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PK Wakefield Dec 2011
rush nites
through trees and belly
(come find me dreaming
and when you get here
i'll kiss you so softly i'll
plant roots stupidly
growing into your so
and green skin lightly)
you got big pretty enormous

           Jewels and **** nite

you are belong to my bed
and flesh(yourown)is mine

i've spangles and dirt in me(likeyou)
                                                         leaves and merry drunk revelers
                                                  prancing beautiful women things
                                               (and i like to bunch up their hems
                                                 (like you nite) and i like to
                                             eateth them)
Impulzez Nov 2012
In The Nite

Kisses under the moonlite

Creating shadows in the darknite

Singing Luvsongs after the Sunlite

Rhythmed on the sounds of beings of this nite

Clinging unto memories of all nites

Whistling tunes echoed before the Sunlite

Speaking to the unseen images of the sacred lite

Humming truluv’s music for all nites

Sequenced along the sound of this guitarist

Making sweetluv under the Starlite

Holding unto cleavages of my naked site

Kissing goodbye to the full lite

Wishing you the best of the daylite

Till we see again

In the nite
We wait to make the moment right
and kiss gently
as we say goodnight.
I hold her tight as she holds me
so gently,
gently kiss, and we
no longer two
but one,
go on.
I cry in love, I love in hate;
sorrow t'at no-one should create!
Whenst no gladness runs my heart's brake
It's thy own image t'at I'll make.

I remember lightly t'at day
As I caught thee on my morn way
With some radiance on thy brow;
thy words to me began to flow.

How at thy gaze my heart fluttered;
and as we stared my cheeks ripened!
Easily didst t'eir shells turn red;
and my body, numb went with sweat!

Ah! T'ose docile roots within t'eir ***,
cunning creatures of o'r smug Lord!
With eager thirst t'ey peered at us,
sketching a poem as we conversed!

And t'at quaint note I filch'd from 'em-
what a gay song on t'eir young stem!
I knew just t'en how thou doth feel-
from yon crisp leaf and its mild seal!

Seized it as I two nites af-ter-
mine heartbeat fastened with lau'hter!
'pon learning thy name on its end;
so dearly crafted by thy hand!

O! How thou planted into th' cells-
th' living plants, amongst t'eir wells!
T'is piece on loving confession-
and such tender expectations!

I danced gaily in victory-
immersed myself in vile glory!
Ah! Didst I flounce myself right outside
To lure and bringst thee t'wards my side.

'Twas th' start of o'r story;
and my at-first-sight love for thee.
O, in thy arms I weave my might;
and in thy warmth, I findeth delight.
Jack Dalton Oct 2013
House on fire,
House on fire,
Role me a phat one.
Tonite the house ,
Tomorow nites up in smoke.
The walls were brown
Wall paper.  
Upinside here.
A white beard of smoke.
Goblin green walls,
Purple stains,
Scattered gold vains.
What a joke
We felt like smoked out
Hot patatoes,
I sat on my missing phone.
Coconut musics third encore.
Remember what you said.
I said sometimes say the truest things.
Remember what you said.
You become what you love.
He needs help.
He doesnt know,
What isnt his own.
Isnt my best friend,
Starting to bun out,
My bic lighter,
Is out.
My hands strike a match,
Is it so much to ask.
There were so many clicks.
Jump up or something
Else happened
To apear
Just to gorge
On your ptsd
Like the memory
of seing your last horror film.
You left angry,
And told us repeatingly.
I need help
tell us what we can do.
Help us tell you and
You can  show us
whose fault it was
I told you not to let anybody
do what they did.  
What is it worth
doing all over again.
All the reconziliation
Speeds off with ten dollars
In gas money.  
Did you know
What to do
after one interview
In a shrinks office.
Your inner thoughts
have to record
And for a few seconds
Every thing pushing
towards her garage.
Found a place upwards
in new hours slowly
able to erase the dust tic by tic.
Now we can start counting
Episodes you had.
Nowe we can understand what you have
And by december you will have the best christmas
Your peace on earth will be seeing a baby boy cry
When it snows.
Michael Parish Sep 2013
long agonizing nites
Spent running like
Dog show enthuisists
The ukanuba muts (our crew)
Have names
And cold plates of
Meat loaf waiting
For them
When the noise
Of old boots
Warns the couch
About our irival
ill be away from
Home some where
Adventerous like the
Green hills of affrica (Hemmingways worst knovel)
Getting the perfect
Shot on the rhino three hundread
Yards away in the straw grass
Watering hole.
He falls like frozen patatoes
And my day closes
Half full
Half golden like
Whiskey on
The burning slopes
Of tacomas
Blue collared ridges.
Flooding the flood
Of endless floods
Inside my nitecaps
Hidden shot glass.
Thats the only way
We all sleep before
Tomorow brings out
Our best jokes.
The only pride we
Can find after
To many hours of
Half finished sandwhiches
So we can make room
And stare into
The welcoming fridge.
Good nite tacoma
I need all the double
Shifts we can get
Before we all find a new
Paying gig.
Dean Jones Mar 2011
afternoon. as the day dissolving,
    then with the nites coming question
how i claim, moments, do you know its you?-
      unbinding themselves( heart's boundary)
this discovery,
waiting adventure from your
                                 yes - questions that drive my  breath
heartbeat by heart.beat (resounding time booming the universe)
I'm wrecked on the new birth that I am
       I'm stranded across the tomorrow that waits your look
(how delicious this death feels)
Keith W Fletcher Mar 2017
passing by the roadblocks
of those utterly devoid of inspiration
I grind my gears in frantic agony
through artless days and pastel nites
the last drops of forbidden nectar looms
far back on the parody of my tongue
and I asleep in the drivers seat...listening
to the horrid sound
my gear teeth clinched hard
to placate the need by the promise
of gold plated plastic ornamentation
fulfilling  the impossible climb

