals scatter on crystalline swells – night lengthens slowly -
coldness wanders by but I believe I will linger here, a little longer.

Version 3

South Mountain peaks, boundless and empty to townsfolk.
But here immortals dance among indomitable pines.

Above the sun blue herons fly into paper folded clouds
- azure heaven change – clouds the body, clouds the wings.

Sonorous bird songs radiant clarity – makes mountain forests sing,
each beat moves the clouds, red dust clears from rivers

and peaks. Streams of ochre flood forests and fields,
canyons and gorges, jades and emeralds rise.

Scattered petals on crystalline swells – night slowly lengthens -
coldness wanders by but I believe I will linger here, a little longer.
Siya Mulge Sep 2020
In this jar of darkness
Wind of poison
My lungs no longer care
From a lively spirit to only a bone
To exist,
I run out of reason
Belong I where?
I want to run,
Oh God
Lift me,
I want to run...

In the misery of my nightmares
Haunted by demons
Tied in chains
Eating me inside out, blaspheming
Nothing but stark pain
An agony treason
Am I in so much vain?
I want to burn,
Oh Devil,
Stab me,
I want to burn...
A selfish boy, a wise boy, a fearful boy once said...
"Love is a cruel chemical trick"

A hope filled girl, a foolish girl, a stubborn girl said back...
"You are clueless,
or selfish,
or immature.
Unaware of anything other than your own joys and struggles.
Never aware of the shirt from anothers back,
only aware of the poorly fitting nature of it on your body.
Accustomed to the graciousness of the naive and hopeful.
Bitter, sarcastic, reclused and estranged.
Innately, enviously attracted to light.
To those who ridiculously obsess over love,
who believe beyond reason
in the good in others,
in the good in you."
black woman, you are magic
your aura overflows with the most soul and
vibe handcrafted by the best angels and holy ghost,
if you listen real close you'd know that the glo of her is the beating drums that make it all worthwhile in the world

you're real kings 'cause you take best care of the kingdom, real true
so beau, with minimum effort, a marvel stays you.
you deserve way more than you earn because you
go way beyond your means to, see your kin and ones you love be the most happy

black woman, you are a most precious rare gem

your moves allude this entire planet and, make the earth such a lovely spot
your touch is immense love and honey dripping kisses like a mother's cooking ***
you're flawed a lot but who isn't,
and that's what makes you beyond perfect, give man purpose to be living
a net of love from you, black woman, is one one would love to get caught in.

your word is bond, you settle the minutes and hours
but never devour the title and feel entitled to the tower,
you ever deserve by the way, which is what makes you such a wonder.
your humility surpasses human understanding and knowledge
you fought your hardest for your place in,
society yet some choose to undermine your flower calling

black woman, it saddens me you still see pain,
**** and things you shouldn't be experiencing.
they feel threatened by your strength but that's no excuse
they are way beyond disgusting and those putrid beings should be reclused
I pray you never have to come across these useless beings and have fear again.

and if you didn't get it the first time, I shall reiterate, black woman, you are magic ✨
Adele May 2018
as an island with
waves that roars but no one listens

a legion of people
in a downtown intersection
but I stay afloat in desolation

in the midst of a city hustle
I reclused to move

I defeated myself
and surrendered with the action

I live in a jungle of solitary
like a hermit dancing on the ocean floor

They call me Alfred Prufrock
but this is not a love song.
Oh, halt! he wasn’t writing a love song.
maisie khan Feb 2014
Please do not hate me
when I am cold and reclused and quiet
or when I am crying in to your chest
or when I am screaming at you at 3am.
Do not hate me
when my eyes lose life for a while
and I am distant from you;
all I want to do is come back to you.
Do not hate me
when I am desperate, pathetic and broken;
you are fixing me with your existence.
Do not hate me
when sadness holds me tighter than you do;
I did not ask to be this way.

If you love me
I will be warm and loud and open
and I will fall asleep to the sound your chest makes
and we will dance at 3am.
If you love me
my eyes will be wider and full of life
and I will always, always come back to you.
If you love me
I will be strong and beautiful and alive
because as I said before, you are fixing me with your existence.
If you love me
I will hold you tighter than sadness could ever hold me.

It's just that I need to learn to love myself
before you can love me.
The flames are gone
Ashes left to scatter
By the wind of change
No ember here remains
The spark I once saw
In my own reflection gone
I am the ghost of my dreams
One who's hollow and gaunt
Happiness is not for me
Trust and security washed away
Love is just a dream
Loneliness is what beckons
Reclused in my solitude
Walls will be built
Pain will leave
Suspicion will reign
Alone I will forever be
Tyler Mar 2022
i dug under the scars;
too hard, too reckless, i reclused.
i tried to find what was tearing your- heart;
from the past you probably wished-you
could forget.
because what I ripped through,
i was trying to kiss too,
to make you-
remember so you'll never
Jayne E May 2019
Thick fog has settled deep in the still night
pea soup has snuffed out every star bright
brought a deep moistened chill to nights air
reclused limbs from view no sight to bear
legs missing feet and arms missing hands
stretched out then lost like misty quicksand

it moves me it stirs me but then most do now
since you brought love to me I don't know how
to sleep to eat even just to breathe in and out
to make my limbs to move me here and about
disable basic function but enable me to fly high
as my heart soars above thick fog passing all by
yes a thick fog descended as my heart ascends
feel the wet air brush blind fingers as I transcend
mundane and earthly constricts dreaming you
pulling wishing willing drawing in my love true
to be near you is my freedom my sunnier day
no peace for my heart my body until we do lay
be so close our breaths to merge bodies touch
my darling my honey-bee I love you so much.

J.C. honey-owl 04/05/2019 6.46am.
Robert Brunner Dec 2019
Maybe we belong together
looking at the transit
trains with sides
like scuffed chalkboards.
Maybe we belong, reclused.
A single museum gallery
postcard on the
bare wall. Maybe we
belong lost to our
children, inspired by
a new longing.
Maybe we belong
On the window’s edge,
feet on the iron
landing trying to
see with
just one eye, trying to
survive with
just one heart.

— The End —