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Babu kandula Apr 2012
ప్రకాశం  లో  sri prakash మల్లే  
ప్రశాంతమైన   వాతావరణం లోనే  
ప్రదీపాల్లా  వెలిగామే.
నాలుగు  వర్షాలు  వనవాసాలే  
నలు  వైపులా  పుర్తయ్యాయే  
నవ  లోకానికే  ఇది  శ్రీకారమే .
మాటలు  వేరైనా. . .ప్రాంతాలు  వేరైనా. . .అలవాట్లు  వేరైనా. . .  
విహంగాలుగా   విహరించామే   ఇన్నాళ్ళు  ఈ  చోటా . .
తర  తరాలా  కదల  మళ్లీ  ముందుకే  వచ్చింది  రా  
వీడ్కోలు   అంటూ  walkout చేయాలే . .
అనుభవాలనే  పంచేస్తూ  జ్ఞానాన్నే  అందించిన  పండితులనుంచి  sendoff­ తీసుకోవాలా. .
పూర్తైన  పాఠం  లా  చివరాకరికే  వచ్చేసాము  
labs అంటూ  తిరిగమే  project అంటూ  వెలుతున్నామే  . .
కలిసుండే  కలం  అంతా  కరిగిపోయింది  
కష్టం  ఉన్నా  సరే  ఇష్టం  గా  స్వికరించాలే .
I am missing my college
missing my college a lot
Prakash Subba Oct 2016
Homeless child

Do you see the pain in his eyes ?
Hear the mourn in his cries ?
He is drained inside,
Hopeless and helpless

Can you feel his pain ?
His burden and hunger
And that tired body
Beaten by the unstoppable rain.

It was never his choice to be homeless
It was never his choice to be in the warzone
To lose his parents and his lovely home.

His choice was to be happy,
To build his home and his family,  
To serve the country and community

Now who cares for him ?
Do you understand his tears,
His story behind the newsletters ?
He was never a homeless child.

Eric the Red Feb 2018
This guy is stealing your poems and putting them on as his own
Prakash Subba Oct 2016
Like a free bird
I want to fly across the sea
I want to breathe in the freshness of the world
And feel the sands beneath the river

I want to see the endless sky
of the early morning
And talk with luminous stars at night
I wonder how amazing it would be

I want to renew myself by traveling
And Discover who am I
By being in the different worlds of newness
And feel the beauty that lies within

There are so many things that I want to do,
To see and to feel
But that's just a dream of mine
A Dream within a dream of a housewife

Prakash Subba Nov 2016
She died in my dream
I remember her last smile
And the last drop of tears that came out of her eyes,
I remember her last breath
and the  Painful unstoppable beats of my heart.

My mind became completely blind.
Like a crying angry baby,
I was holding her with deep grief
And lost her whom I loved more than anything.

I felt like the worst suffering hit my life
Every happiness just disappeared from my life
Now my heart only feels pain and my mind only grief
Where should I go, I just want to be free.

Walking miles with pain in my heart
I wish joy would kiss me on my journey
Loneliness is the only feeling that i feel now
I wish peace would come into my heart; that would seal it.

This is what I saw in my dream dear
He told her with teary eyes,
His shaky voice was showing some love
That was unmeasurable.

She smiled and hugged him
She said, "your love is what gives me hope to live, It's just a dream that fades away but my love for you in my heart forever stays.

Prakash Subba Oct 2016
I wonder,
if we can taste our own words,
before we deliver them to someone.

And I think about the changes they will make in someone's life.

I wonder,
If we can spread positive words
More than negativity that exists

And I think of people surrounding the world
With love, peace and harmony

I just can't stop wondering about the power of words
That can either put fire into the world or change it
Prakash Subba Sep 2016
Think of me too,
For the mercy, I have shown you.
For the forgiveness, I have given you.
Dear child think of me too.

In the midst of the wilderness, I was there for you.
Guiding you through dark nights in desert
I was the light that showed you the way,
I was there for you; I was the clouds on sunny days.

Wiping your tears, i heard your mourning,
Your aching heart was  full of wounds.
comforting you with my promising words
I was there for you, when everybody else rejected you.

I took your guilt away and filled you with joy
I carried your burden so your life could enjoy
I was beaten by the words of blame
Only for you, dear child think of me too.

Think of my unconditional love
And my sacrifices and remember,
Everything that I have belongs to you
Dear child, think of me too.

Prakash Subba Nov 2016
I knew my dad was an angel.
Once, I saw him helping a poor man
I remembered the brightest smile in his face
opening his wallet; he gives small amount
That can feed more than a homeless.

He used to say,"the true pleasure
comes when you give others.
Those who are in need of."
yes dad, happiness should always be
shared with others through giving; I added.

I knew my dad was a hero,
He was just different kind of hero
Hero that spread love around him
And encourage other to live justly

He used to say,"when we spread love,
It brings peace and joy that will remove
The pain and hatred from our hearts."
Yes dad, love can heal everything I added.

I remembered everything about my dad
He was a leader, he was a dreamer
He was a teacher, he was a achiever
But mostly importantly he was human
A very genuine one.

