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Martin Mikelberg Jan 2018
s leep
a nd
n oontime
d reams
m y
a ngels
n od
As I woke up, the haiku appeared in my semi-conscious state.
Kabelo Maverick Jan 2018

The cure to healing is Realing…
The cure to seeking (sicking) is reading

The cure to P.A.I.N. is the above
And so the cure to H.A.T.E. is L.O.V.E.

I know/that place you've been going,
That land where your dreams/were once ample and growing,
Yet lately it seems a darker life you are sowing.
Father I know/that place you've been going.


Shadows of Angels sure do amuse...
Each week that passes my hope dies a little too,
Now I'm heading south/headed straight down with you.
Father I know/that place you've been going.
Father I know that place you are going.

Father! -father,
father, father
father, father
-crushing you to pieces
father, father
father, father
-grinded into dust
father, father
father, father
Mortar/pestle if you must
father, father
father, father
To ashes with your trust
father, father
father, father
A man of morosity,
and I'm in your dust.

A man of morosity,
and I'm in your dust.

You're a man of morosity and I'm in your dust.

s h a t t e r e d
Kabelo Maverick Jun 2018
luv Apr 2024
<b>C</b>radled by night time, stars sharp as syringes
<b>A</b>ngels mingle with demons, shed their wings one by one
<b>N</b>obody cries, no one calls home, no home to call, nowhere to run

<b>I</b> survive into the morning, the sun sets, they say a girl is a gun.

<b>B</b>reaking bread, breaking bones and hearts
<b>U</b>nder the bridge, the train cars pass
<b>M</b>arried to the game, till death do us part.

<b>A</b> quiet pain, the kind that doesn't bleed, but leaves a  scar.

<b>C</b>an you promise me you'll think of me when the ugly turns to art?
<b>I</b> bargain with God, I'll change, just let me make it another night
<b>G</b>otta get myself together, gotta get myself right
<b>A</b>Anchored in pure darkness, I can still remember daylight
<b>R</b>egrets don't care the weather, and clouds won't disperse
<b>E</b>levating myself, come back down feeling worse
<b>T</b>raffic passes overhead, together we dig graves, the truth lurks
<b>T</b>his was fun while it lasted
<b>"E</b>verything was beautiful, and nothing hurt."

— The End —