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Cali Nov 2013
Bone-white moon.
Lacrimosa caught
in the mechanisms.
Can you see me?

Of course not.
I blend in
with the sawgrass
and the catacombs.
With beach glass
and stones the color
of rust. I am a

Can you hear me?
My tragedy is in
the way I keep quiet.
Silence like ashes.
I am ethereal now.

This is my requiem.
Send my regards
to Mykonos.
Burn the screaming harp.
I am subterranean now.
Someday it will all turn
to gold.
Ian Webber Feb 2012
White walls washed with winter
mingle with a breeze born from ocean spray
and wind sails.

There is a smell here. Familiar, unique.
It smells clean. There is a bugambilia tree
in the center with arms outstretched
like Moses a splash of pink
that pitter patters

through streets built by Dr. Seuss.
Delectable delights demand your senses
there is white on white, a deep white
of many coats with white doors and white
walls and white houses and white sand
and white wine and white people

next to the blue sea.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2016
I recently came across my first journal of poetry,
written in my early forties.  A tumultous time in my life, I kept a hand-written journal and the poems flowed.  It began on a (recovery) escape~vacation to Mykonos and many other Greek islands.  Unable to sail, (stuck on Mykonos by fierce winds that grounded even super tankers),  I wrote to pass the time.   Even then, I dated my poems, noting when & where the poem was composed. Themes were employed, that twenty years later, reappear (to my surprise) frequently, in my poems of today (by example, "The Wind of Correction").  Even then, I wrote long, way too long poems, some good and some awful ones. Judge this, one not too harshly, judge it as a first endeavor, simplistic, crude and heartfelt.

What seems to have triggered poetry to be the outlet for my emotional upset, as a father of young children, in the midst of a bitter divorce, was a Greek poet, Cavafy,  that I must have stumbled on during my visit
and a particular poem he wrote in 1908.  I include it the notes in shock and awe, for it unconsciously informed my "style" and seemingly, or unseemingly, still does.

The Geometery of Greece
(His Very First Poem)


the geometry of Greece
is the perfect intersection
of clear blue sky,
right-angled to azure waters,
with puffs of white clouds
to mark off distances

the wind is non-linear,
like feelings,
the wind,
it washes and caresses you,
envelopes and wraps you in
its totality

what it all means is this:

all that I know,
all that I love,
have, got and given,
is leaking and pouring and leaking
from the rectangular shape
what I
now know as,
now call,
my previous life

so now,
the winds of my true self
direct me on a course
that can be plotted
but one day,
one island ahead

no long range planning
on the sailing waters of Greek isles,
the wind does not permit it

the perfect line of the horizon
is not anymore a limiting

the sourcing place from which
the wind comes,
that buffets,
to and fro
carries me forward,
and ever backwards too

this horizon line
that I sail towards,
neither marks nor closes in,
it is always there,
to be sailed to,
ever anew,
to renew


August 6, 1993
the Isle of Mykonos
As Much As You Can
by C. P. Cavafy


And if you can’t shape your life the way you want,
at least try as much as you can
not to degrade it
by too much contact with the world,
by too much activity and talk.

