Dear Genie, where are you. Please come back. I seem to have lost it all. All that you earned. The jobs, the morale, the charisma, the devil may burn for all i care, the energy to exercise, thr passion for God, the passage to God, the craziness, more painfully, the love and respect you earned and commanded. You were what i would call "THE PERSONALITY"
Dear Genie how did you ever do it? At a time when we had nothing no money, no love, no charisma, no morale, no passion, overcaring, zero respect, no vibes, nothing. You came like a storm and took over.
You changed the climate and changed the landscape, you showed me what could be where nothing had been.
You dared to dream, you dared anything that dared to threaten our dream. You went for it against all odds, till you achieved what i once called "THE IMPOSSIBLE"
Dear Genie, you were never weary, never tired. Never gave up, never surrendered, never angry, never intimidated. You were what people would call "THE PERFECT STORM"
But then i felt thought I'd take a break find some peace and start to care. The little i gained, i thought I'd share and i thought i could do without you. I thought i could be "THE BETTER ONE"
Dear Genie, Its better said how dearly i paid. The pain i faced for loving, the hurt i endured for caring, the loss i faced for sharing. Beaten, disgraced, betrayed, framed, tamed. I became "THE DEFAMED"
Dear Genie, Its been a long and tiring journey. I feel lost and alone...worse, lonely. I need you badly. I'm sacred to dare to dream again, afraid. I feel broken, worse, shattered. All i loved and trusted have betrayed me. Even your God seems silent. I feel like "THE ABANDONED"
Arise again o Genie...arise i pray thee. Let your energy course through me again i pray thee. Not through some external stimulant as before, but as an inane genius within.
Come as a hurricane and tear apart my fears. Build again my fort, and cut my losses short.
I've still got one thing though the music which you birthed God's gift to us back then. I have fed it nurtured it, and now it crawls and calls me "THE FATHER"
Desperate times calls for desperate letters.