the austere instigator of forgotten melodies
slides closed the gateway ahead
in clear violation of the unwritten laws
that govern all worthwhile endeavor
now those gates wreak of cynical deviance
nirvana open to all who seek to reach the peak
so far beyond impossibility ...wide open
by bane of fence.. no recompense for that gate

with my tongue overhung from morose overdose
in failed attempts of finding the trace
of even the most scant memory
now lies frozen in the throes
of twisted convolutions

while my nostrils fill with acrid smoke
as gear teeth commence to melt
suspended halfway up the impossible climb
I am pushing hard the acceleration
aided by the rigor mortis of my seizure

asleep at the wheel with all wheels grinding

while those below the uninspired guardians
stare up in unimpressed confusion
where fire and smoke screams of agony
as the dream possessed begins to melt
reaching critical mass of inevitability
caught between the high mark of false sanction
and a bottom of craggy rock distortion
like a monsters teeth and open maw
awaiting with patient disregard
at the wheel the visionary sleeps
amid symbolic ritualistic boundaries
od'D on the wreckless need
for heights not guaranteed

but out on the windswept plains
of wordless twists and rigid tongue
the flaming mass shudders to that
unrelenting silent rage of aberration
then begins the tumble to the patient maw

the message flashes through
the sudden adrenaline flooded brain cells
like the flashing signs of hiway construction

last message passing by
in bright flashing neon
tomorrow will bring inspired risktakers
who now know the starting pattern
because I can say I made it beyond
all odds where none before have gone
by passing the dreaded roadblocks
at the far end of human imagination.

I od"D on the wreckless need
for heights not guaranteed .
words enter to my mind
empty and useless
incapable of producing
the proper empathy
necessary for nites like these
powerless platitudes
rattle between my ears
as the echo of rotor blades
hover over the homes
of a quite city in mourning
watery eyes are afflicted
with double vision
aching for sleep
yearning for rest
two cops died tonite in topeka
Tommy Allen Nov 2014
Princes and Kings

Let me tell you
about Princes and Kings
Traveling thru time
In search of gold dust rings
They sprinkle their rings,
on broken hearts
Granting a wish,
for a brand new start
Their gold dust lights up,
the darkest nites
With glitters of love,
oh so bright
A lonely heart,
needs gold dust rings
As they offer this gift,
wrapped in strings
These Princes and Kings,
are everywhere you go
Setting up these rings,
watching them grow
But their works not done,
until you see
All the gold dust rings,
inside of me
These gold dust rings,
I put in my rhyme
Will watch over your heart,
every time
What makes them so precious,
priceless & true
Is these Princes and kings,
live inside of you
mike dm Apr 2016
black blush the color blue
         style and stigma undone
                        pistil roping up that bloom it allowed to ******
       slurry nites

                  where it shall hang
                  till its ashes
                                                  shoulder appendages for orbital flight
                               where deep space awaits
Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
Time rolls on tragic wheels
Past the moment gone
How searching thru images
React with memories

Jurassic days, cretacious nites
Where fate eyes you up in a place
                                     where danger dances
                                      On your shadow
This wasn't always as dark
Countless suicidal creatures
Laugh at you rather than themselves.

Bonds broken - Freedom shaken
Don't talk too loudly
They'll be awoken.
This universe and hyper-space
Is never such a lonely place
I pledge my regret wth a vague
                                    few words
As vulnerable as flightless birds.