Try not to degrade it by dragging it along,
taking it around and exposing it so often
to the daily silliness
of social events and parties,
until it comes to seem a boring hanger-on.
A question that should be on
Your mind this evening is why?
Why are the people of Greece--
Why is the nation of Greece--getting
Spanked & punished by their EU
German & French economic overlords?
We should be saluting tonight’s
Referendum NO vote results,
The Greek electorate voting against another
Devastating round of economic sanctions,
Voting NO on more years of austere living.
In fact, it should be U.S. foreign policy to
Support complete Greek withdrawal from
The European Union. That’s right:
“Euro No, Drachma naí!”
The EU is fiscal tyranny,
Led by the EU autocrats,
Angela Merkel & whomever is sitting in the
French baby high chair these days.
Isn’t it a strange coincidence that the
EU whip, always seems to be cracking on
Their swarthier brethren,
Their southern European members,
The Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians &,
The Greeks.
The Greeks have had enough.
One would expect nothing less from
These fiercely independent
Hellenistic people.
And you can **** the Greek people
Up their ***** all you want &
Many of them might like it, but
The Greeks will survive,
Survive as they have for nearly 3,000 years,
Give or take a Kalamata olive or two.
We breathe the air of Greek culture,
Deep respiration of so much of
What we still call learning these days.
We owe the Greeks: it was
Greek inception of so much
Math & science &
Countless other right-brain
Spatial ability & logical precision; not to
Mention so many left-brain contributions in
Sociology & ethics,
Politics & democratic government,
Geography & religion,
Education & philosophy,
Sculpture & art, philosophy,
Live theater & literature.
We owe the Greeks.
Had we interceded with the Brits on Greece’s behalf,
Reminding them that we bailed out their sorry ***-cheeks
After two 20th Century world wars, perhaps
The British Museum might have Fedexed
The so-called Elgin Marbles--
Those boosted friezes,
Jacked right off the
Parthenon façade,
Should have Fedexed them back to
"Eleftherios Venizelos,"
Decades ago.
George’s wife, that foxy babe
Amal Clooney sure thinks so.
We owe the Greeks.
The world owes the Greeks.
Let us all help the Greeks.
Let’s encourage them to quit the EU.
To Greeks I say: trust & patience,
You’ve got the sun.
You’ve got the sea.
A clean white landscape,
Ouzo & Retsina,
Spanakopita & Moussaka.
The Greek Islands:
Crete & Mykonos,
Santorini & Corfu,
Rhodes & Ios
Samos & ****** . . .
We owe you.
We love you.
We will come to you.
The sea was
a shade of the
deepest blue,
the waves,
moved by
strong winds
made thousands
of white strokes,
as if touched by
a painter at work,
a seagull, with
black tipped
wings flies
in the sky,
home to the
sun, reflecting
upon the ocean
the brightest
shade of pure
my feet,
clear and
the bringer
of colorful
I allowed the
waters to take
me over,
I closed my
eyes, within
my heart and
soul, still it
the endless
music of the
waves, asking
for my embrace
and calling
me home
Richard j Heby Oct 2015
eye cantaloupe
batshit Midas
writer's iambic
within usurp
ender's egret
nearly Mykonos
orangutan elsewhere
eye dye.
Nat Lipstadt Mar 2016
the puzzle of me
is the puzzle of women,
for they are me.

even my children,
men both,
are the product of

what a delightful miserable puzzle,
running in a circle like

I run run.
I chase chase.
I am pursued / pursue / pursued.

and great joy
in that shiny tin can,
just can't quite be

cause if
I got it,
what then?
I'd just kick that old dented piece of
tin hearted-less man
down a *****, black topped, summer city street.

so does the puzzle's solution
want for solving,
in the not-knowing
is the knowing

women are me.
they hold my answers,
to what - to all - to I don't know.

there are so many women.
there is so much to know.
so many solutions
to the puzzle of me.


August 6, 1993
Mykonos, Greece
twenty three
years long,
the hands suggest,
the heart demands,
the chest heaves,
after a stumbled upon re-read,
asking and answering,
more precisely
once asked,
now answered?

the most satisfying solution proffered,
a humble and most humbling,
more yes than no.

imagine a jig saw puzzle,
of infinite views,
depending on a perspective,
maddening and mysterious,
tortuous and terrifying,
wondrously wonderful,
this no,
that yes,
as time demands
movement, modifications and
self-awareness revisionism.

you try on women,
as they try you too.
this, not a trumping misogony apology,
for women
still and always
the only solution,
for me.

then one day,
marveling miraculous,
a second skin,
so thin you wear it
as art of your own,
and the painter,
and the poet,
find themselves,
contented best,
with but one
subjective perspective.

the answer is subtle.
one woman.
e becomes o,
a subdivided man,
an e,
becomes an

Mar. 25, 2016
Mike Essig Nov 2016
Mykonos, 1969*

I met you on a tourist island
bright beneath the sun.
I met you back when we were both
in love with being young.
I danced with you in an empty bar
and looked into your eyes,
for that only moment you get in life,
I gazed into paradise.
We wandered on together.
We knew it wouldn't last.
Our lives were much too different,
no one escapes their past.
I walked with you on the sand dunes,
I walked with you in the rain,
I walked with you in that instant
before life dissolves into pain.
Where are all those bright days gone,
those days beside the sea,
when the mystery of your freckles
was mystery enough for me.
That was nearly fifty years ago,
but you know I love you still,
for your innocence and your courage,
at a distance, I always will.
You taught me love and beauty,
in a lovely, beautiful land,
I've never quite let go of that,
never quite let go of your hand.
Sarah Apr 2015
What's so
**** about a
cigarette hanging
out of your mouth
an old Russian
a line of
tiny sculptures
Greek and Roman
myths portrayed
in stone?

What's so
thrilling about your
old raincoat
your umbrella stand
the plaid,
    the plaid
the sheets
of all the papers
that you wrote
about Athena
and Mykonos

I can't take any more
stone and plaid
Adrianna Aug 2017
I can't escape my fantasies
Not sure I want to
I exist in many places
I exist all over

What is reality
In a world that functions off the arbitrary?
Am I my day job?
Am I pumping gas at the same station
on the corner near my house
twice a week?
Is my life one extended motion
of muscle memory?
Or am I purely spirit
Soaking up the sun on Mykonos
Kicking up dust in the Paris catacombs
Staring up at the basilica
of the Hagia Sophia?

