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bri Jul 2018
I'm branching out,
I'm reaching for the stars,
& no one can tell me no.
Shattering glass ceilings
sadgirl Jun 2017
your new york street cat-calls
will never touch me

because i am woman,
and you will ******* hear me

roar, loud enough
to shake the earth

and sky

people always said to me
"you're too young to be a feminist"

but what does that even mean?
are you ever to young to fight?

i swear on the bible

girls with dreams and big ideas
are scarier than monsters

and her eyes are not oceans,
she is not a tsunami

she is beautiful
she is god
she is woke
she is queen

the black girl, the white girl
the brown girl all make

a rainbow
and I want

to savor every ******* moment
ZL Mar 2022
Hands once warm and steady,
are now distant and heavy.
I crave to touch you ever so slight,
But I keep it contained with all my might.
Eyes once curious and brave,
stay dimly lit to soften my graze.
Heart so gentle and true,
now hesitant with loving you.
Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2018
My half-hearted finger motions
As the lonely 'others' scroll passed
                                                         Out of sight.

To be replaced
Over and over
By countless 'others'

Still, down
On and on and on
There is no end
        No bottom

Attention failing
with my hopes fading
Set to search again

        Another day...
   An unbelievably attractive smile
Perfect, brilliant eyes
Stealing my own
Owning my full attention

Timidly my finger does touch


She is the entirety of my vantage
All about Her
All she feels she wants me to know
Is taken in with such ease

She smiles up at me
Like heaven is real
Braile as each word i feel
They are humble and sincere

I feel my way
She seems so...
Exactly as...

My thoughts racing
Entertaining my own qualities
Checking off her wants
As hers my own

Dare I?
She truly is so
So so so


No.  I remind myself
My 'less than' sides
Insecurities and defenses
End those fantasies.

She is above

                 Far above

Out of my league.

Pwr btn... Goodbye.

— The End —