Where disappointment manifests itself
Behind blinds
And with age
love fades.
SøułSurvivør Mar 2016
Can't be givin' any "likes"
I'm bowling perfect
Not gettin' no strikes!
I've been readin'
Days and nites
Computer's tellin' me
To take a hike
There it is
In black 'n white
This really stinks
It just ain't right!
Can u relate
To my plight?
If you haven't been getting "likes" from me, this is why. I just now noticed it!
Lytrell Howard Apr 2015
Late nites the last text
The first hello good morning how r u?
Awaitin the reply holdin and clutchin
The moment the vibration breaks the silence
Heart skips so violent
Awwww man it's Randy's 19th birthday
If I had CONTROL… The word means strength it reminds me of a man who is only alive in my memories….
It’s the first thought after things go bad….. The nervous laughter caused by anxiety……                                
After last nites drunk… Riding in that cop car…. a reassurance that this was your “ plan”….
Hearing her cry on the phone …. Or worse not hearing her at all……
Believing a silence was the same as a forgiveness….
Waking up pretending last nite wasn’t real….          
A joke at work where everyone laughs… Knowing that laughter is better spent on other things..
For every bottle cap or tab is like a countdown to the terrible truth…
Being right there but belief beyond hope keeps you invisible…. Seeing her cry….
The real moment where you cannot remember winning….
The moment where you realize it was never a gamble… She was yours….
Now you watch the parts of your life you hate… Bounce… Asking for seven and eleven….
Not for the win…. Only for the fact the dealer might give you another roll …..
Hoping for snake eyes of her face… belieiving you could read the table…..
And placing it all on control…. Now I know a word like control isn’t much different than gamble…
I don’t understand either… But everyone who asks I say……….
“ I never gamble……. I feel sorry for those who lost control…. “
Lytrell Howard Jun 2015
U engulf me
Keep me trapped
Your softness is a magnet
I can't detach
I try I try
To pull away
But u r so strong
U make me stay
Against my will
My will is not strong
U shorten my days
But my nites are super long
Kimberly Aug 2018
Chiliad years Logaphiles were written for us in many Eurythmic Forms to help comprehend ones Alexithymic;

The Orphic Lyrics of
Luftmensh Scops,

The Evanescence of Classical
Pieces of Merak Musicians,

The Timeless Dotish
Word in an Aubade,

The Aeipathy behind a
Bindlestill Writing Effable
Lines to an Auralize
Of an Epoch Poem,

The Sillage of
Camhanich in the
Lyrics of a Trouvaille Song,

Many Vagary were
written under the
Angelic Moon Phase
with Mid-Summer
Nites Dwaat Melliflous
of the Lite Breeze
through the Trees
Conorous: Melodies
Miridical: Wondrous
Chiliad: Thousand years
Logaphile: Lover of words
Eurythmic: In Harmonious proportion
Alexithymic: Difficulty in expressing emotional responses
Orphic: Entrancing beyond ordinary understanding
Luftmensh: With their heads in the clouds
Scop: An Old English Poet
Evanescent: Vanishing away
Merak: Creativity put in yourself into your work
Dotish: Silly
Aubade: A love song sung at dawn
Aeipathy: Enduring passion
Bindlestill: A *****
Effable: Able to be described in words
Auralize: Like 'Visualizing' but with sound
Epoch: A particular period of time in history or persons life
Sillage: A lingering scent of someones perfume
Camhanaich: Early morning Twilight
Troavaille: Something lovely discovered by chance
Vagary: Unusual desire
Dwaal: A dreamy, dazed, or absent minded state
Melliflous: A sound that is sweet and smooth; pleasing to hear
Kimberly Aug 2018
Thousand of years Lover of Words were written for us in many Harmonious Proportion Forms to help comprehend ones Difficulty in Expressing Responses;

The Entrancing Beyond Ordinary
Understanding Lyrics of
Old English Poets
with their Heads in the Clouds,

The Vanishing of Classical Pieces of
Musicians that put their own
Creativity into their Work,

The Timeless Silly Word in a
Love Song Sung at Dawn,

The Enduring Passion behind a *****
Writing Able to be Described in words in the
Lines to Visualizing with Sound of a Poem
about a particular Period in time of His Life,

The Lingering Scent of
Early Morning Twilight
Lyrics " Love Discovered by Chance,"

Many Unusual Desires were written under
the Angelic Moon Phase with Mid-Summer
Nites Dreamy Sweet and Smooth sound of the
Lite Breeze through the Trees
Kimberly Aug 2018
She travels like a Young Gypsy in a Pretty Wagon, on the hidden paths of a Magical Forest, She is Free-Spirited like a Hippie, Her plain hair decorated with Beautiful Flowers, Her Eyes Bright like Stars that Wink, Her Smile Simple, but Bittersweet, Her Heart Pure Gold, and only Belongs to Her Loved Ones, Her Passionate Soul runs with Her One and Only True Love like Crazy Teenagers in Love, She Loves to Dance Barefoot on the Earth to the Music of Mother Nature, She Loves to Fly in the Wind like a Colorful Butterfly, She Sings a Tone about Fun Summer Nites as She Plays in the Pouring Rain, She is not tame, As for She can't be Tame, She is always running Wild and Free, She is a Wild Child, For that No One Can Take it Away from Her
I'd  done some serious necking, the Lord God can attest to that, but never have I necked with such forceful abandon. During November: the necking month, I must've necked 2 weeks non-stop. On Nov. 22: J.F.K. must be wasted, everyone knows that. Help, this inflamed sebaceous gland has bottle-necked by necking!
   ***** Bear warns: Your seat belt can be a real life saver! If you must drink & drive do so in moderation or in abundance. Also: Friends don't let friends {drink alone} & a mind is a terroristic thing...I crash'd into a drunken driver but he was all right, unrighteous in his state, untelling, unsorry, ****** wasted, late payments lately unpaid...It's all I can do to put skin on your meat & then put that meat on the table, then floorward: dog land, a 1,000 nites + weekends = hurrican' forgetfulness. My teeth filled with cavities...and I: merged with a woman of twice my weight.

— The End —