Maybe I can't escape my fantasies
Because they are real
SCHEDAR Jan 2021
slapping seas
crash up against the asphalt wall
whipping red wine soaked
table cloths
tamed by wobbly carafes
spilling over the
winding bolognese stained cobblestone
Marvel at the windmills
beneath an animated sky
Time ceased to exist
as the two, were absorbed into
the surreal romance of their
first kiss...
Mike Essig Aug 2015
Mykonos, 1969 - for H.M.
"Memory is a kind of accomplishment," - William Carlos Williams

Forty-five years later
I still see you
standing on that
dazzling Greek beach
wearing nothing
but your bikini bottoms
and an innocent grin.

A vision like that
can last a man
a lifetime.

Where are you now
smiling Venus?

Where am I?

Parable Simadiris: “in some pieces sheltered in the chest of a visitor, would be the precious and brilliant fractions of this resident Simadiris. He said the one who came from far away and that all the treasures were kept in his breastplate and not in his memory. A day that was actually several years of darkness, where he did not know anything about the gift of walking, Mykonos being his goal as a traveler, walking through the streets that besieged him around him and that melted before his sight too, he could continue to see them all turned into buttery chocolate, which was exhibited by the windows of the houses for more than five hundred years. Since he was a child Simadiris wanted to taste a bite with all the value of the truffle or rather want to decorate it with his hands and lips, to tell everyone that he had achieved it. However, one day he made a mistake, wanting to return the truffle bite to the melted walls that were in front of his gaze, being able to verify that they were tours of his memory that he snatched it away for a low and high price, then asking Helios for the option from renting a piece of Light to him, to observing the quadri-cycles that came to leave him more options, they were four portions of his consciousness of the flavor turned into transits of his reminiscence. Being very narrow the space that remained of his chest, he made more space in his memory and what he ate of the remaining piece of chocolate truffle, then he regurgitated it on the panoramic of his hands, seeing that everyone left their houses eating the same as he"

Parable Koumadoro: “almost a thousand years it took a resident of a small temple house in the Koumaro Forests to refer to the destruction of other forests that were with phosphorescent roots of the imaginary Arcadia, thus seeing other trees reborn from other tree roots under stubborn physical laws, leading to other pilgrim shrubs to their patron Koumadoro, who in coeternal clarions of voices enchanted in the ear of the gentle Koumadoro. Once hearing from the greatest sages that his forest would suffer a great flood and that it was going to devastate the forest of his ancestors, he then approached from a consumed ford towards the yawn of Zeus, to wield his vanity and enjoy the presence of Astrea asking him for one of his converting rays for the inter-pause of a natural yellow-ray and so that it should not be obscured by victorious borders and radiosities from the constellation Virgo. Then the feminine defense factor of the creation of the world, he reconverted the hectares of Koumaro Forest in divine masculinity, condemning and freezing the flow of water that threatened to invade them. Then Koumadoro cut off his beard and hair to look different, thus seeing that the goddess Astrea sponsored the lush gallant possessing the true frenzy of a warrior figure, she snatches him by pronouncing…: “your face and silhouette will moan with joy from the streams and hair of the cypress, turning you into the forest on the forest, like undulations and beards that split from them ”. Koumadoro noticing that all this exaltation turned him into dawn and that he hugged him on the heterogeneous trees, he falls like a volumetric torrent of water that dared to pass over himself, baptizing him in small streams of water, but of unequal volume and swollen shyness with almost nothing nor anyone being able to make a stream in his sight, only making water of equal volume flow, but volatilized by the glasses of Koumadoro "

(Procoro sweated through his hands, remembering that he lived in this moment. While the hours passed by his tunic like carriers that rotate through the interstices of Simadiris, a small spring rain fell on his face, through the desolate alleys and that uncertainly rained truffles on his investiture chambers, in places that always rains hope of rebirth)
Parables Simadiris / Koumadoro
Jim Davis Oct 2023
We touched antiquities...
as relics in memories...
in poetically sorrowful times...
Thessaloniki, Kalabaka, Patka, Mykonos, Delos, Santorini climes
Stood whereon Paul preached...
Phillip's Alexander lived to die...
far before Lord Byron romanticized
Ferried blue and white seas...
flapping blues and whites in skies
Prowled upon Holstein grounds...
amongst surreal beings, windmills, cats, drifting sails and olive pounds
Whilst grasping threads of life...
with love's memories...
losing all to time

©  2023 Jim Davis
Continuing my poem "Touching" with a trip to Greece

— The End —