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JL Dec 2011
Your purring pheremones reach across the passenger seat and touch me with perfume flower scents
On this freeway thick covered in early morning fog
We are two shooting stars glowing as headlights repeating down the somber black asphalt river

We are going to need to find a motel soon
So I can put you down on a bed
And teach you epic ballads of a sweating sting
The ***** willow switch
Snatching up your breath
The golden raking song  of digging nails
A wet honey kiss
Tattooed as teeth marks
On my begging neck

But you tell me to keep my eyes on the road
My **** in my pants
And my searching fingers out of your lace
Brittany Leigh Feb 2010
if we will meet
let us meet quickly
be friends before the introductions end
run our words, sentences, stories together
because we are the same
but not entirely

if we are attracted
one to the other
let it be flashy
a flash flood of emotions and pheremones
a flash fire from the second
we work up the courage
to brush carelessly against each other
to see where a brush fire leads

if you come with me
into my home
into my bed
accept the gives
and the here for the takings
enjoy enjoying each other

if you must leave
and you must
and we both know it
do not regret or dismiss
or expect movie-endings
or miracles

when you go
go with a kiss
and a smile
and you'll have your memories
and I'll keep mine
until and unless
we meet again
Nathan MacKrith Feb 2019
Love is a disease
it starts with a carrier
unaffected by the pathogen
it knowingly spreads

Love is extremely contagious
so much as a single look
is often enough to infect

The carrier finds a victim
unaware of the danger
as eyes meet, hearts palpitate
spreading the venom quicker

Pheremones flood logic centers
neurotoxins inducing insanity
the jade wasp walks its prey
towards the regrettably chill flicks of net

That compel roaches to walk off cliffs
carrying flowers and chocolates
seeking a rainbow bridge of hope
finding no more than pretty-colored moisture

Nurturing parasitic demon babies that burst out of a scooped clean chest
a dine and dash leaving their guest
to pay the unsettled romance cheque
and the hotel room? left a wreck

Befouled by graffiti on room walls written
in what smells like Odin's *****

Roses come in more hues than red
Violets are violet not blue
There's more to romance than what's said
On some card conveying love to you
A poem written in a style influenced by the antipoetry movemement:

presented as part of a Dawkins’-meme based poetrycollection at the “Trash Talkin’” literary Conference at the University of Regina, in Regina, SK, Canada
Keenon Brice May 2016
playing with fire
barking up the wrong tree

pheremones lingering

the hug alone, an equally revelatory experience
tells me to "fall" into this

fall into this creativity
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
The rivulets of water
pool at our wondering feet.

Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons
that unceremoniously yank us inward
like lost children finally found.

Haphazard flight paths of insects
spasmodically surge nearer,
urging our own hands and eyes to react,
and somehow in the reflexiveness
of those twin human movements
both of us realize that the Now
we currently share cannot surpass
the devastating chasm that the earthquake of Us
has inevitably opened up.

Azure firelight flickers above,
memories of tears and bare skin kisses
descend like drunken leaves from distant peaks.

Somewhere below us a sea of mycelium flourishes,
communicating in the language we wish we'd possessed long ago,
pheremones of instinctual gravity networked to perfection,
something to smooth out all the crags and crevices
of our rambunctious emotional landscapes,
transmogrifying the immutable selfishness of mammals into purposeful,
harmonious intent.

we kiss without restraint,
staring down the shattered remnants
of our romantic souls like hungry predators.

Rivulets of water
pool at our wondering feet.

Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons
that unceremoniously yank us inward
like lost children finally found.

And for an precarious instant we are one,
suspended on the ripe cliff's edge,
and not giving a **** whether or not we fall
into the ominous depths below.
My new book:

— The End —