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eric smith May 2019
guilt me like a cancer
manipulate me like a taurus
if i was the first verse, you’d skip to the chorus
i tape glue and sew but you’re the one who tore us
ripped me into pieces and i made myself
something new
i recognized myself
you’re lost not knowing what to do
play dumb like a pisces and lash out like a scorpio
if you’d give me up for anything
it would be half an oreo
maybe four quarters or a dollar
but you could never change
had a heart for everyone but i was never in your range
impulsive like an aires confusing like a gemini
you my day 1 and i love you turns into there cant be a you and i
you “never wanna make me cry” but can never keep your **** dry
eyes red like im high
you “never want to say goodbye” but the second things dont go your way you fly
but you could never be the bad guy?
act out like a capricorn stubborn like a leo
how you beat yourself up but wanna be everyones hero?
your double life is really a triple
i should call you trio
if ‘paid in full’ was my life you would be rico
how my own girl crossed me?
then made it my fault that she lost me?
then told everyone she tossed me?
don’t care like aquarius outted me like a libra
you beat around the bush when i made it black and white like a zebra
how i told you tell me the truth and you made up a story
you cant lie on someone who loves you
and bask in glory
i paved the way for you and you act lost like dory
and i still found you
careless like sagittarius critic like a virgo
how you tell me to “never leave” but you go?
how you use the water you drained me of to grow
you’re not who your instagram shows
i see through you, commando
you cant flex on me if you know what i know
imagine believing in horoscopes. couldn’t be me.
It hides, hoping not to be seen
Preys on the innocent life
No one can tell it has been
It cuts into you like a knife

Secrets are kept from you
What others fear to tell
You want to hear what is true
Because you have been to Hell

They make friends into enemies
Because no one likes to say
Finding out, the soul empties
The coldness never goes away

Why did they not tell you from the start
And keep what they knew to themselves
It would have stopped a knife to the heart
It would have released hidden jars from the shelves

The wolf would have been outted long ago
Then this shiver would not run down my spine
I feel like I was the last one to know
If only someone had given me the sign

So let us put an end to wars that never should be
Let that wolf in sheeps clothing be exposed
Join as we were before, a friend and ally
Let this knowledge you share be imposed

The truth needs to be heard, to be shared
Because the rest of us will listen, will hark
Let the ****** be seen, let it be scared
Shine light on that kept in the dark
copyright Chris Smith

The truth is out there, as a friend said.
Filmore Townsend Jul 2013
and the sweat lingers with a
thin film of dust, dirt, mold --
whichever what have you.
what little hydration left of
this soft fleshy vessel seeps
through this veil. creating
rivers of mud that flood the
eyes and blind. though hue
of general existence if silh-
outted. and we follow the sou-
nds hoped spoke on the proper
path. shambling the brush,
ankles caught tight in the
thorns of the undergrowth.
never a first in leaving a
blooded footpath home. and
false words call us upon a
path in Life long returned to
Nature from man. and with blin-
ded eyes and gnarled sense,
trouncing the threshold of door
long closed, fearing only the
chance of having all ended.
the Ocean's desert is nothing
but the sweat of Man's ages'
turned to dust. ended of a
vessel when purpose has seen
fulfillment. to nurture, and
bring forth perpetuation of the
curious disappeared mysteries
resting unburdened, with ponde-
ring left nulled. and recreation,
re-mythologizing aeons not long
past. only a couple thousand
since the last hoarfrost blast.
Yejin Lim Dec 2012
"Make yourself at home," I said.
and as I said, you did.
You made me home -
haven to you,
and your home, I did become.
You brought me life,
I gave you rest.
You provided excitement,
and found comfort in me.
I was your home,
and you, my resident
until the circumstances changed.
You up-and-outted;
moved right out
and left me here, behind.
Leaving unwanted objects -
useless things -
and a restless state of mind.
You left to choose a different home,
greater than my kind;
and left me here
with a sign: FOR SALE
empty and abandoned.
James Van Allen May 2019
Give me a title
But what is the use
Cant quantify me
I make genres obtuse

Try to be golden
But darkness it feeds me
Thrills beg for offering
High pricing for cookies

Escape from the madness
With body intact
Jump right back in
Because feeling I lack

Addicted to chaos
But hate how it leaves me
Emulated the Wanderer
Who hung from the tree of trees

Grabbed for the runes
Read through the Matrix
My eyes, they were opened
But Mimir needs payment

Hell that I've conjured
Talked to its legions
Poetics aside
Ive talked to its demons

Gaining the third sight
They thought I would crumble
Thought Id go mad
Yet feet never stumbled

Out of the forest
Yet crave to go back there
What is my issue
What is this madness

Mimir is calling
He wants his dear payment
Eluded him last time
Next time he might gain it

The sweet taste of fruit
Idunna's it isn't
Its far far more sweeter
But wormed and decayded

Cant taste the apple
Without giving a tooth
Yes I want my cake
Yes I want to eat it too

.45s make light of a strange situation
Terror his payment if no one will pay him
Calm down the chakra, ignore all the chatter
They hate when you ignore them, hate to be outted.

— The End —