Prakash Subba Nov 2017
One day, only love will remain
Moments will be remembered
Days I used to spend thinking about you
Holding your hand and seeing your tired eyes
Hearing your mournful prayer in the morning
And your adventurous desires at night  

What do you want to accomplish now ?
Your achievements are unmeasurable
Your life is full of pain and happiness,
Sometimes Peace or struggles.

You became who you wanted to be
You did what you wanted to do
Do you have anything left besides
Your body, soul and little bit of breath ?

You are a winner, you are a warrior
You aren't empty
You gave everything for the sake of goodness
You sacrificed everything for sake of morality

You are who you are
You have expressed yourself honestly
Through tough times, you have grown
You have fell, been emotionally beaten
But you rose up, and stood strong.
Your story will remain as old memories

- Prakash
Prakash Subba Sep 2016
Dear Old Women

Oh Dear old women, what do you see ?
Fear of death or joy of tomorrow.
Oh dear old women, what do you feel ?
Ache in your hearts or peace in your minds?

At the edge of time,
Do you think of yourself like a sun
that is about to set ?
Or like a new morning sun that is about
To shine again ?

Your legs are tired, aren't they ?
Your body wants to rest.
But your mind wants to travel
And you heart wants to be refreshed.

Your feet want to touch the soil of the beach
Your fingers want to touch the flowing stream
Your eyes want to see the mountains
And Your nose want to smell the daffodils.

Dear old women, I hear your mourns
I see your tears and hear your heartbroken cries
Your prayers of lamentation
in the middle of every night.

Dear old women, don't give up
You're still breathing, you can endure a bit of pain.
For the reward you are going to get
May not be in earth but unerringly in heaven.

- Prakash
dpbian Nov 2018
Oh unlimited form of energy,
When thou will come to me.
Will it be as early as it should be
Or be so late to be of no use for me?
I wonder when thou will come,
I ponder how thou will come.
What should I do just sit and wait,
Or pull myself together and do a work great.
But to do a work great I need thou,
And to make you come to me I bow.
Oh unlimited form of energy,
When thou will come to me.
Am I loud enough to reach you,
Or for you to find me should I leave a clue.
Oh but I'm in a situation so dilemmatic,
Anyone would if listen it'll sound hectic.
I even don't know I'm reaching you or not,
And if I've reached I don't know you're bound to me or not.
-Divya Prakash Bhardwaj
(DPBian art)
I was depressed that i was not good at even a single thing that would feed me in future so this poem came out as I wanted god to give me the strength and confidence to do what is required.
Muskan Purohit Apr 2020
A lot of events occur in our lives.
Some are happy and enjoyable but some are sad and traumatic.
You lose hope,
and you notice differences in people's behaviour towards you.
And that's how you learn to bear with all the ache.
When you choose to prioritize yourself first,
when you take your own decisions and when you don't care about people's opinions,
a lot of things change.
Make replacements.
And get rid of the negative people and love the ones who encourage you instead.
It's hard but it's crucial,
so you've to do it,
and you know what ?
The less you care,
the more they hate.
This change is necessary as depending on people for emotional support isn't good,
because you never know about people's intentions.
To cope with loss,
you become stronger.
So strong that you don't need anyone else.
Just believe that if everything's falling apart right now,
it will fall into place too soon.
Just have faith in your actions fall for the person you've became after these turns and obstacles in this life's stage.

(Quotes into turning
"I know I'm losing many but I'm loving the person life's turning me into ."
-Nitya Prakash
"One of the most crucial but hardest things yo do as a part of turning your life around is to get rid of all the negative people around you and replace them who encourage you instead."
-Neal Boortz )
If only I knew,
That she had with us left so little time
I would have picked up every call of hers each & everytime

If only I knew,
That her spriteness was but a facade that   hid so well, her ever increasing frailty
I would have done all to keep her always happy and  healthy

If only I knew,
That I shall lose her in my life so early
I would surely have loved her so much more  dearly

If only I knew,
That her words I shall cease so soon  to hear
I would have recorded her every word that was uttered far & near

But, now I am left with only questions so many
And no answers I have to them any

Her leaving did impress upon me lessons so many & more,
One of them here I shall share
For I know that for someone you must truly care,

So,when your loved ones are still with you here,
Do give them all your love, thought & timely care

For when they are gone, you will never know when & where,
All you will  be left with are these same questions & regrets as ere....

- Juhi Prakash Singh

A poem on loss
Sonukhusbu Sep 2020
Happy birthday prakash from the bottom of my heart,
Another year has come & gone, but u are always same from the heart,
No words can describe the sweet memories of our friendship,
And the bond we share, from the deep inside.

You are a good human being,
Whenever i cried, you always made me grin,
I always treasure the time we spent,
No words can describe how much your friendship meant.

May God always be with you at the start of everyday,
May you always be blessed with smile,love & good health,
May your wishes come true and good times multiply,
May every Birthday be wonderful,with full of love n life !
On parku 38th b'day...Aug 30,2020

— The End —