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Kristaps Oct 2018
Two humps
Spurt on my back.
       A slaving,
       bone dry camel
I am
in this feverish desert of the night.
Through this ocean of
maroon sky, and
Black Sun
I crumble and crawl.  

My mammoth-teeth filled mouth
aches for a droplet of what
seems is mere ether
                                     here in my
hobgoblin realm.
My thorn spiked hooves
through the colossal, monumental mountain waves.

In a thirsting,
   ******* crave,
I lay on a cold patch
and I feel,
feel my hands, I catch a breath
isn't chundered
with dust, and I doze off.

But my master and God
   has a loathing for the
sloth, so he sends his Black
Sun to smoulder my carcass
             and he strings for
Two humps
to spurt on my back.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
magdalene just wanked off st. peter,  and i’m like...
magdalene just wanked off st. peter.,
the pope was caressed by tabloid headlines...
and jesus did a miracle streak of ****-smear in leather,
gagged the dsm iv into s & m translation;
i used to play the guitar once... but i got choreographed
into a back-up dancer / mimer role -
and then i sold 1million singles in the first hour of the realese.*

self-love amiss is a potato patch of the revelatory,
self-love quotes from what the greeks missed
in threes: the furies stagnated into the eye of the graeae;
i can write about my ~**** life
in the same way you write to idealise your **** life,
9/5 on the black mustang... who ran out from the better’s
sardine packing of expected, tight...
he’s got life... not a reminder of a cloned bricklayer
for a bricklayer just to suggested a bowtie of an accent:
i will not make england my home just because i can speak it...
i’ll speak english so well i’ll make the english feel
like lower class... if not migrants;
and i did... some boy from cyprus thought i was posh
enough to practice conservatism at a private school teaching
that mathematics using a, b c, d, semi-colon... ah... grammar;
unless of course it was all rather unnecessary,
then i abide by the law of knock down ginger...
and walking beneath the a12’s batty man’s legs sign for gills.
Keda McDermott Jan 2011
feeling the breeze touch your skin,
the melage of the warm air.
touching cold tile,
noticing the ware.
delving into Earth's dirt,
having safety offered.
running through the glorious grass,
being touched again and again.
stepping on a sharp glass piece,
loving the realese given.
walking accross road,
pebbles poking through.
realizing what's in you
is what's in all of us.
for once being a part of something
without dehumanization.
humans aren't what this is about,
we don't even understand.
Hawk Flight Sep 2014

Push you down onto your knees
Your hands tied tightly behind you
My manhood waiting for your lips.
Grab your short hair push you forward
Trying not to moan.

******* my hand in your hair
Pushing you back and forth.
You whimper softly taking me fully

Can't take this torture anymore
Needing to bury my love and desire
deep within you.

hands still tied
I flip you over
Your perfect small round *** in the air
waiting for me.

you are mine no one elses*
I smack your *** and kiss it better
Before I claim it as mine.

Burying my love within you

Release my love
deep inside.

spin you around
your still in need

take you in my mouth
you quiver beneath me
stuggling against your retrains.
****** your hips pushing deeper
Loving you with my mouth
Realese your love.

Both panting hard
Both still wanting more

what will this day have instore?
I love this searing pain
that boars through my veins
along with this pain
comes the magical realese
of blood
nothing can cure my
loneliness, numbness and hatred
like this razor can
all i have to do is push and slice
and everything fades away
the blood pools under me
I smile at that feeling
of nothing but pain
kiss me goodbye for
this is it
im fading into
where my words go
where my obvious screams for help
are lost
in the abyss of darkness
you caused
Katlyn Orthman Apr 2013
My friend
Do not pretend
It hasn't happened again
I lie my head here
Just to rest for a while
Realese a shaky breath and a tear
Had been hours since I've manage to smile
Just have to wait, the rain clouds will clear
Katlyn Orthman Jan 2013
I couldn't help but feel so sad
Because I know I grow older and I'll have to realese the good times I've had
I fear of forgetting
Of all that I have
Growing old, and dying
I don't mind dying , but I can't forget
Who I am, who I love
I'm scared of a new year and what it brings
Always cautious of turning the corner
Monsters always lurk near by
And solemnly I cry
But I can't say why
The passing of the time perhaps
And though I'm young and have much to see
I wonder what horrors I may next face
See I've learned not to trust the unknown
Pain prowls in the fog
And though I am only human
I can only wish I rise above the greed
I should be thankful to still breath
But fear has crippled me
I have found that I ...... Am weak
Nidhi Mar 2020
They say chain keeps us captive
prevent us leaking from leaky pipes
but in reality its fear
fear is grabbing our hands
yelling at us
saying you are no one
you are stupid
and I agree
we are stupid for believing fear will stop us from doing good things
we are stupid to believe that chains keep us captive
its fear
fear makes the cold metal chain harder to realese
the key to open those chains
is to let go of fear

— The End —