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SøułSurvivør Mar 2016
I was born a sandwich kid
Not much love was shown
There was a situation
Lonely and alone
I would cry, affection dry
As a desert bone.

I had no preprocessing traits
If care were in a well
I would fail if I sunk my pail
Into the depths of hell
Neglect my due so it ensued
I grew up a shell.

We all need love to water us
A child must be fed
But if the care's not in the air
They might as well be dead

Cakes are baked with sugar
If it's not put in first
Can't bake again the bitter end
The cake is dry as dust.

And so I started using drugs
When I was but a teen
I ditched school, I was a fool
Because I could have been

Anything I wanted
Instead out there wasted
A runaway, a wasteland
A stunted tree and blasted.


I turned to religion
I thought I was home free
Buddhism, the SRF
And scientology

Transcendental Meditation
I read of the Bahai'
I read the book Siddhartha
It was like a high

But i lost faith and turned to drugs
Over and over again
I was ******, could not atone
I can now this story pen


Then I found my savior
The Lord Jesus Christ
I was beat, but He was heat
And melted all the ice
Around my heart, then I did start
To conquer every vice

I found the Holy Spirit
I found my Father dear
Don't think it odd, I found God
And now I have no fear!

We all need Love to water us
With Manna we are fed
We conquer sin, and we can win,
We can get ahead

We all need a High Tower
A place where we can go
To bask in love from up above
and let the Spirit flow!

We can all find sweetness
It CAN be restored
We are FREE and we can SEE

(C) 3/19/2016
I was loved as a child, but I never felt it. It is in retrospect that I can see the love my parents had for me. They had many problems. My mother was very sickly. My father was addicted to alcohol at a very tender stage in my life. He stopped drinking. But by then it was too late. I felt like my cake had already been baked. I hated school because I was teased terribly. I was different. And I had abilities that other children didn't have. So they sledged me to the ground. And I was a sandwich child which didn't make things any easier. I was born scarcely a year after my sister. My mother fell off a chair onto her stomach and I was born prematurely. I've had a hard life. And I believe that I had not found the Lord Jesus Christ I would not be alive today.

For all you teens out there who are having trouble in school, please don't give up. Continue your studies fervently. It is only with an education that you can really do what you want to in life. It's very rare to find Second Chances. I found mine because of my innate abilities. But I could have been anything I wanted to be if I'd had an education! Be smart and get one!

AP Smith Jan 2017
You had your back to me, the night.
You speak about things you don’t know and things you’ve never seen because you know nothing of my perspective
you say the only thing you love is the moon and stars, but
you have never seen what I see,
I face you.
I listen to your preprocessing voice speak of the only thing you’ve ever known
I have seen the stars and the moon yes, but I've also seen the sun and the ever changing sky
and you.

— The End —