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Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
Blazing brightly in the night miles below on
Crete. Icarus plummeted. And puzzled.
The Phoenix shattered ablaze and battred

The phoenix Glances to the night sky.
As a bird of prey whizzes by.

Struck to ground.
Thundering sound.

Phoenix pauses beats his wings.
Flaming feathers burn and drift.

Rises slowly from the ashes.
Icarus crumbles in broken waxen wings.

Youthful tragedy. Never to rise.
No reclamation.

Silent hubris.
The dirge preceeds.
Then quietly

Isaac afunadhula Mar 2021
He stood on the front porch
wandering through
Anger in his voice as he speaks
The message on his face could be
He roams with misery everywhere he goes
His reputation preceeds him
'How not to'
'How to'
'How about both?'
Marshal Gebbie May 2011
Stringent to lilly livered
Toxic if afraid,
galling to goers
Who thrive on being brave,
Enthralling to observers
Who see finer tones,
And fatal to loiterers
With shrapnel in bones.
Loose lips in the war zone
An anathema to we
Who strive for control
In adversity.
Loose lips in the war zone
A systems relapse,
Which preceeds establishment's
Rapid collapse.

@the bach
11 May 2011
Sean Keane Aug 2010
The fear of the serpent was and is a mighty man
Always in thought, Doing all that he can
His life forever, His spirit shall not be trounced
His name preceeds him, No need to be announced
His enemies consider him the bane of existence
But for his crew and his love he will always go the distance
In battle he only knows persistence
When attacked in dire straights,he shows full resistance
His ship his steed, a symbol of death to evil
strikes fear into his foes, they know he will go medieval
From slaying the mighty kraken in the ocean blue
Its beak a good luck charm and its eyes a stew
With spear in hand he ran its heart through
His aim is unmatched, his throw always true
To the trodden a hero, to the masses a god
His methods unorthodox and to some maybe odd
But to catch his oppoenents of gaurd is his tactic
Always surprising, his will is galactic
This was an attempt at an epic poem, but I could not get past introducing the epic ship captain
Superficial insomnia
Fiscally collateral.
Primalistic defilement
Of a world so material.

Where every breath
Preceeds another hearse,
And every thought
Breeds another curse.

In a place held together
By disintigration and wildfires,
Stems the hope of a new face
A new place with new desires.

Bleeding from the walls
It spells its name on the floor.
It drops its heart in a grinder
To be chopped into more.

It's deranged and disturbed
That much seems to be known
Presiding deep in these hideous
Perplexing, competitive overtones.

Shellshocked beyond resentment
Another hand pressed against it
Attempting again to knock down
The insidious box which holds us to drown.

And again it presents itself
In a crisp suit and tie
Hiding its nature
Hiding the lie.

I know its design
Because I've seen it before.
So I drop my heart in a grinder
To be chopped into more.
George Krokos Dec 2012
This universe is God’s creation what more is there to say
and so everything that happens in it is a part of His play.
It’s only when something starts to go wrong on a major scale
God personally has to come down to make sure it doesn’t fail.

The world is not perfect though perfection is hidden there
and so every once in a while it requires God’s loving care.
This is also the general work of all spiritual masters and saints
who go about doing their sacred duty without any complaints.

To the people at large this may not be obvious though some would suspect
about the universal maintenance of creation by God and those of His Elect.
Even the forces of nature respond in accord with what has been laid down:
that original master plan which God adjusts every time He has to visit town.

These visits some say are very infrequent and thus too far in between
and so the world situation as it is now is the result which can be seen.
But it’s one of the paradoxes of life that destruction often preceeds reconstruction
and unbeknown to most God did come and leave again inspite of any obstruction.

But God’s not to blame for this as His Spirit is forever here omnipresent
it’s because of man’s forgetfulness of Him that precipitates His descent.
By living an unnatural existence in the world man causes so much harm
to his own kind and the harmony of nature which only raises the alarm.

If, as it is said that, the Earth is the centre of our known universe
then whatever bad happens here must have repercussions adverse.
Like the hub of a giant wheel which gradually begins to break down
the rough vibrations that follow on through are to be felt all around.

And so man seeks to escape from this world he is destroying
well before its own time is up - how the situation is deploring.
In selfish pursuits and mostly to satisfy all of his ignorant desires
man is turning this world into an ash heap after smoke and fires.

