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MdAsadullah Nov 2014
Injustice was done
on that day if you think.
Then know years later Pharaoh's
attire injustice prinked.
Their is no Moses in this
vast land in this vast crowd.
So let the Pharaoh celebrate
victory and laugh out loud.
It is correct that Allah alone
one should only fear.
But patience is not a sign
of weakness, my dear!
Your tears will not go waste
one day it will turn into a sea.
And your patience will become
Moses and will lead thee.
Angellah Nyamai Apr 2021
When I utter commit, I mean to dedicate
First to Him, that gave my full birthright
And two to myself, the reason to create,
My commitment is my responsibility

I choose to commit, perhaps you may not admit
I want to melt my fears, thyself to acquit
Realize my valour, to knit again my grit
My commitment is my responsibility

I commit to trust my inner instinct,
Lest I stumble and be called extinct
I will teach me to always be prinked
My commitment is my responsibility

I commit my business to what is real
Perhaps people will get dull
Maybe I will find my answers in the baffle
And get busy making my now life blissful
For my commitment is my responsibility
mothwasher Feb 2021
some of the dryness will bleach from pithing
your noetic strands and the rest, a ****
prinked rind deluded.

i dip cupped hands into the lowlands, scraping
fractal mold flakes captioned, answers in light
crowded lenses.

cubic rift, that, i will toss adoration engines,
in the end, the goddess of substance will
not react.

not retrace, not the rift. mortaled caper,
inflection of the flats, grinded
reactions. grinding thoughts

scribbled to-dos spreading forth, immurdered.
tokenized spice cabinets, enter rift
refuge. the caper collapses on molar-novas,
solar lepidoptera folding in your hair.

the sweat-between-us hive. the separatist mind.
salt mines alarm us, a subject deepened
between two gestures. have you the stratum
of intention?

germinal grains, embryonic clock tower -
mineral lies don timescales
tucked in our hereafter mattress.

i will deathlessly dry with a towel
unless i’m showering with it, a full commit
to the status kiss.

[after all that, you still love me,
in the bedlam trees the choral key,
the old oak door embroidery
are pieces of me scattered (spelled) naturally.]
Ann Williams Ms Jan 2017
Oh Weather Girl, so smart and slim,
Safe in your air-conditioning,
Coiffured and prinked, make-up in place;
No freckles on that flawless face,
Nor sweat upon your marble brow –
I wonder if you’ll ever know
How much your dulcet verbiage
Sends me insane with helpless rage.

You tell me, as the best of news:
‘It’s a good day for barbecues,
‘for the high pressure over Spain
‘will block out the Atlantic rain;
‘the outlook’s fine, with lots of sun,
‘and we’ll have highs of thirty-one’.
And then you flash your perfect teeth,
Complacency beyond belief!

You stupid woman, don’t you know
My flowers and veg need rain to grow?
And since there’s been a hosepipe ban
I have to use my watering-can.
It hasn’t rained for days and days:
Do you know how much water weighs?

Of course the fault’s not down to you,
You only read the autocue;
But could you, please, once in a while,
Just switch off that ****** smile!!
Written during a long, hot, dry summer.

— The End —