The signs are here for us all to see, there shouldn’t be any mistake,
that the universal maintenance of creation Some One has to make.
Especially on this world here, given that it’s the very centre of it all,
being the only place that we know of where man acts so very small.
Private Collection - written in 1997.
George Krokos Oct 2012
Earth's mistress moon and glorious master sun,
from whither is it that they both have come?
Hovering around in the sky during night and day,
how is it that they both have been placed that way?
Playing it seems opposite roles to our mind's eye,
yet shedding light and warmth down from up high.
One is the mere reflection and also shade of the other,
relaying light in degrees for the days of month to cover.
Then disappearing briefly at the end of this cycle
only to appear again looking no more than a trifle.

The moon revolves around the earth
which itself revolves around the sun,
But what does the sun revolve around?

All the heavenly bodies indicate movement and rotation,
this is common knowledge and is based on observation.
There is a cycle that resembles the four seasons of the year
made up of four different ages lasting thousands of years.
Each has an effect on the state and evolution of man's mind,
moving from light to darkness and then back again over time.
Modern science will eventually prove all this one day,
as it gradually moves from darkness to light on its way.
If man's mind is stooped in ignorance and cannot discern the light,
modern science itself is at a standstill; progress is groping for sight.

The four ages are those of Light, Thought, Energy and Matter.
Each one preceeds the other and are all contained in one cycle,
which lasts for about twenty-four thousand of our earth years.

As the sun also revolves around on its orbit in space
it comes closer at times to its orbital centre in place.
This movement resembles a giant ascending and descending arc
in which all the four ages mentioned alternate from light to dark.
Each arc has a lifespan of approximately twelve thousand years
and each arc incorporates the four ages comprising this sphere.
At opposite ends of the sphere the first and last ages are twice their length
moving each from minimum to maximum effect and back again in strength.
Those ages in between have each their duration which should be noted too
playing their roles in this cyclic transition affecting everyone including you.

As each cycle is completed, passing through these four ages,
man's consciousness and history undergo dramatic changes;
one has only to reflect on the rise and fall of past civilisations.

We have just come through a short transitional phase from a long dark age of matter
and are now on the ascending arc early in the electrical age also called that of energy.
The subject matter of this poem is my interpretation of an introduction to a book called "The Holy Science" by Sri Swami Yukteswar and is also dealt with in another book called "Autobiography Of A Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda.
mark jarrad Sep 2010
Jenny hopes for better things
Whilst hanging by a thread
She watches as the gentlemen
Fall in and out her bed

Her reputations tainted
Preceeds her all her life
She knows no man would want her
Or take her as his wife

For her life is a struggle
To pay the bills and pay the rent
On mind affecting substances
Her money is now spent

But jenny hopes for better things
Whilst hanging by a thread
So she dont have to watch the gentlemen
Fall in and out her bed !

New beginnings always come with promise
Promise preceeds failure
I want only to trust what I know
Quit the foolishness let it go

I never see eye to eye
With what others see occurring
Perhaps my soul already knows
No sense rushing or scurrying

The advice of a father
Always whispering in my mind
Knowing already I suppose
Of all I'll leave behind

My maker He knows the plans
He has for me and demands
I'm not meant to have that of which I dream, he has me in his hands

Free will we each are given
But the truth is it falls out of grip
Like the match of the little match girl
Not controlling her destiny or trip

I'm tired, I give my maker full control
But know I do not have any
No telling which way I will go
The decisions are way too many
Lexander J Oct 2017
Like a Wolf hiding from the hunter
I feel your bared teeth as my breath shudders

both playing the same dangerous game
both toxic in the tongue and mentally insane

I'm the Pariah of selfishness and stupidity
pained by your machinations and humility -

you're a lone wanderer driven by hunger and lust
caring not who you meet nor who you trust

but your ignorance preceeds you, a mundanity that's snapped,
you stole my bloated ego and temporarily sapped
the pride that runs through my vile veins
alas, I'm not one to stay chained -

tension pulsating
both still, waiting,
watching for the other's move
in this clash of hearts

who will win
who will lose

You took my heart and shattered it like glass
never did I need it, love never lasts
broken bones just dreams turned to stone
lies buzzing like flies,

sure, you'll miss me when I'm gone.
Courtney O Dec 2019
Explanations are poor
they lead nowhere good
just follow the trail of water
open your eyes to its power

The solution is halfway
till you can make it
The solution you won't be told
but it will appear on its own

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light!"
The twilight, preceeds the bright

— The End —